- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 5 days ago:
Go for it dude. I’ve been working out ny whole life and have never paid for a gym membership (I used the gym at college, then at my various apartments, and then when I got a house I set up a home gym). You can get an awesome workout in with nothing more than some free weights, a bench and a little creativity. You mention being a “total novice,” but I feel like most people that go to a gym are working out on their own anyways so unless you’re thinking of getting a personal trainer there’s really not much difference. If you have any questions about form just take a look on YouTube.
The other factor is, what will motivate you to exercise more? For me, it’s the convenience of knowing i can just walk into a room in my house and work out. Whereas I know some people that are more motivated by group exercise classes. So you’ll have to figure that out yourself.
- Comment on "Save the Bees, Murder the Wasps" 1 week ago:
Bees are not in the wasp family (although ants are)
- Comment on Anon offers some dating advice 2 weeks ago:
Yeah I’ll learn how to do that some day…
- Comment on Anon offers some dating advice 2 weeks ago:
Reddit did the same thing. A single carriage return is ignored. Idk why…
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
You only make the mistake of using a calcium carbonate buttplug once.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
I know a girl in south carolina who wasn’t from there; she saw lightning bugs for the first time there one summer and she started crying. I find that story very touching- its a reminder not to be blind to the beauty of the world, even if that beauty is so common that it’s unremarkable.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
When I was like 10 I remember reading advice in a body building magazine that has stuck with me ever since:
“Don’t try to pick up girls, literally or figuratively, at the gym. Women don’t feel sexy when they’re sweating unless they’re already naked.”
- Comment on Sun God 4 weeks ago:
It’s very hard to convey the size of the sun in a photo. On earth, it isn’t bigger than the moon. I don’t think I’ve ever seen, in a real photo, just how massive the sun is. I absolutely dwarfs a planet, which is kind of chilling. I’ve never seen a photo that shows anything further away from the camera than a planet AND that much bigger.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks ago:
How did FDR feel about gay rights? Economically he was to the left but socially he was way to the right. Sanders, sure, but I meant in a general election.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks ago:
Kamala Harris and Biden before her ran on the most liberal platform in history
- Comment on Anon signs up for a 5k 1 month ago:
Sir I think you are forgetting that you do not pull the pens completely out with every thrust unless you want to snap it off by accident. I think a 1.25 multiplier to your calculation is therefore necessary.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
I think soulslikes are appealing to a certain type of player. Personally I love Dark Souls it’s my favorite game.
But I like playing with stakes. I remember stumbling around in the forest, down to my last scrap of health, with no more heals, desperately trying to reach the next bonfire. That for me is fun. Is it frustrating to lose your progress? Sure. But the only “penalty” is you have to try again or change your approach and try something else. And really, is being forced to replay a section inherently punishing? If the game itself is fun, you should still be having fun fighting and exploring even if you aren’t progressing.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
From Reuters:
The Anti-Defamation League, which tracks antisemitism, disagreed. “It seems that @elonmusk made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute, but again, we appreciate that people are on edge,” it posted on Monday. In Germany, the president of the Jewish community in Munich and Upper Bavaria, Charlotte Knobloch, described the gesture as “highly irritating”. “Far more worrying are Elon Musk’s political positions, his offensive interference in the German parliamentary election campaign and his support for a party whose anti-democratic aims should be under no illusions,” she said in a statement.
Look if the extremely jumpy ADL doesn’t call it anti-Semitic it’s a real reach to call at a Nazi salute. And don’t tell me they are in on the conspiracy. Most politicians know better than to hold out their arms like that, Musk clearly does not.
- Comment on Disney sued for $10billion over Moana 2 2 months ago:
Pet chickens are also pretty common in the pacific I feel like
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
I feel like people are ignoring that Netflix was bleeding money during their “golden age”. They only switched to being profitable a couple years back. A lot of times what people describe as enshittification is just unprofitable companies having to come up with an actual business model as venture capital drying up.
Also, merry Christmas:)
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 3 months ago:
Look if companies could implement successful anticheat without kernel access they sure as hell would, regardless of cost or effort. There is a TON of money to be made in competitive fps games alone, and they’re pretty much all overrun by hackers
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 3 months ago:
So, what makes you think he’s been taken in by fascist doctrine? Are we talking, “he thinks Dave Chapelle is funny and rolls his eyes at wokeness” or are we talking “defends hitler at the dinner table”? I ask just because I feel like some very liberal/leftist people can be pretty jumpy about things that are ultimately harmless. Additionally he might just be doing/saying things to act out and get a rise out of you. You’re not gonna fix that by making him read “white fragility” or something.
As far as gifts go I agree with many others in suggesting something that will make him interact with other worldviews in the real world. Maybe you can get him into a hobby that is shared by people across many different socioeconomic backgrounds like basketball or martial arts or travel or something.
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 4 months ago:
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 4 months ago:
Well, it’s gender neutral, neither party can (legally) change their name after marriage. That seems weird to me. Let people do what they want.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 4 months ago:
Hmm but what do you do if your name is already hyphenated? You can’t just keep bolting names together so that’s not a solution for more than one generation.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 4 months ago:
Ohhh that’s your profile pic, I was really confused how you got verified haha
- Comment on Websites: Then vs Now 4 months ago:
I think the difference is that there is not really a Netflix-without-the-ads alternative for the same price. And if you are willing to pay a bit more, well, you can just pay for the higher tier of Netflix without ads.
With browsers on the other hand, it’s all free with virtually no barrier to switching. So I think people will defect away a lot more quickly when a browser starts to worsen in quality (especially since Chrome doesn’t have Daddy Microsoft to force users to use it by default)
- Comment on Premium Ads 4 months ago:
Less ads I guess? Idk
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
Haha that movie was showing as a demo at the wholesale store my family would go to as a kid. I watched it in segments whenever I was there- I thought it was super cool + funny. So much so that when I was in college I convinced my girlfriend to watch it with me and wow that movie sucks I’m sorry to say :;( Although I do still quote “I see this is Flying Dingo IV. What happened to Flying Dingos 1 2 and 3?”
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 4 months ago:
Well for starters the meme is BS, check the other comments. Or just use common sense; there are plenty of traditional tribal societies around today, many of which are well documented. Have you EVER seen a woman from one of those communities hunting big game? I’ve been trying to think of one for the last 5 minutes and I can’t. I’m sure it happens but not a single example comes to mind.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
Yeah I remember getting in argument with someone who suggested violence/intimidation against everyone who committed the crime of…wait for it… driving a Cybertruck
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
Whoa that’s fucking dark. I’m a very strong Ukraine supporter but the dehumanization of Russian soldiers is disturbing.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
For me, I blocked the political subs and it helped a lot. But idk what content is bothering you. Are you looking at local to Idk anything about that instance. seems pretty chill, it has the reputation of being the most mainstream instance
- Comment on The internet, every October 5 months ago:
Eh that is a thing for paranoid parents. Your family meets with a bunch of other families in a parking lot and the kid can go from trunk to trunk collecting candy. Prevents axe murderers from putting razor blades in the candy or whatever. It certainly hasn’t replaced trick or treating overall but it does seem more common.
- Comment on Missed Connection 5 months ago:
I guess everyone’s a Nazi when you’re an edgy leftist