- Comment on Life goals 1 week ago:
When he carries it away afterwards, is that sex trafficking?
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 1 week ago:
Theres been several incidences worldwide of people driving cars into crowds of people and I dont want to get accused of domestic terrorism or have to beat a bunch of public endangerment charges in court.
OK, that’s true, I hadn’t considered that part of it. But as I said it was a quite fast idea.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 1 week ago:
Your comment is the fifth from the top in my view. And I had already decided to crash a car without airbags into the sign. Why wait for the wee hours? Just do it®
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
My main reason to get a new phone the last 20 years have been “oh shit, phone’s broken, I need a phone”
But I understand people who buy from shit companies with shit support and 5 days of updates. They didn’t take updates into account and suddenly they find themselves vulnerable…
But flagship phones? GTFO! There’s an order to what stuff should cost ie. a home > a car > a months rent/mortgage > a months groceries > a phone
When phones jumped groceries I shook my head, and now where flagship phones are in the rent/beater car territory… Wtf?!? How are people getting this kind of spending money?
- Comment on Gottem. :) 3 weeks ago:
Does it? In my experience alcohol can delay gravity
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 3 weeks ago:
Ah, enterprise role playing
Also known as “a job”
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
SJW here and I just wandered in, but now I’m grabbing the popcorn and a seat
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose vigilante justice. 4 weeks ago:
That’s a great first step.
Second step is popping back in the store and getting the cheapest bike chain locks, or wire locks for luggage, and attaching the trolleys, closest to the car, to each other and the coral. Three locks should do it.
Third step would be even more vindictive. Maybe crossing some line, IDK. But whole in the shop, pick up some nails or thumbtacks. I’ll let what you do with the tacks be up to your imagination, but I’ll bet the driver won’t notice stuff on the ground behind the wheels in their rage over the locked trolleys.
Fourth step, move your car so that the situation is observable, and wait. Do not let the driver know about your existence.
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 4 weeks ago:
A general “fuck you and the horse you rode in on” goes out to all car designers, who put buttons under hidden beneath the wheel at all.
My car has a heated steering wheel, but the button is between the wheel and the door, in the second row on the left. Guess what I can’t see when I’m driving. Lane assist? Same. And it’s not like missing the button is inconsequential either, one button on that row is opening the charging port. Probably wouldn’t open while doing 90km/h, but I’d not finding out in the first place.
Meanwhile the center console has multiple blank place holders where physical buttons could be installed, and my car has all the options is fully optioned. Just move the buttons, that you could want to use while driving, so they are actually visible.
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 4 weeks ago:
Worst offender I’ve found to date is Peugeot, which my job so wisely chose for our company cars consistently. I think the CFO was in a lodge with the local Peugeot dealer or something.
Over time I’ve driven the 107, 207, and the 208, as well as I tried to fit in the EV versions of the 208 and 2008 recently when hunting for a second car. To date I’ve not found a Peugeot that I can comfortably get in and out of, while also fitting without hitting the roof. Ended up getting a Renault Zoe, which seems like the same size as a 208. But even without height adjustable seats I can still fit in it.
Also, fuck car designers who hide buttons under hidden beneath the wheel at all.
- Comment on Anon's date has a third degree burn 1 month ago:
Doctors have a lot of ‘go away and leave me alone’ statements that are mostly meant to just get you out the door.
Not just phrases, there’s a whole set of strategies.
I’ve lost count of the times my kids have been dismissed with a GTFO bandage and sent on their way. About half the time we’ve been called back the day after, when the orthopedic attendings have taken a look at what the residents screwed up over night.
- Comment on Please explain this to me. Are consumers that dumb?!? 1 month ago:
Brings to mind the old Liz Phair banger H.W.C. In which case I agree, “beauty fluid” is cross … and probably overpriced, given about half of the population is able to produce it at home for free.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 1 month ago:
About half a cup or so, but when I forget the semen knife it clogs the drain real fast
- Comment on Anon degoogles his Samsung 1 month ago:
Every DRM related app afterwards: WARNING! This phone is running insecure software and is incompatible with this service.
And before you tell me just to not use Netflix in my phone, I’m talking about a government app that lets me authenticate and without which I can’t read official messages or login to any government or banking service.
So if I want to survive as an adult Dane, I pretty much have to figure out which company I would like to get sodomized by, and which is less of a clingy little bitch afterwards.
- Comment on Anon is SpongeBob 2 months ago:
Maybe they just found a partner who evolved like themself? It doesn’t become a shitty choice for OP, just because you couldn’t imagine it working for you. It would be a shitty choice for OP if it didn’t work for OP
- Comment on Get stoned. 2 months ago:
Classic DIY landlord story. Had a coworker who bought a derelict house, which he split into “apartments” and did all maintenance himself. For him, tenant turnover was pure profit - he’d grab the cheapest paint from the supermarket, slap it on everything (outlets included), give the floors a quick once-over, and pocket the full security deposit. Three months’ rent for a Saturday’s “work.”
His favorite scam? Convincing tenants to pay deposits in cash because it would be “easier to return” from his safe. Several times a year he’d pocket thousands in untaxed cash since there was “no paper trail.” Tenant turnover was his real income stream - much better than dealing with those pesky long-term renters always complaining about moldy walls, leaky faucets and unplowed snow.
Last I heard, he was trying to unload the place on Facebook Marketplace. Don’t know why, maybe the IRS (or tax daddy, as it’s colloquially known in Danish) got wind of his cash flow.
- Comment on questions about sex toys: would it be a bad idea to fully insert a vibrating egg in my bum? 2 months ago:
He should have gone to the Anne Frank museum
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
Wait, those games came on CD? I thought they came as ISOs with a nocd_patch.exe
- Comment on master manipulators 2 months ago:
Marking your territory probably didn’t help you either
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
Lesson I learned the hard way: if any study comes around on your satisfaction, don’t answer it. If management comes asking why you haven’t answered the study, apologize, you’ve been swamped, you’ll get get right on it, and you lie your ass off.
- Comment on everybody liked that 2 months ago:
No. He was not a “mass shooter”. Mass shooters shoot innocent civilians en masse. This guy was an assassin. One target, one goal.
While I obviously agree that it can’t be described accurately as a mass shooting, I still wonder:
Do the victims need to be innocent for it to be a mass shooting?
From a philosophical POV there’s a issue of defining what an innocent person is (I mean some Christian societies will say that nobody’s innocent). Is innocence to be judged through the eyes of the shooter or society?
Anyway, that wasn’t the point I set out to make, so let’s set that aside.
Suppose one was to go to a convention of child molesters, war criminals, and nazi death camp guards, and you start shooting indescribably. I hope we can agree that members of the categories listed should be classified as “not innocents” by any contemporary standard. Even if only people guilty of the previously mentioned things got hit, wouldn’t it still be a mass shooting once a certain number had been shot?
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 2 months ago:
Well, if you stab some potatoes, circumcise a cauliflower, and proceed to nunchuck a bag of flour … Then it might just have been a grocery list and now you’re not allowed in the store anymore
- Comment on What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? 2 months ago:
Way to make me feel old, I don’t know any of those games.
Where’s my late 90s early 2000s gamers at?
I’m going to nominate:
- Fallout (1997) for plot twists and introducing (to me at least) open world role playing.
- Fallout 2 (1998) for further plot twists
- Max Payne (2001) for stealing bullet time from the matrix and putting it in a game
- Mafia (2002) for being a kick ass game that would blow your mind, by making 6 hours of your night disappear, and not lifting the lid on that plot twist before you heard the birds start singing, and realize that you should probably hit the shower and get to school.
- Comment on What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? 2 months ago:
I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic, but your comment is so true it hurts. When you first figure out how minesweeper works, your mind is blown away.
- Comment on Meaty lifehack 2 months ago:
Have you tried sulfuric acid on organic matter? Found some H2SO4 when I was a kid and began pouring it on stuff, plants and chicken shit were really good for an orange cloud… Don’t stand down wind
- Comment on Meaty lifehack 2 months ago:
Don’t use an acid for mammalian necromass. I hear that NaOH should be a good degreaser…
That or pigs apparently. If you already have the body in parts, don’t put in the freezer for your mom locate. I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies’ digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don’t want to go sievin’ through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, “as greedy as a pig”.
Actually, you could let the pigs it all, lock, stock, and barrels, and then use a healthy dose of lye (that’s the NaOH from before) to treat the pigs’ shit for any left over solids. I’m not much of a chemist, but I do reckon that you’re left with any identifiable pieces after that ordeal.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
[…] the percentage of trans people in the US between 1999 and now would’ve been on an upward trajectory […]
A larger fraction of the population in most western countries are certainly openly trans now, than were in 1999. But I don’t know about all trans people, I think the fraction has stayed the same, but coming out has become easier (I’m not saying that it’s easy, I’m saying that I believe that it’s easier than in 1999)
But let’s assume that you’re right, and fewer people used to be trans compared to the population size. That would mean fewer expected school shootings by trans people. Which could explain how the expected interval in my calculations is 2-7 shooters while we’ve only seen one. Once again confirming that trans people are just people.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
With trans people making up 0.5-1.6% of the US population, wouldn’t it be strange if not a single school shooter was trans?
That question lead me down a rabbit hole: There have been 417 school shootings since Columbine in 1999…/school-shootings-database/
I don’t have statistics on the number of school shootings perpetrated by multiple people. But I suspect that it’s a miniscule number. So I’m going to go with 417 individuals carrying out acts counted as school shootings. And not to try to be John Oliver or something, but what counts as a school shooting may be as little as this numbnuts who shot them self in the leg in a high school parking lot…/lockdown-lifted-at-glades-central-high….
0.5% of 417 is 2.1 and 1.6% is 6.7.
Meaning that somewhere between 2 and 7 trans school shooters would indicate that trans people are just as likely as cis people to carry out school shootings. That only a single shooter has been trans, may not be statistically significant, as we’re dealing with integers and it’s pretty darn close.
So I’m left to conclude that being trans isn’t significant in being a school shooter. Trans people may just be as fucked up as the rest of us.
What I’m more interested in is how the trans man in Nashville in 2023 would have counted, if this statistic didn’t only cover until 2022…/active-shooters-us-schools-by-gend…
- Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 3 months ago:
And it’s not on me to find the burden of truth for you. That’s a logical fallacy and a bad arguing tactic
FFS I wasn’t trying to argue with you. Since you quoted some very specific numbers, I thought that you had done some recent research on the matter, and thus had an up to date knowledge of the current studies. In that case copy pasting said references from endnote should have taken 30 seconds and provided the community with a lot of valuable info.
I wasn’t trying to get you to search for studies that would back up your claims, I thought you had them already.
Why does asking for citations equal arguing? Where did I even hint that I thought you were wrong? I very much tried to make my intentions clear, yet everyone still think that I’m some smuck smart-ass trying to win an argument … an argument I wasn’t even part of to begin with.
- Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 3 months ago:
Thanks for clarifying. And if writing concise was an Olympic discipline, you’d be in the elite compared to me :)