- Comment on Sun God 4 days ago:
Less about size and more about size and relative distance. Think about being on Mercury and the entire sky is blazing sun.
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 1 month ago:
I agree with this. The tie looks too business/professional. The bowtie has a certain charm. But it needs to be like “neon bus seat” design. You know the one I’m talking about. Or like water cups from the 90s.
- Comment on Blu-ray players will soon be almost gone: Here's what to do 1 month ago:
This. CD/DVD players/burner drives are cheap and readily available for PCs still. Hell, you can find external floppy drives still.
Though, admittedly, the lack of software on BluRays might hurt that since the need won’t be as strong. But I wouldn’t expect drives to completely disappear for awhile.
- Comment on Depressing awful town 2 months ago:
Dunno about this particular area of PA, but the areas I am familiar with… the answer is meth.
- Comment on Are PVOD Rental Prices Going Up? ‘Alien: Romulus,’ ‘The Wild Robot,’ ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’: All $24.99 4 months ago:
I dunno, my 65 inch TV and 5.1 surround sound system, along with adjustable lighting, begs to differ. Just cus your system sucks doesn’t mean everyone’s does.
- Comment on Are PVOD Rental Prices Going Up? ‘Alien: Romulus,’ ‘The Wild Robot,’ ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’: All $24.99 4 months ago:
Way to miss the point. Name a place where a family of 4 can get 4 tickets to a current movie for $25. It’s not happening. They’re saying that for them, $25 is a fucking steal compared to the theatre experience just on price alone, BEFORE you even consider snacks and other people.
- Comment on Are PVOD Rental Prices Going Up? ‘Alien: Romulus,’ ‘The Wild Robot,’ ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’: All $24.99 4 months ago:
So you’re mad that check notes pirates will have it in good quality before you rent it? Then… Be a pirate? Or don’t worry about the pirates and just worry about yourself? I’m… not seeing your particular issue. Pirates will get it regardless so how does that factor in at all?
- Comment on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Dev Says Big Budget Games Are Failing in Part Because Teams Are Over-Scoping Their Projects 4 months ago:
How is saying it’s not the same game mechanics “judging it by different standards”? That right there is the problem: this idea that everything modern is better. Not everything needs all the same features tacked on.
- Comment on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Dev Says Big Budget Games Are Failing in Part Because Teams Are Over-Scoping Their Projects 4 months ago:
Open world while still needing to go through the temples in a certain order. Various gadgets were required to progress, but crafty players often got around this. Pokemon would also be called “open world”, but could you just walk up to the Elite 4 from the beginning? Nope, had to get them badges first.
There’s “open to exploration” open world and “here’s a giant map, go wild”(a la Fallout/Skyrim). I prefered a Zelda with more guidance. Even Wind Waker, arguably the most open world, still had a progression the game tried to keep you on.
- Comment on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Dev Says Big Budget Games Are Failing in Part Because Teams Are Over-Scoping Their Projects 4 months ago:
To me, they would be perfect games if they weren’t Zelda. That is to say, they are great games, just not what I expect from a Zelda game. Something I’d expect from Bethesda moreso(style, not gameplay lmao).
I feel like Wind Waker was the right balance between freedom and linear story.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 4 months ago:
The purpose of the cap is to BE the lid. Otherwise it’s a bottle.
- Comment on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Dev Says Big Budget Games Are Failing in Part Because Teams Are Over-Scoping Their Projects 4 months ago:
Unpopular opinion: open world ruined Zelda. I thought I’d love the concept. But actually give it to me? Ughhh… Spend forever doing side quests because you don’t know if the equipment will only be good now or if youll need it down the road… No real guidance so you can end up just meandering around…
I liked the more structured narrative. Don’t get me wrong it’s cool to play Link and just do whatever you want. But for a story game, a more defined linear path is more engaging imo.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
“the choice is arbitrary”.
Except it’s not as many other have pointed out. You’re just confused and trying to spread your confusion to others. Yes, advanced math gets complex, that’s advanced math. Don’t drag trig into this when you’re just confused.
Also “I don’t use bottle caps or cars”? Seriously just buzz off with that. You don’t live anywhere where you’re not using the simple machine of a screw. I hope Archimedes is rolling clockwise in his grave right now.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
“the choice is arbitrary”.
Except it’s not as many other have pointed out. You’re just confused and trying to spread your confusion to others. Yes, advanced math gets complex, that’s advanced math. Don’t drag trig into this when you’re just confused.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Fair point. Car wheels are a bit of a bad example. Probably shouldn’t have included them, but I’ll at least argue that means that 50% of wheels are clockwise and 50% are counter, so it negates itself.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Tighten = on/activated. You use a cap buy putting it on to seal the container. You out a screw in to join the wood. You do the thing it’s meant to do in a clockwise fashion.
What’s the purpose of a cap? To keep things in. The purpose of the spout itself is to let them in.
Clockwise wins.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Ummm… Have you ever used a screw? Bottle cap? “Right tighty, lefty loosey”? A car wheel when going forward? Literally 99% of things tighten clockwise.
You’re the person people have to say “no, your other left” for, aren’t ya?
- Comment on What is the secret to making LED light bulbs last as long as the package says? 6 months ago:
That’s a wiring issue. Bulbs burning out shockingly fast means something else is wrong. Had the same issue in a ceiling light until we replaced the wiring.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Exactly. It’s hard to argue that Steam has a monopoly when the other launchers exist and suck. Steam, despite its flaws, is still the best storefront we have. Gabe is the person who taught us that piracy is largely a service problem, not a price problem. People will pay when the paid option is quality.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
A lot of companies have been trying to sue them and are trying to tarnish their name in any way possible because their case is already shaky at best. The whole “monopoly” thing despite competition existing and Valve only being on top because they’re the best feature wise stuff.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
That’s just a name we give to “a share of a well-known, profitable, and established company with a history of success”. I.e. “companies that experience constant and consistent growth”. That’s literally what OP is criticizing. They do the same things. Microsoft is a blue chip. You think they don’t have layoffs to appease shareholders? Google? Apple?
- Comment on Anon makes popcorn 7 months ago:
If you don’t think your cheap Chinese made plastic popcorn maker is shedding micro plastics too, I have a bridge to sell ya.
- Comment on Why do many search engines seem to ignore operators (e.g. exact phrases, term exclusions, OR, etc.)? Is there a good reason for having a dumb 1997-level search logic that I'm not seeing? 7 months ago:
Bro, this is just a load of shit. Google removed them by choice, not because of some tech need. Better search engines still use them to great effect.
You just posted a very long rambling justification for injecting ads and other shit into the results instead of giving you what you asked for.
- Comment on So would he call this a win or a loss? 8 months ago:
how physics works doesn’t necessarily dis prove the existence of a supreme being that designed the laws of physics
This is how Darwin felt about evolution. It was the answer to “how?”, not “why?”.
- Comment on Humanity making progress like it always does 8 months ago:
Blame the raking of the leaves. No leaves in fall means no place for the eggs to be laid and no place for the larvae to grow. It’s another casualty to grass lawns. A “clean” nature is a place where nothing has room to thrive.
- Comment on What do I need to trouble shoot second hand desktop computer? And how? 9 months ago:
Seconding this. If they don’t clock, they still feel in. They gotta CLICK.
- Comment on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom at 40: Spielberg’s hit-and-miss relic 9 months ago:
Exactly. I don’t agree with the article/hate of the movie, but it absolutely is the least liked of the original trilogy. This has been a long standing trope. The Guardian didn’t make anything up.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Some people see “to reduce animal cruelty” as judgy because that’s just how nature is. The moral superiority comes from you acting like you’re somehow above everyone and everything else. It’s entirely in your wording and the implications that if you eat meat, you enjoy animal suffering vs seeing it as a natural outcome of nature.
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 9 months ago:
In those experiments, the speaking portion of Joe has no clue what the other side is experiencing. Like they show it to him on the wrong side and say “can you see this?” “No”. Then they ask him to draw it, and to his amazement he does. It’s not just being unable to vocalize certain thoughts - they’re not even there to vocalize at all to that part of the brain. But the other half is happily chugging away with that info
- Comment on Woaaaaa 10 months ago:
If it melts, they’d all be northern coasts.
It’s referencing the pole swap.