- Comment on 5 Soothing Solutions for Back Pain Relief (That Actually Work!) 💆♂️✨ 4 hours ago:
Get fucked loser
- Comment on I got one..... 2 days ago:
Sorry bud, but she in my Dm’s too
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
- Comment on Is Taylor Swift a lyrical genius or is she just mid? | SubwayTakes w/ Kareem Rahma [26:08] 1 week ago:
Mid and basic. Perfect for normies
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Step 1, dig big hole, step two, become one with tge ant people, step 3 never see daylight again
- Comment on absolute lifestyle 1 week ago:
I needed my wisdom teeth pulled, started smoking crack instead of paying those con artists aka “dentists”. Anyways i was in crazy pain cuz my wisdom teeth were on the move. Started smoking crack and them hoes fell out all on they own. And my dentist wanted like 2k for that??? Like yeah no thanks ill take the crack
Speaking of which, any of yall got any crack??? Will pay in handies
- Comment on them - "wHy iS tHe MeSsAgE fOcUsEd oN tHeM? whAt AbOuT mE?!", also them - "bUt tEsla iS bEiNG sPeciFiCalLy TaRgETeD" 1 week ago:
Except those disgusting n*zi sympathizers and suppliers during WWII. I’m of course referrinh to BMW
- Comment on Thinkpad for the win 2 weeks ago:
It really is. I once dated a girl that would rip on me for having a Samsung. She said she needed an iPhone for work cause she takes a lot of pics and uses socials a lot. She couldn’t fathom that my Samsung could do all of that and arguably more
- Comment on No title 2 weeks ago:
My grandma had a painting of a woman playing a guitar underneath a tree by a river that gave me nightmares, idk why but that painting put the fear of god in me
- Comment on Anon has brand loyalty 3 weeks ago:
Quit being such a, neet sin boi, and repent for your sins or whatever
- Comment on Can trump make it so I can sell my citizenship for 5 million dollars? 3 weeks ago:
Doubt. If anyone is gonna profit off of his half baked idea then it’ll be him, no one else
- Comment on Either a grocery store order went wrong or Coca-Cola strikes again 3 weeks ago:
Stuff probably makes your dick shrink and gives you cancer anyway
- Comment on Are you a chicken? 3 weeks ago:
Are you child cause I really want to
Wait nvm
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 3 weeks ago:
He’s the most frumpy looking dude on earth
- Comment on 4 more months and I can quit one of my part time jobs. 3 weeks ago:
Retirement is nothing but a fantasy. I own a home and the only way I can think of Retirement is if I sell it, then what though??? Live under an overpass slamming heroin every night just to stay warm?? I won’t rule it out but still
- Comment on He's taking some deep drags on that Marlboro as he considers what to do 3 weeks ago:
Dear Jesus, plz flood the earth amen
- Comment on Surprise! 3 weeks ago:
Little guy probably there recommended a better air filter setup. Those fipk’s are garbage
- Comment on Clap them cheeks 3 weeks ago:
I wonder how massive dinosaurs had sex. Those big ass tails would be hella in the way
- Comment on Ribbit 3 weeks ago:
I had a female bun make a burrow in my backyard underneath a brush pile i had going. She gave birth to about 4 to 6 baby buns.
Well spring came and needed to to start cleaning up the yard so I start weed eating around said brush pile.
The noise i was making scared alll the baby buns and they came running out of their home. I hit one with weed eater by accident. It laid there breathing heavily bleeding and unable to run. I gave it 30 minutes to see if it would get up and run away. It never got up.
So I did what needed to be done and put the little baby out of its misery. I smashed it with a very large rock very swift and quickly. That was hard to do.
I held a funeral for it and buried it in my yard. Rest in peace little bun, im so sorry 😞
- Comment on The eyes creep me out. Even I wouldnt be able to focus on the job 3 weeks ago:
Only tall folks get the glory hole??
That’s like discrimination or whatever
- Comment on Even my rubber duckies are sad 4 weeks ago:
I like to sneak up behind my friend and grab him up super tight a scream struggle snuggle time while he fights and claws to get away. He says he hates it but we both know h e lyin
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
This is Josh angel. I dead least night, did you ever luv him or do u only like demons
- Comment on Tough Talk 4 weeks ago:
By liking a 4 year old post at 2 am of them at tge lake
- Comment on Look at the shitty world sober people have carefully crafted around you. Drugs aren't the problem, they are the solution. 4 weeks ago:
I would be absolutely thrilled to try mdma therapy. Too bad maps keeps getting blocked by legislature with big pharma in their pockets
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 4 weeks ago:
Tons of people here are going to say yes and that’s your dad is a pos. This is a question with life long implications, that you’re asking strangers. Do you want validation for cutting your dad out of your life? Cause that’s all youll get here. Only you know the answer to this question
- Comment on We need you Not Sure! 4 weeks ago:
Elon has such little boy shoulders. Seriously, he looks like an old lady pushing a walker trying to hold up that saw
- Comment on Common Sense Self Defence (1977) - an instructional film about women's self-defense created by Mary Conrad, and featuring Gene Rayburn of Match Game 5 weeks ago:
She forgot the classic “that’s my purse, I don’t know you” nut shot technique
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 5 weeks ago:
You want children to vote?? Children will vote for whomever their parents vote for.
Jfc were beyond repair
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Have you tried actual otc hemorrhoid cream?
- Comment on Layoffs every 2 years 5 weeks ago:
If you’re young enough the trades are definitely a good idea. If you’re 35 yo or older I wouldn’t risk it, for one youll be paid very very low starting out, two the trades are very hard on your body, and this is coming from a guy that switched to the trades late in life.
Hang in there dude or dudette. Youll be ok in the end