Ironically mercury while being the closest planet to the sun, isn’t the hottest planet in the solar system. Venus takes that title because of its atmosphere holding so much co2. Im sure its fine were putting so much of it in our atmosphere.
Sun God
Submitted 4 days ago by to
Comments 4 days ago 4 days ago
Yeah I prefer summer to winter so if we get summer and super summer now I would enjoy that until I’m dead and after that, why should I care?
/s just in case. 4 days ago
Finally my investment on Artic Beachside property will pay off. 4 days ago
Too autistic for this. Why would it be unsettling? Mercury is much smaller than the sun. If it was suddenly bigger in proportion to the sun, then I’d be unsettled. 4 days ago
It doesn’t exactly unsettle me, but pondering the mind-boggling scale of celestial bodies and the cosmos can certainly be… humbling, I guess?
I had a co-worker a while back who couldn’t talk about the great scale of the universe cause he’d get freaked out. It didn’t come up much, but when it did, he’d be like, “Please stop, it’s stressing me out” so we’d change the subject. 4 days ago
That guy goes to so many birthday parties 4 days ago
Less about size and more about size and relative distance. Think about being on Mercury and the entire sky is blazing sun. 4 days ago
on Mercury and the entire sky is blazing sun
I’ve never thought about this and holy shit 4 days ago
I mean, nothing on Mercury survives. At night it’s -170 degrees Celsius and +430 degrees at day. 4 days ago
It’s very hard to convey the size of the sun in a photo. On earth, it isn’t bigger than the moon. I don’t think I’ve ever seen, in a real photo, just how massive the sun is. I absolutely dwarfs a planet, which is kind of chilling. I’ve never seen a photo that shows anything further away from the camera than a planet AND that much bigger. 4 days ago
Right, I feel like no astronomer should be unsettled by just a picture of our solar system. 4 days ago
You’re not invited to my birthday party. 4 days ago
Mercury is like 30-50 sun’s diameters away from the sun. This perspective makes it look like it’s almost touching.
Size scale matches though 4 days ago
Yeah this perspective is weird. It makes it look like the sun takes up 90% of the sky on mercury. That can’t be right though. 4 days ago
Almost 30 million miles closer to us than the sun is. 4 days ago
The sun is rather large. 4 days ago
From that picture, it looks like you’d be on mercury and look up, see nothing but sun, But realistically it’s 60% closer than earth
looks kinda like this from the surface 4 days ago
Im struggling to parse this. The picture of the sun with the tiny dot when compared with the artists impression you posted. It just wont click together. How can the sun appear so big from the telescope compared to mercury but be so small from mercury’s perspective? 4 days ago
Yep, zoom and narrow aperture really messes with perspective.
It’s kind of opposite of the tilt shift photos that make real life things look fake. 3 days ago
If someone is struggling with it still, think about the moon.
On the surface of the moon, the sun looks basically like from the earth, small disk in the sky.
From lunar eclipses we know that just from 300.000km away (on earth) the moon looks just as big as the sun.
Now imagine you travel just a couple million km further away, the moon will look smaller and smaller, while the sun stays almost the same (as the distance to the moon will be 10 times bigger and the distance to the sun will increase by like 2%). If you are just 3 million km away from earth the moon will be a small-ish dot in front of the sun (it would cover about 1% of the suns disk, if my math maths out).
For context, the moon and mercury are quite comparable in size. 4 days ago
Looks like a dead pixel.
The scale of the universe continues to blow my mind. 4 days ago
Prepare that mind for further blowage 4 days ago
This series is great. Thanks so much! I am getting sucked into a black hole of these videos. 4 days ago
I’m sorry but my socks are still on. 100% wool. 4 days ago
Well, my socks are off.
…so are my pants
and underwear
and shirt 4 days ago
Who picks wool for their fucking socks?
There’s nothing sexy about wool. 4 days ago
Wool socks are the best and I won’t be entertaining assertions to the contrary. Wool is temperature regulating, not just super thick and hot, so there are wool socks you can wear in the summer. They also don’t hold odor (bacteria) as much. 4 days ago
I think they can be sexy. Also the point of socks isn’t only to be sexy. 4 days ago
This reminds me of that part of that space opera I read where there was a nomadic colony on mercury which needed to always be moving at exactly the right speed to stay on the dark side of the terminator. 4 days ago
That was in the Red / Green / Blue mars trilogy, one of my favorites. Though I think I’ve seen the concept in other works as well.
Basically the temp difference between day / night caused contraction of the rail tracks, pushing the whole city forward so it was always just ahead of dawn. 4 days ago
The nomadic colony got expanded on in KSR’s novel 2312. I don’t actually remember much about it in the Mars Trilogy.
But I’ve seen the concept before in an old EU Star Wars novel, one of the Solo books maybe, where Lando was operating something similar as his new venture.
And before that maybe mentioned by Sagan. And before that… 4 days ago
Damn, that’s a great idea. I gotta go back and finish that series. 4 days ago
I guess because of perspective, Mercury being millions of miles closer to the camera than it is to the sun, the actual proportions would have the planet being much smaller by comparison 4 days ago
Mercury’s apparent size in the sky when close to us is about twice the size as when mercury is in the other side of the sun from us. So mercury would appear about 75% the size it is in this photo of it were next to the sun (so about the same distance away as the sun is). 4 days ago
Neat! Thanks! 4 days ago
I’ll tell you what’s definitely unsettling;
The fact that if you kiss a mirror, you’ll only ever kiss yourself on the lips. 4 days ago
Trying to wrap my head around how incromprehensively large even just our sun is always makes me feel dizzy.
We are not even a pale blue dot to most of the universe, and when we disappear nothing will know or remember us. 4 days ago
My fav sun fact is that it burns 400 million tons of hydrogen each second, and will be doing that for billions of years. That’s 400 million tons of the lightest possible element there is. Just absolutely insane how gigantic the mass of the sun is. 4 days ago
My fav is just that the sun is, all by itself, 99% of the total mass of our solar system. Most of the rest of that 1% is Jupiter. 4 days ago
And this is why I worship the Sun 4 days ago
But pray to Joe Pesci, right? You pray to Joe Pesci, right?! RIGHT? 4 days ago
So conditioned that NDT is talking bullshit and people dunking on him that I had to read it a couple of times to understand it. 4 days ago
No, you morons! That’s your thumb with the close ad X under it. 4 days ago
TIL the sun is dark brown. Crazy the tricks our minds play. 4 days ago
Fun fact screens can’t produce “brown”. 4 days ago
My turn to post the Technology Connections link 4 days ago
Praise the Sun! \0/ 4 days ago
Screenshot from Rick and Morty S6E9 Bring forth the sheers of stumping! 4 days ago
Science Journalists; Neil Degrasse Tyson claims dead pixels may actually be Mercury sized planets! 4 days ago
Proof that light is a particle and not a wave? 4 days ago
Yes, but also both. (a simple example follows)
Think of it like you being at work or home. If I check your house, either you’re there, or you aren’t. If you’re there you’re at home, simple. If not at home you’re at work.
Same with your work: either you’re there when I check, or you aren’t, therefore at home.
But before I check either location (it’s understood that you are only in 1 of those 2 places), you are effectively in both places or not at all. 4 days ago
What if all particles are waves. They just temporarily form loops that we consider to have particle behaviour when observed on a larger scale. 4 days ago
Great, Brian Greene’s been drinking again. 4 days ago
My favorite fun astronomy fact is that a transit like this (Venus, but still) is how we managed to figure out our distance to the Sun in the 1700s
The accuracy is incredible. They determined it to be 93,726,900 miles. This is within the bounds of our perihelion (≈91,000,000 miles) and aphelion (≈95,000,000 miles). Even more precise than Eratosthenes’ estimation of the size of the Earth 4 days ago
How is the next transit of Venus not until 2117? That blows my socks’ mind. Seems like that should be happening very regularly. 4 days ago
Same reasons for any eclipses :
.1- plane of orbits (the one for Venus and the one for the Earth) do not exactly coincide and
.2- because distances between objects are much larger than objects, including size of the 4 days ago
I believe you. Still seems wild that I will never see another one in my lifetime. 4 days ago
It’s probably more about how often it’s visible in your part of the world than it happening at all if I had to guess. 4 days ago
I bet it’s hot there. 4 days ago
The side of Mercury we’re seeing in the pic is quite cold 4 days ago
Praise the sun! 4 days ago
My socks were appropriately blown off but I still didn’t get invited. 4 days ago
I mean it would but I’ve known the scale of the universe since i still threw myself birthday parties…lol 4 days ago
Imagine what the sun would look like standing on Mercury. 4 days ago
I tried wiping the dust off my screen 😭 4 days ago
so is basically the whole sky sun on mercury during the day? 4 days ago 4 days ago
The morning of my birthday party I hung out with my physics teacher (it was a Holiday from high school) who’s also an astronomer and we watched mercy transit the sun. 4 days ago
Ackchually, that’s just a photography of mercury, not the actual planet on your screen. 4 days ago
username checks out 4 days ago
Okay Magritte 4 days ago
Relevant SMBC 3 days ago
Une pipe