- Comment on Motorists able to lock in low petrol prices for 24 hours under Victoria’s new ‘fair fuel’ plan 5 hours ago:
Both Toyota and Porsche claim that EVs are a WOFTAM
Not sure about Porsche, but Toyota made a business decision to invest in hydrogen, and so has a financial interest in downplaying batteries.
- Comment on Every Age of Empires Game Ranked, From Worst To Best 9 hours ago:
I genuinely do love AoE2 and would rate it among my favourite games of all time, but yeah I think it gets a little overrated.
4 is better, IMO, and Myth is just great.
The AoE2 community gets pretty damn toxic if you dare suggest that, though. Or even if they get a whiff that you might be saying good things about other Age games at all.
- Comment on Every Age of Empires Game Ranked, From Worst To Best 9 hours ago:
I’ve heard that Online is actually a pretty good game, once stripped of its monetisation strategy. It seems to have a decent community of loyal followers with Project Celeste.
- Comment on Religion 9 hours ago:
So it is (I think the reasoning here is that, if God is the source of all Goodness and morality, rejecting belief in him necessitates rejecting God and, thus, belief in Him) but, like I mentioned, it’s Catholic belief that, in order for anything to warrant Hell, it just be willfully chosen.
Interesting. So a non-believer might not go to hell, so long as they don’t sin, but nor would they go to heaven. What, then?
Also, it raises the question of what counts as a sin. There are many things a Catholic would consider a sin that other people would not. Things like eating meat on Friday, use of contraceptives, or sex outside of marriage. Are these, if done by a non-Catholic, considered sins? And if not, is it not just…better not to be Catholic? Like, by converting people, is one not increasing the chance that they go to hell?
- Comment on Motorists able to lock in low petrol prices for 24 hours under Victoria’s new ‘fair fuel’ plan 10 hours ago:
Nah. Any EV is definitely better than ICE. It’s just a very small improvement over ICE compared to public and active transport. It’s like…if ICE is a 10, EV is a 9, a train is a 4, and a bike is a 2.
- Comment on Every Age of Empires Game Ranked, From Worst To Best 12 hours ago:
Different, unrelated franchise. Age of Empires is real-time strategy. Civ is turn-based.
Civ V is my most-played civ though. It was a great game.
- Comment on Every Age of Empires Game Ranked, From Worst To Best 12 hours ago:
It’s a huge improvement over the original. They’ve made a bunch of balance improvements without infringing on the unique identities of each civ (which is unfortunately what happened when they tried to do balance changes to the 2013 Extended Edition). The graphics are all new and now look how the game is in your nostalgia, rather than…how it actually looked. You can build bigger armies, and reuse god powers (for a cost). There’s improvement in quality-of-life features, like modern hotkeys, as well as tools to assist with scouting and eco management, if you’re a lower-skilled player who gets overwhelmed by all the multitasking.
- Comment on Every Age of Empires Game Ranked, From Worst To Best 13 hours ago:
Mobile is undoubtedly the worst. It’s unbearable. Hardly even a game.
I’ve never played the DS game. I might put Age of Empires Online in this spot instead.
It’s unfortunate, to me, that 3 ended up this low. It’s not my favourite, by a long shot, but it’s functional and fun. Which is more than can be said for the DE version of 1. I love the bones of 1, but the DE was terrible. So terrible that they tried releasing it again in the Return to Rome DLC for 2.
Which leaves us with the 3 good games. Being the mod of !, nobody should be surprised that my favourite is Myth. 4 is actually my second favourite, and 2 is only in 3rd place. But Myth still has too many bugs and missing polish features. Even though it’s my #1 favourite, if I was asked to list which I think is the best, I’d put it in 3rd.
- Submitted 13 hours ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on Religion 16 hours ago:
it’s slightly grating for most criticisms regarding Christianity to just be reactions to the most obnoxious Protestants
I mean, the first thing I think of when I think “Christians” is “paedophile priests like Cardinal Pell” whom the Pope himself protected.
But yeah, after that one thing, most of the criticisms I have of Christianity fall more heavily on Protestants than Catholics. It’s just…that one thing is pretty damn fucking huge.
again, not believing isn’t a sin
I must admit, I find this genuinely fascinating. I had thought it was pretty standard Christian doctrine that belief in Christ is a prerequisite for getting in to heaven. Is that not the case? And, assuming it isn’t official doctrine, do you think most Catholics are aware of the official doctrine, or would they believe, as I did, that belief in Christ is necessary?
- Comment on Teen denies twice setting wire traps on bike path despite alleged video 1 day ago:
I mean, the best case scenario actually does align. It’s putting this guy somewhere that he can get both good mental health treatment and be prevented, physically, from reoffending in the meantime. It’s the Nordic justice model.
- Comment on What Constitutes contravention of Rule 4, no ads/spamming? 2 days ago:
I’m obviously not the guy in charge, but I think anyone posting about an event in their community that they think will be interesting to others in the community could never qualify as spam. If you posted the same event multiple times in close succession, that might change it, or if you had a commercial interest in it, but to me the key thing with spam is repetitiveness, and with advertising it’s having a commercial interest.
- Comment on Teen denies twice setting wire traps on bike path despite alleged video 2 days ago:
throwing a kid in gaol
The “kid” is an adult.
You will fuck up multiple lives
He would have fucked up multiple lives if not stopped. Where’s the compassion for his future victims?
- Submitted 3 days ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Teen denies twice setting wire traps on bike path despite alleged video 3 days ago:
I support radical reform of our justice system, to follow something more like the Nordic model.
But in the meantime, violent offenders can’t just be set free. The justice system should seek rehabilitation, yes, but also prevent reoffending. And someone who has already reoffended after the dangerous consequences have been revealed has clearly demonstrated that there is a need to prevent reoffending. This isn’t a non-violent offence like theft. The offender (whether it’s the arrested 18-year-old or not) needs to be prevented from harming, or potentially killing, someone more than he already has.
- Comment on Teen denies twice setting wire traps on bike path despite alleged video 3 days ago:
As someone in the ! thread said, once could be explained as an impulsive stupid kid. Two separate occasions shows deliberate intent to cause serious harm or death.
While I wouldn’t say they’re totally irredeemable, this is easily serious enough to warrant a significant gaol sentence, not merely a therapist while being otherwise on his own recognisance.
- Comment on Israel and Hamas reach Gaza ceasefire deal to end 15-month war 3 days ago:
If it doesn’t involve Israel backing off and letting Palestinians have proper autonomy and freedom, any break in the ceasefire will be Israel’s fault, even if they don’t fire the first shot.
- Comment on From the classroom to war, how Australian Oscar Jenkins fought for Ukraine 4 days ago:
The full quote was
Nothing less than the recalling of Australia’s ambassador to Russia and expulsion of Russia’s ambassador would be sufficient in such circumstances
Though it turns out that was said by Liberal senator Simon Birmingham.
- Comment on From the classroom to war, how Australian Oscar Jenkins fought for Ukraine 4 days ago:
He said “nothing short of recalling our ambassador”.
I’m sure Putin is quaking in his boots at that.
- Comment on Mastodon’s founder cedes control to non-profit 5 days ago:
Oh right, mb.
- Comment on Mastodon’s founder cedes control to non-profit 6 days ago:
No I get that, but for the software to pick it up properly you would need to use the “edit” button to amend the url in the post itself.
- Comment on Mastodon’s founder cedes control to non-profit 6 days ago:
Could you edit the link so it doesn’t have the tracking information on it?
Not because of the tracking itself…it’s vague enough in this case not to be an issue. Just because keeping the canonical URL allows Lemmy to automatically detect when the post has been cross-posted to multiple instances, so we can see if/where it’s also being discussed.
- Comment on Police issue warning after cyclists hit wire strung across Southern Expressway bike path 1 week ago:
No, police only investigate when cyclists are keying cars parked in the bike lane.
- Comment on Who can relate? 1 week ago:
There’s a case to be made for them all being fish biologically speaking, too.
Of course, that case would also mean making chicken, beef, and all the other meat people typically eat would be fish, which might defeat the intent of the rule.
- Comment on It's been a feature of Australia's elections since federation. Albanese supports a change 1 week ago:
We already have parties getting into campaign mode way earlier than 1 month. The election probably won’t be until May, but there’s already a strong sense that they’re in campaign mode.
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 1 week ago:
I don’t know why you’re being so argumentative. They mentioned that they’re hard to get. You countered with one store in one country that has them. They then pointed out that actually, no, it’s still not easy to get. It’s a pretty damn common interaction between Americans assuming everyone has the same experience as them, and the rest of the world whose experience is very different.
- Comment on Wish there was a toggle for it like there is on phones 1 week ago:
As far as pseudocode goes, this is pretty damn good. The main thing I’d change is that things in “quotes” generally represent strings, i.e. literal text. Variable names usually don’t have quotes around them. That’s a universal enough trait of real programming languages that it would almost never not transfer to pseudocode. Also, numbers intended to be read as numbers don’t typically have quotes.
How I would change this accordingly
If am_pm_indicator = “pm” AND hour =/= 12 ADD 12 to hour Else Ignore the am/pm indicator, time is correct in 24 hour format. # Leaving this as-is because it’s more like a comment than code anyway
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I mean yeah, morally speaking, the half+7 rule works shockingly well. It’s just not entirely reasonable for the law to encode something like that though, so there’s always going to be a line somewhere. 16 seems reasonable to me (but then, I’m also a supporter of lowering the voting age to 16…)
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I don’t care about legality
That would still make it illegal in most western countries though
That’s what I was responding to.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Scots is generally regarded as a distinct language, but this looks to me like it’s probably Scottish English. Compare that with the front page of Scots Wikipedia* which is much harder to understand than this is. Half of the weirdness in this message is spelling English words how they’re pronounced with a strong Scottish accent:
Urgh, I’m fair scunnered with that daft idiot down the road, always haverin about his new motor like it’s something pure gallus
Which only leaves a small number of dialect-specific words.
Just…don’t look into the history of said site. Or do, it’s very entertaining but also kinda sad.