- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 1 day ago:
Probably 2, 6, or 7. I’ve always loved the V5/V7, but the liquid ink is messy, a bic is a classic for a reason, and the PaperMate flair has been my go-to felt-tip for a long time now. Though, the ultra-fine version is much better for writing than the medium one.
- Comment on Win win 3 days ago:
Chainlink blanet’ll do it
- Comment on Northsky Social Cooperative announces project to build a new ATproto platform for the benefit of marginalized communities that prioritizes the 2SLGBTQIA+ community 1 week ago:
They seem to know something about marketing, and specifically about how to sell a website to the public, which would put them ad odds with everyone else running AP-based websites.
- Comment on Tesla Stock Is Plunging Again. It Could Drop for a Ninth Straight Week. 1 week ago:
Kessler syndrome is specifically about LEO, and the damage done by debris from collissions, though. Like, that was Kessler’s whole thing.
- Comment on Tesla Stock Is Plunging Again. It Could Drop for a Ninth Straight Week. 1 week ago:
Everyone and their dog wants to gunk up LEO with their soon-to-end-space-flight-forever space junk
- Comment on Sounds like a place I'd love to work for 1 week ago:
Most employers don’t truly care about productivity or output. They just care about getting to control other people.
- Comment on Tesla's latest decline could be one for the history books - $795 billion since Dec 17 or 53.7 percent 1 week ago:
I mean, none of these people ever question Tesla’s valuation in the first place. Why is the stock losing all of this value?
Maybe it’s because Tesla sells a tiny number of units, cannot turn a profit without government subsidies, and produces by most accounts a really meh fleet of vehicles. There was no sane reason for it to be valued equally to the rest of the auto industry combined.
Even at half that value today, the number is beyond unjustifiable.
- Comment on Welcome, new users! 2 weeks ago:
It totally depends on how many people one needs in a community, and how much content they’re posting to feel served, doesn’t it?
The persistent FOMO that has floated around Lemmy for the past two years has not been a positive for the space.
- Comment on Welcome, new users! 2 weeks ago:
It’s not “instance tribalism”, it’s making sure the website you’re using isn’t just some dumb terminal, and preventing the network from collapsing down to “ and some empty tributes”.
It’s creating a space that is resilient to network splits, and accepting the fact that, at some point down the road, network splits will happen.
It’s seeing the fediverse through a “Local+” lens, and encouraging people to treat their local site as meaningful. And rejecting the illusion that this is centralized social media.
Look for what you want on other sites. But there’s no reason to look off-site first, if what serves you is already hosted locally.
- Comment on Welcome, new users! 2 weeks ago:
Welcome, new neighbours!
While checking out this wacky new space, I’d like to emcourage everyone to check out the Local tab, either at the top of your feed, or in your app menu. That’s where yoi’ll find posts from “communitues” (Lemmy’s “subreddits”) that are hosted on!
A lot of communities are on different sites, and are ported (tarriff free!) for your enjoyment, but as with most things, it seems, the most sustainable way forward is to support Local!
One thing that many people new to Lemmy and the wider “fediverse” (because it’s not just people on Lemmy-based websites that you’ll find posting in the communities here, surprisingly enough) struggle with is that each website on the network has its own “name space”, meaning that each community name can be used on each site. So, you can have, say, !, !, and ! People often fret over “having to follow all of them”, and wanting ways to collapse them into a single forum. And for a really niche topic, that might make sense (the thing to do, though, is just pick the one that best serves you and don’t worry about what’s going on on the other side of the fence). But for bigger topics, this “splintering” is often a godsend, since we can all have real discussions about the topic in smaller spaces. And, of course, !politics is going to just be meanibgfully different on .ca vs .ee vs .world.
If you look to local first, it becomes much easier to stop worrying and love the
bombdistributed network. - Comment on Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic 3 weeks ago:
They’ve been hiding behind that excuse for a decade now. How far do they get to take it? How far do they get to go before we’re “allowed” to tell them to eat shit?
- Comment on Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic 3 weeks ago:
I like Waterfox. I started using it for the JXL support. But it’s significantly more memory-leaky than the current version of Firefox, and small FOSS teams seem to think the standard amount of RAM sold in laptops today is comically low and believe we’re all hauling 64+ GB or something.
- Comment on Firefox deletes promise to never sell personal data, asks users not to panic 3 weeks ago:
Never have, never will.
So, here’s the funny thing about “never will”. It’s not a promise you can go back on. “Never will” means “forever won’t”.
Changing that language is a breech of trust. Getting all “nuanced” and weasel-wordy about it doesn’t change that.
Folks should start looking into whether the previous promise is legally binding in any way, and start preparing for a class action suit if it is. Because Mozilla’s better dead than it is as zombie smoke screen for this horse shit.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 3 weeks ago:
What is and is not a word? If it’s being used by writers, and is understood by readers, it kinda is a word.
Linguistics is a desceiptive field, not a prescriptive one.
- Comment on Sun God 3 weeks ago:
Great, Brian Greene’s been drinking again.
- Comment on GameStop selling 500+ stores because of "woke". 4 weeks ago:
I don’t know where gamers’ hard-on for Valve comes from. They’re a monopolist software developer whose biggest product is a middle-man DRM platform masquerading as a game library utility. Their whole schtick is increasing the cost of your games, and limiting your right to access those games how, when, and where you want. Yet somehow, they’re the darling of the gaming scene.
It’s fucking bizarre.
- Comment on Elon Musk and Wikipedia are feuding 4 weeks ago:
I can’t wait until someone shuts this prick up.
- Comment on Ads are coming to links 5 weeks ago:
Companies tried to make this a thing 20 years ago, and people just dropped the middle-men like hot potatoes. Bitly thinks it’ll be different this time because people have become used to using their service, but all of the pressures that had people using link shorteners in the first place have already fallen by the wayside.
This probably isn’t going to end well for them.
- Comment on What happened to Pez? 5 weeks ago:
They gots them at the bulk barn here. And a tub of the candies.
I bought a fistfull to use as D&D monster tokens last week
- Comment on Colours 1 month ago:
I can smell a Technology Connections link from a mile away, apparently.
- Comment on 5 bizarre AI TV features that simply shouldn't exist 1 month ago:
Sorry, the best we can do is always showing you subtitles by default, and not letting you permanently change that.
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
Rewarding the employer for underpaying the employees is not, in any way, the right direction, though? Not tipping is just telling the employees “I don’t care if you get paid, so long as I get what I want”
- Comment on ‘Sputnik moment’: $1tn wiped off US stocks after Chinese firm unveils AI chatbot 1 month ago:
Business people will do almost anything to eliminate wages
- Comment on Many people left Meta after Zuckerberg's changes, but user numbers have rebounded 1 month ago:
Numbers may rebound, but users having kicked the tires on other options means they’re less tightly bound than they were before. It’s up to us to create a welcoming and interesting environment in the spaces that they’ve looked at to get them to shift their usage.
- Comment on you are the democratically elected leader of a liberal democratic country which so far has had a good relationship with the US, how do you and your country survive 4 years of trump? 1 month ago:
Win a trade war, then wait for his mind to drift to fanboying for dictators for life, just like last time.
- Comment on Large Language Models in Video Games? 2 months ago:
“How dare there be an active world in my murder hobo wankfest?”
- Comment on Mark Cuban is ready to fund a TikTok alternative built on Bluesky's AT Protocol | TechCrunch 2 months ago:
And you think Mark Cuban is funding what, exactly? A member’s co-op?
- Comment on The Great Decentralization: What happens when sprawling online communities fracture into politically homogenous, self-governing communities? 2 months ago:
But people are not curling up in anything. They’re having third parties, that have their own political interests, feed them an image of reality.
This is wildly different from self-organized communities built around existing common interests or beliefs.
- Comment on The lost days 2 months ago:
When the precession of the equinoxes kicks in.
- Comment on Facebook Is Censoring 404 Media Stories About Facebook's Censorship [404 Media] 2 months ago:
Facebook: Now an unmoderated space, except for if you report on what Facebook is saying. Or criticize the actual social hierarchy in any way.