Fun fact:
The dairy was fined in 2023 for a Salmonella outbreak and is very militantly anti-government.
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Fun fact:
The dairy was fined in 2023 for a Salmonella outbreak and is very militantly anti-government.
Some relatively unknown French microbiologist is rolling in his grave right now.
Sanitation is being put out to Pasteur
This is a top grade pun.
I’m cool with idiots who don’t know any better getting what’s coming to them… but I’m not really cool with them sneezing on the same door handles I turn.
Except the same people end up serving it to their kids
Weird. I thought they were anti-abortion.
Just have a spoon of pesticides after drinking that pure natural raw milk. If it’s good for the corn it’s good for you.
Throw in some powerful antibiotics too … if it’s good for the cow, it’s good for you
if it’s good for the cow, it’s good for you
Must undergo a rectal palpation first, in order to asses assess health.
Don’t forget to sun your taint. I hear that cures all sorts of things
A sun-goatse of sorts.
A bit of roundup and horse paste, the MAGA cure-all.
Am i seeing this right, that you can buy raw milk in grocery stores? What the fuck?
Raw milk gets bad way to fast in order to sell it in a grocery store.
Imagine deliberately paying a premium for food that can make you seriously I’ll.
Imagine deliberately paying a premium for food that can make you seriously ill.
This applies to maybe 80% of what’s in a grocery store.
I believe it has to be bought at the farm but they still do commercial packaging
That’s interesting. I wouldn’t have thought, that so many people buy raw milk, that its profitable to do commercial packaging.
When kept below about 3C raw milk can last 7-10 days. The problem mainly is in the handling - the longer it’s shipped and more it’s handled the higher the likelihood it ends up above safe temperatures, reducing that time significantly. And we’ve all seen how grocery stores handle their perishables… LOL.
Filthy farming practices don’t help.
Is it like a new thing? I never heard anyone making a fuss about raw milk other than like the Amish for the quarter of a century I’ve been around.
It seems to be based around the people who just look for problems to have, like okay when are people gonna start drinking bottled puddle water because “its got natural minerals and bacteria” or some nonsense.
Raw water was a thing. Not sure if it’s still a trend but it definately happened.
Doesn’t it last 5-7 days? In Europe it is long enough.
People like my boomer mother will buy a gallon of milk and expect it to be good for 2+weeks.
She is part of the reason I do a small shopping every couple days and only but what I need for the foreseeable future. An entire generation of Americans that are used to everything being so pumped with preservatives that we can eat a Twinkie that rolled under the couch last presidential election.
Yet, we have to scrub eggs of their natural coating at the farm, requiring them to be refrigerated.
Food regulation in the US hasn’t moved very far from the 60s.
All i can say is, that at “normal” refrigirator temperatures milk will be good for 3-4 days. Cant say anything for temperatures below that
Why are people surprised by this? Do you guys not have refrigerators in your grocery stores?
Raw milk gets bad after about 3-4 days, even with constant cooling. This period is way to short to sell it at grocerie stores in any big scale.
We do, but we also have pasteurization.
You see, in America, the milk cattle live in terrible conditions. Mastitis is common. In the US, you really have to pasteurize the milk to kill all the bacteria and viruses that end up in the milk because of the conditions they live in.
Okay, whether or not raw milk is generally safe, why buy it when there’s an alternative that removes the pathogens?
Wonder if they tried heating the milk up to 63 degrees C for 30 mins before consumption?
Maybe that would help.
Nah just add a little ivermectin and you’re good!
Just use bleach! It kills 99.9 percent of germs.
Why would you say crazy, nonsense things like that?
Sorry, I am out of line.
But I do think it could catch on.
Louis Pasteur is rolling in his grave…
He is boiling in his grave. Probably milk.
Only for a few seconds. And he’s not even boiling. After that he’s fine.
rolling curdling
Crazy how if it was any democrat saying drink raw milk s/he would likely be accused of a conspiracy in which he is trying to spread bird flu so they can have another pandemic and vaccine manufacturers make money out of it. But when a republican says it, s/he is probably celebrated for using the wisdom of our grand grand parents.
I mean, viruses are kind of Trumps thing. Maybe H5N1 kills another million or so to mark his second term.
H5N1 is way, way more lethal than Covid19.
If it were to mutate to spread between humans without decreasing in lethality it would probably be the deadliest event in human history by a significant margin.
H5N1 would kill a lot more than a million if it goes H2H.
it would be celebrated as “freedom”
I’m told that if you mix in some bleach, it’ll “do a tremendous number” on the pathogens.
always a relevant xkcd no matter the topic
I didn’t have “Raw Milk encouraged by the US govt. causes second pandemic in 5 years” on my bingo card for 2025.
I’m not ready for Moovid…
I like to moovid, moovid.
America, home of the brave and land of fucking around and finding out.
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I’ve seen some shit claiming pasteurization is harmful and I just have to ask if the people who believe that know what pasteurization even is, because how the hell does boiling it make it harmful? Shit… If boiling milk makes it toxic, you better stay away from cheese. And a lot of baked goods. Creamy soups. Etc.
Not even fully boiling. To quote Wikipedia, because I’m lazy:
The liquid moves in a controlled, continuous flow while subjected to temperatures of 71.5 °C (160 °F) to 74 °C (165 °F), for about 15 to 30 seconds, followed by rapid cooling to between 4 °C (39.2 °F) and 5.5 °C (42 °F).
Literally 30 seconds of “pretty hot”. And people are risking serious illness, even death, over some mythical beliefs about how nutrition works.
This is the whole “gluten is poison” (for people not actually intolerant to gluten) all over again. Those people also had no idea that it was just wheat protein.
Louis Pasteur is rolling in his grave, watching them raw milk drinkers.
You say that, but far as I know, Pasteur died and the raw milkies are still alive!!1!
Take that time! We totally futured your ass!
Of course it was from Fresno, lol
Heyo, that’s where I live 😅
Relax, it isn’t human to human transmissible.
isn’t that the place with the freaky haunted pants?
lol, yup.
It’s so bizarre to see this discussion play out on the basis of “health”
Because there is a legitimate discussion to be had about the economics of how milk pasteurization requirements have affected local dairy farms. How the unsanitary conditions of industrial scale milk production have made it a necessity. How marketing and corporate interests have shifted consumption patterns.
And yet these fucking dipshits have turned this in to “pasteurized milk personally harms you!” In grifter circles.
How screwed are we that we can’t talk about the complexities of how corporate farming practices have effected our food supplies with out couching it in terms of “health food”.
I cannot express how much I hate the term “health food”. There is no such fucking thing as a “health food”.
It makes me want to rip my hair out when these topics come up.
This problem has always bugged me writ large as well. It seems nearly impossible to have any conversation that looks at the bigger picture of things in a complete and nuanced way.
Take for example employment rates. It’s just taken as a given that high employment is the goal. But stop and think about that for a second. In any other part of your life is your goal to completely saturate all time with labor? No, obviously not.
But the goals are set and we must achieve them. More money next quarter than last quarter, it doesn’t matter if every conceivable customer already has a subscription, we must grow. Make the product cheaper to make, charge more, do anything but consider that we might have picked stupid goals.
Agreed with everything you said. I had a class about bio processes and one of them was about production of cheese and during the class both our professor and the scientist that was walking us through the chemistry of cheese making were constantly talking how pasteurization was really good for us all and how annoying it was that it made cheese making more difficult because of the way it messed with casein and other proteins, making it so that the cheese wouldn’t “coagulate” correctly (they used a specific term that I cannot remember for the life of me, sorry) but that was all. A protein being bent up a bit doesn’t negatively affect the milk of where just drinking it or using it to bake, Ave even for cheese making there are tequiniques to still make it into cheese with pasteurized milk.
For the other non scientists here is a good article explaining what “raw milk” is.…/dangers-raw-milk-arise-bacteria
Food safety is communism!
Stop drinking milk not intended for you, problem solved. Go Vegan !
Hey, I live there and someone just posted on our local Facebook page asking where to get some raw milk. I’ll send them a link.
Maybe ingest it and then use UV light or inject bleach. I hear Ivermectin helps against everything.
So, I don’t really understand the science, but my son is only able to drink raw milk. When he drinks normal milk, he has terrible stomach aches and mad diarrhea. When he drinks raw milk, it’s all rainbows and butterflies. For reference, he’s 3 and has been drinking the raw milk for around a year and a half. Also, the rest of the family had no issues drinking pasteurized milk. Maybe somebody smarter than me could explain why this is?
The more deadly pseudoscience that spreads the fewer conservatives there are in America, so I can’t say I mind stuff like this too much.
Surely this is satire. One of you guys made this as a joke, right? Right?!?
There is a way. Just mix it with equal parts hard liquor.
Slow pastuerization kills the same amount of microbes as flash… without killing all the flavor of the milk.
ThE FlU Is JuSt A BaD CoLd! If BiRdS CaN TaKe It WhAtS yOuR PrObLeM sNoWfLaKeS?
Fuck, dude, it’s already in California? I was hoping it was at least somewhat contained to Canada but clearly I haven’t been keeping up with the news on the issue.
at least CVD isn’t contageous 3 months ago
I bet the solution is so fast, it’s past your eyes before you know it. 3 months ago
Sounds like something a guy named Louie would think of. 3 months ago
idk, seems like an idea that should be sent out to pasture. 3 months ago
Louie CK? Funny guy, weird shaped penis. 3 months ago
Hmm, a sign language pun. Interesting! 3 months ago
Past-yer-eyes milk. Nice.