- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 1 week ago:
Lmao. The “organic” labeling has made it to electronics.
- Comment on Why are tornado sirens only for tornadoes and not other severe storm events? 2 weeks ago:
It’s hard enough to get people to respect the sirens when they’re for tornados. Use them for other shit and people will straight up ignore them.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 3 weeks ago:
The Vietnam one is wrong. That’s a specialty banh mi. For what they call a ‘hot dog’ they slice them down the sides then fry them on a stick.
- Comment on AI Traning 4 weeks ago:
Irrelevant Human exceptionalism. Just because something is copyable doesn’t inherently make it worse. Just as something being difficult to obtain doesn’t make it inherently better.
- Comment on AI Traning 4 weeks ago:
No. They create derivations of content they consumed prior. Most of them will even post their “inspirations” along with their derivations. And no one gives a shit.
- Comment on AI Traning 4 weeks ago:
I don’t really. I don’t go to or buy any of those. Haven’t in decades. “Artists” like to think WAAAAAAY to highly of themselves and their work.
- Comment on AI Traning 4 weeks ago:
Artists do the same shit and demand money for it.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Just remember the loophole.
- Comment on Palworld developer Pocketpair launches Pocketpair Publishing 5 weeks ago:
Hopefully they use some of it to finish their first game craftopia.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
This is a huge piece of context missing from the OP.
- Comment on Anon trying understanding women 1 month ago:
Lmfao. “Very small chance” my fucking ass. This is incredibly common.
- Comment on RFK Jr.’s Lawyer Has Asked the FDA to Revoke Polio Vaccine Approval 2 months ago:
Every case of it going forward he should be charged with a murder. Any families that lose people because of these ass hats shenanigans need to be ready to sue them directly and personally. Preferably criminally rather than civilly.
- Comment on Global Electricity Demand Is Rising Faster Than Expected, I.E.A. Says | A surge in power use worldwide could make it harder for nations to slash emissions and keep global warming in check. 4 months ago:
This was absolutely expected. Nuclear proponents have been screaming this since everyone started shutting down reactors. The only thing unexpected is how short people’s memories are.
- Comment on Anon lives in the midwest 4 months ago:
No what’s ‘weird’ is so many not understanding that ‘weird’ isn’t automatically negative. or maybe more disturbing that so many automatically go there at first instinct.
- Comment on Anon lives in the midwest 4 months ago:
Someone has never been to a reservation and it shows.
- Comment on What a prompt 5 months ago:
This is a bigger problem. I do enjoy the natural lessons Yellowstone gives to so many visitors though. Those vids are usually amusing to a degree. I’m a sucker for schedenfraud.
- Comment on What a prompt 5 months ago:
Or they’ve never met a human. It’s a learned fear.
- Comment on [Technology Connections] Thermoelectric cooling: it's not great. 5 months ago:
Many small and temporary/rented setups.
- Comment on Why I Quit Driving and Started Taking the Bus (Standup) 5 months ago:
Let me guess. Cause he lives where busses actually run. Shocked pikachu.
- Comment on Threw a wrestling watch party, made special food, and was very disappointed in the outcome. 5 months ago:
Root Beer in the UK I thought that was a US thing.
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
It’s what Decaprio does so…
- Comment on Anon explains the 2nd amendment 5 months ago:
Lmao. “Can’t just bomb the enemy”. Someone hasn’t been paying attention.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 5 months ago:
SEO became too well known and is now filled with bullshit.
- Comment on Anon misses something 5 months ago:
I have been specifically and repeatedly told women at work don’t want flirting or any other interpersonal interactions. So that shit is shut completely off when in public.
- Comment on Qanga is an indie Star Citizen in a seamless universe with no loading screens 5 months ago:
Don’t care at all. That is precisely what ai is for.
- Comment on Jack Black as Minecraft Steve, but animated 5 months ago:
Terrible. Just terrible. This isn’t Red v Blue the movie.
- Comment on Real heros wear 15 cops on their back 6 months ago:
That’s the face of a man who’s already won