- Comment on Common Sense Self Defence (1977) - an instructional film about women's self-defense created by Mary Conrad, and featuring Gene Rayburn of Match Game 13 hours ago:
She forgot the classic “that’s my purse, I don’t know you” nut shot technique
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 20 hours ago:
You want children to vote?? Children will vote for whomever their parents vote for.
Jfc were beyond repair
- Comment on [deleted] 20 hours ago:
Have you tried actual otc hemorrhoid cream?
- Comment on Layoffs every 2 years 20 hours ago:
If you’re young enough the trades are definitely a good idea. If you’re 35 yo or older I wouldn’t risk it, for one youll be paid very very low starting out, two the trades are very hard on your body, and this is coming from a guy that switched to the trades late in life.
Hang in there dude or dudette. Youll be ok in the end
- Comment on Add a new wall and just ignore the light 1 day ago:
Eh, shit like this is pretty common when the customer wants it done quickly and cheap. As that’s an office setting I can almost guarantee that’s what was asked
- Comment on no title 1 day ago:
Needs more drivers seat truck selfies but still accurate and a bio that starts off like, "single cat dad, 55 yo, looking for a young feline thing to spoil, if you’ve had kittens before then keep scrolling, find some lefty cuck to take care of those tom cat bastards "
- Comment on meirl 2 days ago:
I think you missed a 1 in front of that 9
- Comment on Why are tornado sirens only for tornadoes and not other severe storm events? 3 days ago:
Folks need to know what type of emergency they’re preparing for
- Comment on P.R.I.D.E 3 days ago:
That’s pretty handy. I had no clue
- Comment on P.R.I.D.E 3 days ago:
How can yall read this, shits blurrier than a Japanese porno
- Comment on please punish me 4 days ago:
Everyone here saying it’s a boomer trait when in reality it’s just a toxic partner trait
- Comment on Those damn woke corners. 4 days ago:
We’re gonna go fast and tuuuurn to tha left sometimes
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
What happens between me and my couches sweet soft microfiber crevices are me and her
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
Sex in any sort of water scenario is way overrated. Give me the bed,floor, couch pretty anywhere but water
- Comment on Ode to Internet - V.90 56k dialup modem handshake for orchestra 1 week ago:
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 1 week ago:
Just like how tvs, phones and computers won’t stop ads until you make full eye contact with the screen with volume up. It’s not here yet but I bet by 2030 we’ll have must watch ads
- Comment on Many workers would take a pay cut to work from home — some would forgo at least 20% of their salary 1 week ago:
Pfft, speak for yourself. What utter bs this article. Some real "journalism " going on here
- Comment on Life_IRL 1 week ago:
I get paid> immediately calculate disposable income> illness,vehicle repair >house repair come up= broke again ==extra bummed
- Comment on Babyllionaire Musk got r/whitepoepletwitter banned 1 week ago:
Whitepeopletwitter was a cancer on the internet. While I don’t agree with it being banned, it was an awful, endless far left echo chamber. As a person on the left myself, they made us look bad
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 2 weeks ago:
Ok. But the first one i see and im canceling
- Comment on I got the money saved in my mansions safe. 2 weeks ago:
I’m one bad sickness or injury away from being financially bankrup
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 3 weeks ago:
My tacoms 4wd knob is directly next to the ac knob. It’s crazy stupid
- Comment on Are dating apps a fraud since the beginning? 3 weeks ago:
Idk what to tell you. Are you following rules 1 and 2 of online dating cause while I haven’t settled down with a woman yet, I’ve met multiple gfs through tinder and bumble. Some lasted years
- Comment on Mental Healthcare costs thousands of dollars and is hard to access? That's *crazy*! 3 weeks ago:
I’ve been to grippy sock jail before. Plus side You get snack time, arts and crafts sleepy meds, down side your roommate may throw poo at you
- Comment on The US is actually going to implement a nationwide abortion ban and the measures for how it's gonna be handled are already in the works 4 weeks ago:
I drove to a friend to Kansas last year for an abortion. I still don’t know if it was mine. Either way if those services weren’t available then she would have suffered tremendously by having that baby. As badly as I wanted that baby to be mine it didn’t matter in the end because it’s her body not mine. It’s a simple as that and fuck anyone that wants to take those rights away
- Comment on Hold on! 4 weeks ago:
Can you tan your butthole?
- Comment on "The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it's moving America toward a fascist theocracy" - Frank Zappa, 1986 4 weeks ago:
Irv from mdr don’t fuck around beuh
- Comment on Always a fan of simple instructions on how to do everyday things 4 weeks ago:
Right hand in in right hand. Yup yup, i shake every woman’s hand before kissing her cupids bow
- Comment on A tribute to our extroverted human ambassadors. Thanks for being our translator. 5 weeks ago:
Does that Grey alien got tiddies. Men, I must voyage into the unknown fir thr ultimate space nut
- Comment on Super Mario Brother time? 5 weeks ago:
I’m not saying someone should shoot the ceo of progressive but…