- Comment on There was a time when everyone had common sense 1 week ago:
Taking away the instructions on how to service and repair a car was a result of capitalists wanting to make more money by forcing you to get your car repaired by them.
Adding instructions not to drink battery acid is likely for companies to avoid getting sued because people will always argue that there was no warning about drinking battery acid so the company owes you compensation.
This is a false comparison.
- Comment on Good morning I choose frosted strawberry. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 weeks ago:
Qm i in the wrong thread? I thought this was about smoking, not veganism.
- Comment on Can't unsee 3 weeks ago:
Someone needs to do an impression of what this chimaera would sound like.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
A guy i work with in IT infrastructure lives on a small farm, he has a raised shortbed (assuming that just means a pickup with the back part that has no roof and three short side and tailgate, sorry the terminology is different in the UK so i had to google what it was so could be wrong) he is genuinely one of the nicest pwople i know. He is super helpful with any new staff that joins the team and is very smart. He uses this pickup on his farm, and it serves a meaningful purpose that is not better served by other means.
So there’s at least one.
Im not going to argue that there arent dickheads driving these things. But i will fight you on saying that its all of them.
That kind of blanket statement is not helpful. I hope you take what i am saying and genuinely think about it because you are coming off as very intolerant.
Sorry. I dont want to start an argument. Would much rather keep this at the discussion level, i just find it hard to convey context, tone, and intent in text form
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I just can’t agree with that. Your choice of car doesn’t make you a dick head. Maybe a lot of dick head buy teslas, but so do none dickheads. I’ve heard the same thing said about audi drivers, and bmw drivers, and mercedes drivers and range rover drivers. There is no neat little box you can put all dick heads in when it comes to what car they drive. There is no venn diagram that would cover this.
So the car you drive doesn’t make you a dick head. Being a dick head makes you a dick head.
- Comment on Enjoy this out-of-context conversation with my wife. 3 weeks ago:
Screenshot on a galaxy fold?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I wish more people saw the world this way.
Every time someone divides an attitudes by generations.
Every time someone divides driving capabilities by make of car.
Every time someone divides work ethic by race.
Every time someone divides action by class.
There are good people and bad people and everything in between and they are not tied to specific demographics.
You can witness a trend, but it does not define anything.
People are just people.
- Comment on Frostpunk creators cancel "Project 8" and lay off staff amid concerns that "narrative-driven, story-rich games" don't sell 4 weeks ago:
You know, maybe i dont know enough about games as i am a casual these days, aside from baldurs gate 3 which is a fucking masterpiece, i really like the 2 (soon to be 3) star wars jedi games outcast and survivour. They are like a much easier souls mixed with the 3d prince of persia (sands of time, warrior within, two thrones) games but are very story driven. I am very excited to see what will happen in the final game in the trilogy qhen it comes out.
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 4 weeks ago:
They sound a lot like an ex colleague of mine who had aspergers. They latched on to me because they got promoted to a different team in the same office as me when i got promoted and they would not stop talking to me, and about the most inane and mundane shit. Stuff i didnt gove a fuck about
I would be polite i would answer and engage in the conversation but if it had been too long and i felt managers eyes in the back of my head i would just fizzle out and start to turn back to my screen and say something like “ok, well, i need to get on” and they would go away.
- Comment on This spoon. 1 month ago:
That’s a soup spoon!
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 1 month ago:
I feel that. I didnt mention before but i also smoked weed for many of those years. I kicked that a few years before kicking tobacco
I barely see or even speak to anyone from that circle now. i both miss them and dont miss them. I found a lot of drug friends tend to be fairweather friends. Not all of them. Theres always a core few that stick with you when you cant get a bag but all have nothing to do. But the majority in my experience, you dont miss when they are gone.
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 1 month ago:
Thankyou. I actually really appreciate it. I would say that for at least 8 of those years, i wanted to quit. A lot of people really dont realise how hard it is to stop. You want to stop with every fibre of your being. You want to stop on your way to buy a pack you want to stop as you ask for your brand. You want to stop as you hand over the money. You want to stop as you open the pack . You want to stop as you pull out a cigarette you want to stop as you put it in your mouth. You want to stop as you light it. You want to stop with every Toke. You want to stop as you do it again and again and again.
But i got there. Eventually.
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 1 month ago:
I went the other way, i stopped smoking and started vaping. I used a sub ohm vape with a low dose of nicotine 0.3-0.6 per 10ml bottles of oil.
I vaped loads to begin with, likely due to the low dose. but it was hard to get the time to get outside of the office to vape, and each time i only had a short time to do it. It got less frequent and less time per frequency of going out to the point that one day i went a whole day without realising i hadnt vaped or even thought about it.
I decided thqt day, after 17 years of smoking, and 1 year of vaping, that i didn’t need it anymore. So i didnt take my vape to work the next day. And about 3 to 4 weeks later i threw it in the bin.
Never looked back.
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 1 month ago:
Why, though? You send on paypal as friends and family. You dont get taxed on that kind of transfer and i doubt it is being audited.
There is a level of trust you have to assume between a drug dealer and the customer. You retaining customers is all done on reputation. If you try to cheat your customers, they will all go elsewhere. There is a lot of incentive for dealers to run their “business” well and keep customers happy.
Cash means you need to meet face to face. This is far more risky. When i was younger and smoking weed, it was all face to face, meet someone somewhere and trade there. Or a car pulls up and you have a little chat and swap money for the bag. But this was dodgey. It was risky. It eneded up in arrests more often than you think.
Towards to end of my pot head days, it was all telegram to put orders in, delivered by royal mail via recorded delivery and money tranferred with an app as i mentioned above. This is more private than you think.
Although admittedly i never did this sort of transaction, everyone i know who was/is still smoking/vaping is doing it this way.
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 1 month ago:
Paypal? Venmo? Monzo? Or in other words, with great ease…
- Comment on Meal prep 1 month ago:
This is 100% a meme. There’s a kettle in the lower left corner of the picture, place awkwardly in front of the second frier drawer. and the cup would be scaldingly hot upon removing it from the air frier.
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 1 month ago:
But in your example, humans are part of the environment. Or at least they are a factor in your ability to survive. Part of being adapted and being able to survive is surviving your predators. Dont you agree?
I dont know if i agree that being adapted to “elephant tasks” is a good marker to measure how adapted elephants are. If an elephant can eat, reproduce, and defend or hide itself from predators or deadly flora or weather, etc, then i would look at the elephant and argue it is well adapted.
Unless you think that predators change things or you dont consider humans as predators because we dont always kill for survival.
I dunno, im kind of just fleshing this out in my head as we speak.
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 1 month ago:
I’m not disagreeing with you here, but wouldn’t it be fair to say there is a gradient, but it is dynamic and defined by the current environment and what it takes to survive it?
Maybe the goal posta keep moving but we are talking about a very large time scale, so long that, for at least a couple of million years, what could be defined as more or less evolved might seem or be descibed as pretty solid.
Although i suppose its not fair to say more or less evolved and might be more accurate to say more or less well adapted.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 1 month ago:
Our quest is vain!
- Comment on I'll take two Pedros with a side of Henry 2 months ago:
He is also a model.
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on Pweaty pwease 🥺 2 months ago:
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 2 months ago:
Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity. It’s not a belief that one doesn’t exist.
Theres a distiction there. You can look that up. You will find you are mistaken.
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 2 months ago:
People aren’t atheist because they have no personal experience proving the existence of a god.
Atheism isn’t a belief system.
The lack of evidence for a god isnwhy atheists exists.
Personal experience and evidence are two different things.
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 2 months ago:
How most dumb people reason.
I have no personal experience of this thing, so it must mean it’s not real.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 2 months ago:
Say what you like but people have been screaming for a ff7 remake ever since ff10. I think thats too soon to count as nostalgia. We just wanted ff7 to look like ff10.
- Comment on The Genesis of a joke. 2 months ago:
What a feeling.
- Comment on The Genesis of a joke. 2 months ago:
I’m not a fan
Of this joke.
- Comment on Who all wants a silent spring? 2 months ago:
I looked this up after typing a response to make sure I wasn’t mistaken, but its only honey bees that die when they string you
From google “First off, male bees in any species cannot sting as only females have the bodily anatomy to do so. Secondly, only the honey bee can die after stinging, this is due to the honey bee’s stinger. A honey bees stinger is made up of two barbed lancets, meaning when they sting, the stinger cannot be pulled out again.”
I didnt realise that the worker bees were female! Male bees are good for nothing but breeding. They cant even sting. Bloody layabouts!