- Comment on Enshittification 17 minutes ago:
Ok whatever.
- Comment on Enshittification 25 minutes ago:
I don’t believe you have the guts to admit when you’re wrong and change your mind. So why waste any more time with you?
- Comment on Enshittification 3 hours ago:
No, it isn’t.
- Comment on Enshittification 4 hours ago:
LoL ok.
- Comment on Enshittification 8 hours ago:
No, the market does not give a flying fuck about justice. That’s why we have a government.
- Comment on Enshittification 15 hours ago:
You’ve had this explained to you endlessly already. Because the point of sociwty isn’t to root for bad businesses failing. It’s to ensure the just treatment of all people. You just don’t care about that because you care more about pretending to be superior than about building an actual society.
- Comment on Enshittification 16 hours ago:
We had that. Now the racists are in charge, they’re burning it all down and proppjng pathetically incompetent white conservatives. The experiment already ran for centuries in this country, and clearly demonstrated the idiocy of racism. But bigots never get sick of trying it again. Racist businesses will fail, yet again. What about that are you not understanding?
- Comment on Enshittification 16 hours ago:
Because race is irrelevant. Bigotry is not.
- Comment on Enshittification 23 hours ago:
Because for bigots, racism trumps profits.
- Comment on Enshittification 1 day ago:
DEI ensured that qualified minorities could not legally be passed over by racists in favor of UNqualified whites, as clearly you are. I would never offer you a job.
- Comment on Murica 3 weeks ago:
There didn’t use to be so many days over 100F in FL. And there didn’t use to be so many warm days in the dead of winter in North Dakota.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 3 weeks ago:
Well, that’s certainly one way to reduce our screen time. I’ve got shelves of neglected books that need attention.
- Comment on I'll care when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 3 weeks ago:
Yet comparing all socialism to the Soviet Union is exactly what you did.
- Comment on Sun God 3 weeks ago:
Damn, that’s a great idea. I gotta go back and finish that series.
- Comment on I'll care when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 3 weeks ago:
Let me guess. Post-Russian? Don’t blame communism for Russia’s glaring flaws.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Not anymore, no. They used to be quite uncommon.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Well, that is largely caused by cars.
- Comment on What Did William Burrito Mean by This? 4 weeks ago:
They want slaves.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
I’d like to reengineer the mosquito to draw blood samples, identify viruses, then create and spread vaccinations.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
Could we also do something about the dark triad traits?
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
I would absolutely go for 6 fingers. Preferably an additional thumb. Not to mention an additional joint in each. Let’s go base 12!
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
These days it ain’t looking like a bunch of us ought to live forever.
- Comment on It's a good group! 1 month ago:
It’s very likely that the Earth military lobbed it toward earth as a pretext for war. The big planet was light years away (across the galaxy? I forget) and there was propaganda extolling the orbital defenses of Earth right before the hit. They had an orbital ring station around the Moon! No way they could miss a rock that big.
- Comment on Hold on! 2 months ago:
Fuck off
- Comment on Typical from my so called imaginary friend 2 months ago:
Nearly everyone seems at least slightly crazy to me, definitely including me, but especially neurotypicals.
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 2 months ago:
Would if I could. Nobody is gonna send me money for nudes.
They ought to pay the models better too.
- Comment on I wanna ROCK 2 months ago:
My dad’s advice sums up basically to “come back to Jesus.” Mom was far worse, but she died recently.
- Comment on Fucking pigeons 2 months ago:
They did not start this way. We domesticated them. Then we rejected them. They’re still figuring out how to be wild again. All those pigeons you see are the descendants of formerly beloved pets that we threw outside without a care around 150 years ago.
- Comment on Fucking pigeons 2 months ago:
For millennia they were beloved pets and messengers. We bred independence out of them and doted upon them. Then we invented the telephone and cast them all out into the wild en masse. It’s amazing they’ve survived this well.
They are as we made them, and as we rejected them.
- Comment on I wanna ROCK 2 months ago:
Honestly, it sucks. I have never been able to ask advice from either of my parents as an adult. Of course as a teen they seemed dumb to me, but even then I recognized that I was a teenager and that perception was typical for my age. But they never got any smarter. Frankly, the older I’ve grown, the more like children my parents seem to me. As a kid they always told me I was super smart. Now as an adult, do they listen to me if I try to correct their mistakes? They do not. They’ve been suckers for cons my whole life.
And no, I’m nowhere near as smart as they led me to think.