- Comment on Mother 1 hour ago:
Yeah. We evolved to survive as a group. Not as individuals.
Kangaroos while they do sometimes form groups, are far far less social, and kids of dead parents aren’t adopted like what would happen in a human group.
- Comment on Mother 2 hours ago:
Kangaroos do the same. To be fair, evolutionarily it makes sense.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 23 hours ago:
Am I the only one who’se only ever used wooden pencils in my life? In my part of the word basically no one used those plastic ones.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 23 hours ago:
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 23 hours ago:
At school all the cool kids had these lol
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 23 hours ago:
I used to live quite near to one of the bic factories in France. Ahhhh I’m obsessed with Bic pens.
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 1 day ago:
I hope we reintroduce and help repopulate predators.
The main reason deer populations are out of control is we’ve killed pretty much everything that eats deer…
- Comment on the duality of beetle 1 day ago:
…and you have 0 posts on your account.
There is a shortage of posts on lemmy compared to active users. So no use outproportionally criticising someone who is posting a post based on something like image quality of a reposted meme lol. That’ll just make people who bring content to lemmy less likely to continue.
Obviously it’s okay to criticise bad posts, but I think in thise case the criticism was a bit much.
- Comment on the duality of beetle 1 day ago:
Appreciate your images. But I don’t think that shade on OP was necessary lol.
- Comment on The man with a mind-reading chip in his brain, thanks to Elon Musk 2 days ago:
Maybe people can be corrupted. But I think it’s selection biases. If you’re the type of person to fuck people over to earn money (big buisness) or to seek power above others (politics), maybe you were corrupted in the first place? I mean it’s hard to make it in either of those without doing a lot of morally questionable stuff.
- Comment on What TV cancellation are you most upset by? 2 days ago:
Nick Offerman is an absolute gem.
I want to see him in a sitcom directed by Dan Harmon.
- Comment on World travelers 2 days ago:
According to the first article that popped up in the search results the most likely theory is portugese traders brought them over from madagascar.
- Comment on Top 50 TV Shows Of All Time Ranked by the most known sources of ratings like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic etc. Agree? 3 days ago:
IMDB rates Bojack Horseman as number 1 show, yet it hasn’t made this list.
- Comment on Top 50 TV Shows Of All Time Ranked by the most known sources of ratings like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic etc. Agree? 3 days ago:
I think the show is great. But man as someone who’se actually studied Moral Philosophy, the show is really tough to watch because it oversimplifies and misinterprets so much and Chidi is just not a believable character if you know what you’re talking about.
- Comment on Yahoo is selling TechCrunch 3 days ago:
It does not make me feel good that legit half of tech outlets are owned by one company.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 6 days ago:
Not everyone is using the cafe? People are allowed not to eat in a private restaurant. The availability of a bin shouldn’t be dependent on spending money.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 6 days ago:
So your entire argument is public bins are useless?
You understand that people should clean up after themselves whether or not there is a bin, but offering a bin is a useful service that greatly helps people out can be compatible right.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 6 days ago:
I dunno about you, but if I see a bin in a public area, I assume some is paid to empty it. I don’t empty it myself.
- Comment on Bumble heightens safety measures with new ID verification feature 1 week ago:
Nope Nope Nope. I do not want the government having that data. Knowing our governments, they will contract this to third parties who will almost certainly sell that data.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Yep. Very few people would waste all their money and tear up their vagina and lose all their sleep for three years, and free time for atleast a decade, on purpose. We have an evolutionary drive to.
- Comment on "Save the Bees, Murder the Wasps" 1 week ago:
(If anything we humans are the “pests” and “invasive species” ahaha)
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
Well quatre-vignt-dix is literally translated to “four twenty ten”.
But when a french person hears that, they don’t hear those numbers, to them it just means ninety.
Just like an english person won’t hear. “four-ty”, and think “four-ten” “oh that’s 40”. Because “fourty” was originally “four-ten” (written differently because old english so I rewrote in modern for simplicity) and got shortened down.
To them “fourty” is just a word that means 40. Just like to metropolitan french people “ quatre-vignt-dix” is just a word that means 90.
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 27 comments
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
… and that your children survive to reproduce
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
They were about as “neutral” as they were in the Ukraine conflict under Biden.
They were selling loads of weapons at discount prices and supporting the allies in many ways.
You’re right though that the US public was generally against joining the war, and the US as a whole, tended to be quite isolationist until Pearl Harbour.
- Comment on SMH 1 week ago:
Yep. Thank fuck we invented double blind RCTs.
Otherwise the placebo effect might have us still convinced blood letting with leeches works.
- Comment on genotype rarity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1 week ago:
If YY happens, the fetus will not form normally and you will probably have at best a miscarriage
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Photographers Are on a Mission to Fix Wikipedia's Famously Bad Celebrity Portraits [404 Media] 1 week ago:
I know we do. I’ve got thousands of wikipedia edits.
- Comment on Google changes Chrome extension policies following the Honey link scandal 1 week ago:
The smartest person earth (if there is such a thing) will do dumb stuff, because they cannot know everything.