- Comment on Anon creates a business plan 3 months ago:
Tips aren’t included in the meal prices over here (Wales), our servers just get paid actual wages for the actual job that they’re doing.
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
For those that didn’t see the rest of this tweet, Frankie Hawkes is in fact a dog. A pretty cute dog, for what it’s worth.
- Comment on Seeking feedback: how should move forward with external images? (related to frequent broken images) 5 months ago:
I’m in favour of Option 3, privacy concerns considered.
User experience is big for me here, the broken images are something of a frustration that I’ve been dealing with for a while now, so the option to combat that is a clear winner for me.
Also, I want to thank you for coming to us for feedback, yet another reason I’m glad I decided to settle here on
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
I imagine we all have different use cases, my idea of Lemmy succeeding may not be your idea.
That being said, as a replacement for Reddit, where I can scroll through the top say 50 posts once or twice a day, it absolutely fits the bill.
Engagement is much better for me here, I imagine due to the smaller size of the community, that lends itself to their being much less useless garbage comments and much more constructive or informative discussion.
The above being said, I do wish there were more people here.
- Comment on Anon lives in the midwest 5 months ago:
Absolutely fair enough, I’m just a somewhat ignorant Welsh man!
They have only ever been described here as American/Native American.
Though now that you mention this, Cowboys & Indians suddenly makes a lot more sense to me.
- Comment on Anon lives in the midwest 5 months ago:
Are there actually Amish people in India?
I can’t tell if this is real or not.
- Comment on Notice for all moderators: please check the moderation policy 10 months ago:
Great work as always, will make sure to be concise as possible in the future with mod log reasonings, should I need to!
Cheers team.
- Comment on is dead 1 year ago:
Is it just me that has had zero problems? I can’t say I even understand half of what you’re talking about here.
I run a community here and I’ve had essentially 0 issues that weren’t addressed appropriately quickly by the admin team.
Have fun elsewhere.
- Comment on When this post is 6 hours old, will be going down for an upgrade 1 year ago:
Look forward to a lot of the features this will bring, thanks.
- Comment on What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? 1 year ago:
I believe that has some relevance to the story but honestly I haven’t tried that one.
- Comment on What game has a great story and is worth the time investment? 1 year ago:
I’ll throw my hat in the ring and say - the newer Wolfenstein series.
Incredible story, Incredible gameplay with choices that matter, and a lot of content to occupy your time across the like 3-4 games.
- Comment on Armored Core - Show off your Tank Cores 1 year ago:
Appreciate the info.
- Comment on Armored Core - Show off your Tank Cores 1 year ago:
People that have played this – Are you enjoying it? Would it be okay for me to jump in and play this new one and not miss anything story wise, provided I’ve never played any of the others? Or should I be looking to at least looking to learn the story so far with the other games before attempting to play this new one?
Thanks in advance!
- Comment on New MMORPG 1 year ago:
To add to the above, there is also an absolutely massive modding scene for Ark, that can add anything from hundreds of new dinosaurs, to NPC’s, to new structures and mechanics.
A lot of fun to be had with Ark, doubly so if you can convince some friends to give it a go with you.
- Comment on New MMORPG 1 year ago:
WoW (Private Servers)
GW2 (Personal fave out of these)
I also hear New World has vastly improved since launch but I’ve not played it since beta so I can’t really say.
- Comment on Andrew Malkinson: Man who spent 17 years in jail for crime he didn't commit won't have to repay prison living costs 1 year ago:
Yeah, the fact that
Man who spent 17 years in jail for crime he didn’t commit won’t have to repay prison living costs
Is even a headline is absolutely beyond me – things have been getting pretty bad over here in the UK. This post would honestly fit in ‘NotTheOnion’.