- Comment on What is happening with Tesla (TSLA) stock currently? 📈 2 days ago:
Thanks for The clarification.
- Comment on What is happening with Tesla (TSLA) stock currently? 📈 2 days ago:
I still dont get what its supposed to mean. I guess its AD HH. I dont think I have to explain the 88, but what does the 14 stands for?
- Comment on I've done it again... 6 days ago:
That’s weird.
- Comment on I've done it again... 6 days ago:
You might want to try whole grain pasta.
- Comment on I've done it again... 6 days ago:
S friend of mine did that with rice some years ago. Instead of cooking like one cup he filled the pot about halfway. Needless to say, that we got free rice that day.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
If you assume, that every plant only grows one potato. Depending on what kind of potato you plant a single plant can give about a dozen potato’s, so this would come down to a factor of 96 per cycle.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I am trying to clarify that atm. In my research, I saw wildly different numbers from $30 to $160 per 1000 m2
It is absolutely possible, that people pay this much. I have seen this in other regions too. What I meant is, that I still don’t get how people are making profits of this. Just assuming, that you get 200$/T of wheat and are able to harvest 10t/ha, which is a lot, you still only made 800$ of a nectar if land. This does not include the costs for all the machinery and fuel. Also at a price of 1.6k/ha it is dumb to not buy it instead. If you calculate this on a time scale of 20 years you would pay 32k in lease, so to make this profitable you could buy the land up to a price of 3.2$/m2 which is quite a lot.
There are actually a lot of projects like that. They unofficially partition the land into 500 m2 parts, arrange water and electricity (some don’t arrange that either), and they sell. Thy call them hobby gardens. Do you happen to know about them?
The difference here is, that the people are forced to do everything by themselves. In my scenario people are paying you for the work of planting the crops and maybe additionally taking care of them. The thing you mentioned is also more like, that people can build shacks on it etc, since 500m2 is way to much to eat all of it that you can grow there. It also takes quite a lot of work to maintain all of this. These small sections have the advantage of the people being able to maintain it without much effort.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Also you can’t make a profit of 2.5ha of land. If you want to do this for a life you need way more. You also need machines, buildings to store stuff and so on. Do not expect to be able to make it into lifetime farming by investing anything less than a million. Probably more depending on the land prices. Also, as you said, farming is a lot of work with very little money to be made. The only way to be profitable is by either planting special crops, diversifying by doing a lot of different stuff or by simply growing to cut costs by utilising machines etc more. Also, without any prior knowledge, this is doomed to fail.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
You can still plant something on it, but you have to be fast if you want to harvest it. Alternatively you could plant grass/clove on it and the figure out what to do with the land afterwards.
However, if you want to do a “split profits” deal you have to make sure, that you dont take to much for yourself, because most farmers won’t do this if leasing it is actually cheaper. Also it might be hard to get someone to lease it for a single year and at this time most stuff is already planted which makes it even harder.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
You should devinetively watch out with planting bamboo. Do not, under no circumstance, plant bamboo that spreads with its roots because that shit might be a nightmare to get rid if afterwards.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
This is also what I suggested (not exactly but about the same concept). Biggest problem might be, that its maybe a bit far off from the next city.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
You have no idea. Non organic planted potato’s have an average yield of 40t/ha. So this field would give you about 100t of potato’s. And trust me, you can’t do this manually and even with machines this takes a shit load of time. Without any experience in farming and without equipment, which is needed (you dont need machines to plant and harvest, because they are waaay to expensive) this is still quite a big investment. Potato’s also drain the soils quite a lot so you need to have a rotation of at least a few years. But what do you do in the years where you dont plant potatos?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
This isn’t 25 acres. Its 25 decacres which is about 6 acres or 2.5ha or 25.000m2
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
First of all, what the fuck, how are people paying 1.2k lease per nectar and are still able to make a profit of it (this is possible if you plant vegetables, but most farmers dont do vegetables).
Secondly, if you are willing to maybe invest a little bit more I would try to market this as a “DIY” garden. Basically what you do is, plant the field with vegetables, divide the field into smaller sections and then people pay you for having the opportunity to raise and and harvest their own vegetables. Harvest everything you can’t sell by yourself and sell it to your local supermarket.
Lots of cash. If you just charge people like 20$/month for e.g. 50m2 (which is quite a lot) that would come down to 1000$ per month assuming that you are able to rent all sections to other people (which will devinetively not happen). Even if you only rent out 50% its still 500$ per month.
Not very work intensive. You dont really have to do that much. Just regularly check on the field and care for all parts that are not rented out.
Further investments are needed. You would have to supply the field with water. The best way would be to buy a cheap forklift and some containers, fill them up with water and drive it there. If you already have a car that can tow trailers you could also use that to supply the field.
High instability: You can’t really calculate how this will work out, because you can realistically only calculate this for this and maybe the next year. This is also highly dependent on how gods you can reach the field.
The field may be a bit off for this concept, but if you manage to market this to the city population (not necessarily the city population, but more of the urban population that live in denser areas) you can make quite a lot of cash of it. I think with the uprise of uncertaintys about the availability of food and maybe declining supply chains this might get more relevant in the future. For this to work I would suggest to start small. Just seed clover on the rest of the field that you dont plan to use. This has the advantage, that you dont loose soil due to erosion, but you also allow the soil to regenerate and ultimatively clover is able to fixate nitrogen in the soil which is OBE of the most important nutrients for growing anything. If you let the clover grow for 2 years it can fixate iirc up to 200kg/N/acre which is quite a lot, bit this really depends on a lot of different factors.
- Comment on Sounds like a place I'd love to work for 1 week ago:
Mildly related. In Germany (and I assume in other countries too, but I can’t confirm) depending on why your doctor freed you from work you are actually allowed to do such stuff. As example if you get called sick from the doctor for depression you are allowed to go clubbing, make a trip to the beach etc. This is because under German law you are only forbidden to do stuff that is not beneficial for your recovery, so doing stuff that makes you happy is absolutely allowed. I would suggest to not tell this your employer, because that can lead to a lot of unnecessary discussions, but you are allowed to do this.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 160 comments
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
And dont forget, we are on Lemmy. Everything that’s somewhat conservative gets bullied out quite fast. C/conservative started as a legit community and got turned into a meme community. I think this speaks for itself.
- Comment on Let's gooooo 3 weeks ago:
Physicists also use rads for circular motions.
- Comment on Let's gooooo 3 weeks ago:
And tobacco is Not AS suspicious as coca
- Comment on He's taking some deep drags on that Marlboro as he considers what to do 3 weeks ago:
But they are the ones who fucked everything up and if humanity is going extinct I expect these assholes to Die for what they did.
- Comment on He's taking some deep drags on that Marlboro as he considers what to do 3 weeks ago:
Sadly a flood won’t solve the problem. The rich assholes just gonna step onto their yachts and sail away.
- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 3 weeks ago:
It took me way to long to realise its Britain. My first thought was, that it would be the US and then got confused because this wasn’t the US.
- Comment on Germany right now 4 weeks ago:
This is absolutely true
- Comment on Germany right now 4 weeks ago:
While this is absolutely true, I dont think, that this is the cause of the current uprise of facism.
- Comment on Germany right now 4 weeks ago:
But we are working on yourself to catch up with the US.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to [deleted] | 156 comments
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
You should be able to bust it open using liquid nitrogen and warn water. I don’t think that the glass is made for being able to tank temperature differences of over 200°C
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 5 weeks ago:
You’re welcome
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 5 weeks ago:
Hardtekk is a genre quite popular in Germany. Its know for having not much melodies, being repetitive and using a lot of distortion so that everything sounds a bit cheap. It is also quite popular in combination with German rap.
Speedcore is techno with 400+ bpm and Extratone is everything above 3600 BPM. This is The Rate at which the beats turn into a single tone and you can’t hear the single beats.
Examples for Hardtekk: for Melodic Extratone: for Extratone: (this one is technically Splittercore, but it does has good Extratone elements) (the end is Extratone)Examples for speedcore in general: (check out the part starting at 4:20 that shit is sick)