- Comment on Is it possible to design a (pen and paper) cipher that is secure against government cryptanalysis for at least 10 years? 4 hours ago:
I’m certainly not an expert.
But could you generate pads from mutually accessible data sources?
Like use hit_me_baby_one_more_time_not_a_virus.mp3 appended with a password, as a seed in a pseudo random number generating algorithm, then do the same thing with another data source, repeat however many times, then XOR the generated numbers together, and use the result as a pad?
- Comment on TSA now offers you a choice 1 day ago:
I always go pat down. I prefer to understand the scope of the privacy violation way also I think it’s good to have a physical reminder of the ways our privacy is invaded.
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 4 weeks ago:
At least Removed Richard keeps it as an adjective instead of making it a verb.
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 1 month ago:
Ahh yes sexual harassment for hire. Great idea. Maybe we should have an MMA experience we can order for our foes too.
- Comment on Return to monke 2 months ago:
“I must destroy all evidence of this”
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 2 months ago:
I mean both really
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
I reckon if you’re doing the work involved in managing a rental property yourself, you’re doing work and providing a service.
If you expect an employee/contractor to do all that for you, but to still collect profits: what would you say you do here?
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 2 months ago:
I support robust enforcement of anti hate speech laws. In fact I’ve reported hate speech/ hatecrime to the police before.
We’re not talking about laws, we’re talking about social media platform policies.
Social media platforms connect people from regions with different hatespeech laws so " enforcing hatespeech laws" is impossible to do consistently.
If users engage in crimes using the platform they are subject to the laws that they are subject to.
I don’t care that it’s legal to advocate for genocide where a preacher is located, or at the corporation’s preferred jurisdiction, I don’t want my son reading it.
The question was is: there a way a platform can be totally free speech and stop hate speech. I think the answer is “kinda”
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 2 months ago:
I think it may be possible if you understand a difference between the right to speak and the right to be heard.
Ie the right to say something doesn’t create an obligation in others to hear it, nor to hear you in the future.
If I stand up on a milk crate in the middle of a city park to preach the glory of closed source operating systems, it doesn’t infringe my right to free speech if someone posts a sign that says “Microsoft shill ahead” and offers earplugs at the park entrance. People can choose to believe the sign or not.
A social media platform could automate the signs and earplugs. By allowing users to set thresholds of the discourse acceptable to them on different topics, and the platform could evaluate (through data analysis or crowd sourced feedback) whether comments and/or commenters met that threshold.
I think this would largely stop people from experiencing hatespeech, (one they had their thresholds appropriately dialed in) and disincentivize hatespeech without actually infringing anybody’s right to say whatever they want.
There would definitely be challenges though.
If a person wants to be protected from experiencing hatespeech they need to empower some-one/thing to censor media for them which is a risk.
Properly evaluating content for hatespeech/ otherwise objectionable speech is difficult. Upvotes and downvotes are an attempt to do this in a very coarse way. That/this system assumes that all users have a shared view of what content is worth seeing on a given topic and that all votes are equally credible. In a small community of people, with similar values, that aren’t trying to manipulate the system, it’s a reasonable approach. It doesn’t scale that well.
- Comment on The Prisoner's Trolley Problemma 3 months ago:
Yeah that’s a good point. Maybe I should amend my statement to say something like:
If this seems like an absurd hypothetical, consider reframing it. Multiply all the numbers by a factor of between 1,000 to 1,000,000 and make them “our soldiers”, “bystanders” and “enemy soldiers” respectively.
- Comment on The Prisoner's Trolley Problemma 3 months ago:
I think these scenarios might be easier to analyze if we made them a bit more realistic.
Like isn’t this an analogy for military intervention? If we empower our military to be proactive, we can save one “good guy” ^^Tm by killing 3 “worthless foreigners”. But if NATO’s adversaries are participating too we lose 3 of our “good guy” ^^Tm.
- Comment on Donald Trump's sentencing was postponed to after the election to avoid any assistance of election interference. Can he be sentenced while he is President Elect? 3 months ago:
Yeah I agree that can’t keep him locked up, but could they jail him, because honestly that isn’t nothing. Obviously it’s career suicide for anyone involved but you know.
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 73 comments
- Comment on The Divine Dick 3 months ago:
Yeah, and I’m positing that the probability he did not have a penis is at least 0.5%.
- Comment on The Divine Dick 3 months ago:
The Bible is not accurate regarding Jesus’ early life.
I don’t think it’s wrong to exercise an iota of skepticism.
Was Luke there at the circumcision? What was his source?
Wouldn’t Jesus being trans and Luke being misinformed (or actually trying to avoid outting him) explain why there isn’t really any testimony about Jesus’s life during puberty? It was an incredibly misogynistic era right? Is it inconceivable for a person without a penis to try to pass as a man in that era?
If a person can better appreciate Jesus by understanding him as a trans-man should a christian tell them they’re wrong? Does it put them in spiritual jeopardy? Is it dishonest to say “maybe”? I don’t think so.
- Comment on The Divine Dick 3 months ago:
Jesus on the other hand 100% had a dick.
Oh did they find his body?
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
At least there are no centrists in here claiming it’s 3.5
- Comment on Anon lives in the midwest 4 months ago:
Right I get that, but the underlying value that the prohibitions are designed around is promoting humility and preventing vanity.
- Comment on Anon lives in the midwest 4 months ago:
I don’t think jewelry wearing is compatible with the Amish conception of propriety and modesty but I’m not going to say it wouldn’t happen.
- Comment on After a Decade, Scientists Unveil Fly Brain in Stunning Detail | Scientists have mapped out how 140,000 neurons are wired in the brain of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. 4 months ago:
That’s amazing. I’m surprised that mouse brains have only 1000 times more neurons than a fruit fly, although I suppose the difficulty of mapping it scales exponentially (factorially?)
- Comment on Anon seeks enlightenment 5 months ago:
Can’t use 100’s in a lot of places.
- Comment on Do I really need DOCSIS 3.1 modem? 5 months ago:
Yeah that sounds like what was explained to me
- Comment on Do I really need DOCSIS 3.1 modem? 5 months ago:
I needed to upgrade my modem because the isp capped the speed of docsis 3.0 modems to like 75Mbps. I remember being quite upset because I was previously getting 125Mbps service on the same modem. I seem to recall there was a quasi legit technical reason for it though.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
Not who you’re responding to but I must vehemently disagree. In English, which doesn’t have a centralized governing body, the correct way of pronouncing/spelling something depends on your intention and expected audience. If your intended audience is English speakers then the correct spelling is probably octopi or octopuses, whichever you believe will cause the least confusion/distraction (surely it varies regionally).
However, usually my intention is to portray my unfathomably superior knowledge and intellect, so the correct spelling/pronunciation in this case is: octopodes (which I think he had listed but ironically got ‘corrected’ to ‘octopuses’).
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
I agree that that’s probably what it’s trying to say, but I don’t think it actually says that.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
I don’t think that there’s a higher concentration of morons in academia than in larger society. However, their professional experience is pretty different from the so called ‘real world’ so they definitely can have some unfathomable blind spots.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
I don’t read much (/any) academic writing, but does it really misuse words the way the link portrays?
- academic writing isn’t prose, like that’s almost the definition of prose.
- intra-specialized doesn’t mean anything (the intra prefix didn’t work on adjectives)
- “obfuscating … accessibility” means making it difficult to see that it is accessible, where the author probably actually wants to say “reducing the ability of outsiders to access the meaning”
I get that it is satire, but imo it would be better satire if he put in the work to actually make it mean something. Unless the point is that academic writers misuse thesauruses this badly.
- Comment on Tony Hawk claims he is ‘talking to Activision again’ [VGC] 5 months ago:
THPS 1+2 (the HD remake) is excellent but they decided not to do a THPS3+4 remake. Presumably due to low numbers. BUT online is broken. What I mean by broken is that you basically can’t log in to the server if your console is connected to the internet through a router. As far as I know Activision never acknowledged that failure. Do you think this problem might have hurt sales/microtransaction revenue?
- Comment on So professional looking it must be true 5 months ago:
I’ve never heard anyone with first hand experience complain about living in North Korea. They literally can’t complain.
- Comment on Seconds 5 months ago:
Yeah true, but I think they actually use wavelength of red shift, which is distance… traveled by light in the time it takes to make a full cycle. So I guess we’re back to seconds again.
I think they use this for distance and time because at scales being dealt with they have the same implications.