- Comment on Ads are coming to links 1 day ago:
Companies tried to make this a thing 20 years ago, and people just dropped the middle-men like hot potatoes. Bitly thinks it’ll be different this time because people have become used to using their service, but all of the pressures that had people using link shorteners in the first place have already fallen by the wayside.
This probably isn’t going to end well for them.
- Comment on What happened to Pez? 1 day ago:
They gots them at the bulk barn here. And a tub of the candies.
I bought a fistfull to use as D&D monster tokens last week
- Comment on Colours 1 week ago:
I can smell a Technology Connections link from a mile away, apparently.
- Comment on 5 bizarre AI TV features that simply shouldn't exist 1 week ago:
Sorry, the best we can do is always showing you subtitles by default, and not letting you permanently change that.
- Comment on Select a tip 2 weeks ago:
Rewarding the employer for underpaying the employees is not, in any way, the right direction, though? Not tipping is just telling the employees “I don’t care if you get paid, so long as I get what I want”
- Comment on ‘Sputnik moment’: $1tn wiped off US stocks after Chinese firm unveils AI chatbot 2 weeks ago:
Business people will do almost anything to eliminate wages
- Comment on Many people left Meta after Zuckerberg's changes, but user numbers have rebounded 2 weeks ago:
Numbers may rebound, but users having kicked the tires on other options means they’re less tightly bound than they were before. It’s up to us to create a welcoming and interesting environment in the spaces that they’ve looked at to get them to shift their usage.
- Comment on you are the democratically elected leader of a liberal democratic country which so far has had a good relationship with the US, how do you and your country survive 4 years of trump? 3 weeks ago:
Win a trade war, then wait for his mind to drift to fanboying for dictators for life, just like last time.
- Comment on Large Language Models in Video Games? 3 weeks ago:
“How dare there be an active world in my murder hobo wankfest?”
- Comment on Mark Cuban is ready to fund a TikTok alternative built on Bluesky's AT Protocol | TechCrunch 4 weeks ago:
And you think Mark Cuban is funding what, exactly? A member’s co-op?
- Comment on The Great Decentralization: What happens when sprawling online communities fracture into politically homogenous, self-governing communities? 5 weeks ago:
But people are not curling up in anything. They’re having third parties, that have their own political interests, feed them an image of reality.
This is wildly different from self-organized communities built around existing common interests or beliefs.
- Comment on The lost days 5 weeks ago:
When the precession of the equinoxes kicks in.
- Comment on Facebook Is Censoring 404 Media Stories About Facebook's Censorship [404 Media] 5 weeks ago:
Facebook: Now an unmoderated space, except for if you report on what Facebook is saying. Or criticize the actual social hierarchy in any way.
- Comment on Resume help 5 weeks ago:
Tgis is what gets called out, and not equating disabilities with illness?
You treat an illness. It’s something you try to eliminate. A disability isn’t something that has a cure, and often needs accomodations rather than treatment.
- Comment on The Extreme Disconnect between Game Journalists, Developers, and their Audience 5 weeks ago:
But, it’s been mostly the AAA studios that produced massive, massive high-budget flops, and then they laid off a bunch of their staff.
Those are still failures on the publisher’s part. This isn’t 30 years ago. Most game studios are not independent, they’re owned by the publishers, and the publishers have immense creative control.
No, but when developers and the rest of the teams see that it’s “live-service schlock”, they should start looking at their resumes, instead of thinking “well, my job is safe because it’s a large corporation”.
Really easy to say, but, believe it or not, during a time where the tech industry is actively shedding 10s of thousands of jobs, looking at your resume doesn’t actually do anything for you.
Honestly, you seem to be saying “it’s developers fault because I refuse to understand power dynamics”. You may as well just scream “bootstraps” over and over.
- Comment on I wanna ROCK 1 month ago:
Pretty sure it was Idaho
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 1 month ago:
Tell me you played with strafe in 1993 and I’ll never belueve another word out of your mouth.
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 1 month ago:
Go on. Play like it’s 1993 all over again.
- Comment on Day 1 Reddit Refugee 1 month ago:
Welcome! Always happy to see new faces showing up.
This place is significantly smaller than Reddit, and also significantly more spread out. It grows on you, but it’s important to look beyond the similarities between how and Reddit look. Under the hood, these are very different spaces.
“Lemmy” is actually a large network of independently operated Lemmy-based (or not… more on that later) websites. Each website has their own rules, and their own “communities” (AKA sublemmies, magazines, groups, etc.). You’re using one of, if not the, largest website in the network, and the one that is probably most Reddit-like (pre-IPO) in terms of rules and policies. It’s a general purpose content aggregator.
There are quite a few other medium-to-large general purpose content aggregator sites on the network. comes to mind, as does And, of course,, which is where I’m commenting from. Each of these websites has its own communities, and houses mirrors of remote communities that their users have subscribed to. Remote communities with local subscribers synchronize with the host website every so often (it can be quite frequently, but usually isn’t instantaneously). This makes the whole thing kind of like being on a web forum, but being able to follow topics from other web forums.
As you can imagine, this means there are some niche websites on the network. is dedicated to table top gaming; is focused on… I don’t know, some tv show or something; hosts a bunch of communities focused on software engineering; is focused on the KDE desktop environment for linux. These are often low-population sites, but they can see a lot of off-site engagement. Focused sites like that are great sites to use if your primary interest is the topic at hand; it really makes the Local feed super valuable.
If you remember that we’re not all using the same website, and that the different websites are, in fact, different websites, with their own rules, cultures, and norms, it helps grok the space a lot more. It also makes it easier to understand why there might be 8 different politics communities, and that c/politics on might be very different, both in terms of who is posting there, and also what they’re interested in discussing, from c/politics on, or on
Now, one thing that’s not obvious from (or any Lemmy-based website, really), is that not every website you have access to here is actually running Lemmy. and both run mbin, which is a different content aggregation webserver. runs nodebb, a web forum server.
People have access to Lemmy communities from an even wider range of website types. Users from Mastodon-based websites, Friendica-based websites, Hubzilla-based websites, and probably quite a few more.
We’re all on different websites. Some of those websites are significantly more different than others. That shapes this space in ways we haven’t even begun to truly explore yet. And it adds a little jank.
But the jank is worth it, as far as I’m concerned.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
No one is off-put by the realization. Just the attitude the post represents.
- Comment on This message will not go away unless I agree to their spyware. 1 month ago:
They make me continually glad for switching to a credit union.
- Comment on Nom nom 1 month ago:
No? Not everyone’s doing work on quantum systems. Far from it. Most people do not need to use Dirac notation.
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 1 month ago:
GoG isn’t the publisher. Y’all don’t read the shit you agree to, and know fuck all about media distribution. You’ve never owned a video game, a movie, or even a book that isn’t in the public domain. You’ve only ever owned licenses for personal use, and those licenses have always been provisional and revokable. Always. Your ignorance is not change that.
- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 1 month ago:
You really need to look at what you’re buying. Whether it’s a download, a DVD, or damn floppy disk, you’re still just buying a license. A very revokable license. If it’s online, the publisher can cut you off.
- Comment on The Two Genders 1 month ago:
It’s because it was actually a Walz thing, and she sidelined Walz for some reason.
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 1 month ago:
Seems like an opportunity to use this in attack PP’s tax-cut rhetoric, and to attack the oft-repeated talking points from business that tax increases will be passed on to consumers.
Tax cuts are eaten by businesses, so long as the businesses believe that people will continue to buy. Tax increases will also be eaten by businesses, so long as the businesses believe that people will refuse to buy at a higher price. It’s all being taken by or from shareholders.
It’s a shame no political entities will actually touch this with anything more pointed or useful than “that’s appalling!”
- Comment on Blacksky Is Nothing Like Black Twitter—and It Doesn’t Need to Be 2 months ago:
Like you I’m confused at the continual cries of racism on Mastadon.
I, uh, said I’m not confused by the cries of racism. I’m confused by the constant claims of “I don’t see any, therefore it must not exist”.
It’s like no one gives a shit, because it doesn’t affect them personally. Which, you know, makes everyone the kind of people that those experiencing harassment don’t want to be around anyway.
- Comment on Blacksky Is Nothing Like Black Twitter—and It Doesn’t Need to Be 2 months ago:
Yeah. It’s pretty telling that my entire time on Mastodon has been punctuated by black users complaining about how much racism they’re exposed to on the network, and everyone else going “I don’t see any racism!”
Like, ok, maybe you don’t. I don’t. I’m as white as snow, and don’t post about my experiences as a racialized person (not being one, and all). But it’s pretty clear, just from seeing the same exchange over and over again, that racialized people are experiencing something I’m not, and them expressing as much has Defenders of the Faith circling wagons every time it comes up.
Mastodon being a little more complicated than Twitter wouldn’t have been a major blocker to communities coming over. “Hey, join this site”, rather than “join Mastodon!” is all you need. But no one’s going to be telling black folks, or any other community, to come on over if the social atmosphere is at least as toxic as where they’re coming from.
Now with another alternative, Mastodon also needs to be better than “not being Twitter”. And the people who are there already seem to have zero interest in doing that.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
And why is the url they send always “[random hash]”? Why are there trackers on this totally anonymous, fo sho, survey link?
- Comment on Your Bluesky Posts Are Probably In A Bunch of AI Datasets Now [404 Media] 2 months ago:
Yeah. A public internet means a public internet, for good and for ill. People have been trained to see the internet as private, and we’re now reaping those sown seeds, and people really hate the harvest.