- Submitted 1 day ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 2 days ago:
One of the better evolutions.
- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 2 days ago:
- Comment on Anon calls in for financial advice 2 days ago:
Hi. I’m an person in finance. Fuck Dave Ramsey. He gives decent financial advice, but the way he shoehorns God into financial matters so frequently was off-putting to me, even when I was a Christian. That, and he’s a racist, bigoted POS.
If you’re in the middle class, his baby steps are somewhat solid stuff, though.
- Learn how to write a budget. There are sites out there to help you with that. Personally, I’ve found I like a spreadsheet best.
- Reconcile your accounts daily. Know where your money has been and where it’s going.
- Squirrel away some cash. A grand ain’t much to have, but it’s a fuckton to owe.
- Don’t drive glitzy cars. A '99 Corolla gets you there just as effectively as a new Tahoe.
- Get out of credit card debt ASAP. If you can’t pay cash for it and you don’t need it, you can’t buy it.
- If debt is crushing you, use what windfalls you can get to pay them down.
- Eat out less. Cook at home more. Not only is it less expensive, it’s generally healthier.
But saving six months’ expenses and paying off your house early…yeah, that’s not feasible for at least 70% people. Especially renters.
The truth is Dave’s screeners do not let anyone through if his program can’t help them. I mean, a single parent in a rural town whose boss won’t pay them enough to survive and whose economic prospects are so limited that “just get a better job” will never work because there aren’t any. People who must rely on the generosity of others to get by and will be completely fucked if they lose their government assistance. Or worse - their job. There’s no financial advice that can help them. Because we live under an economic system that can’t operate if those at the bottom aren’t going through untold suffering and can be helped by “drive an old car, eat beans and rice, and just get a better job.”
At that point, it’s not the fault of the person. It’s the fault of the system. Dave isn’t the problem, but he’s certainly a complication.
- Comment on fair treatment 3 days ago:
Even paintballs suck when they hit you. Mask shots are great because those don’t hurt lol The worst is when your shirt comes up that litte bit and you get nailed on bare skin.
I’m a big baby so I didn’t play much paintball lol
- Comment on Day 248 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 6 days ago:
Far Cry 3 was absolutely a high point in the series. At least until the second half of the game. But the first half is incredible. The 2010s had some amazing video game villains. Vaas, Handsome Jack, Flowey, Father Comstock…hell, I’ll even throw in Andrew Ryan and GLaDOS.
I liked Far Cry 4 and 5. I’ll argue that Joseph Seed is the closest to a second Vaas the series has come. He’s not as melodramatic as Vaas, but he is a solid B- villain in my book. Pretty convincing, menacing, and rooted in his beliefs. Plus, I ran co-op a lot with my wife. So lots of good memories there.
- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 2 weeks ago:
I told my wife we’re going on an extended vacation in Kenya. She sounds stoked.
- Comment on 'lil lad 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on wrong again 3 weeks ago:
iirc, the Biden admin threatened to step in last time this happened. We all know Trump is gonna do fuck all to alleviate the problem.
- Comment on wrong again 3 weeks ago:
Oh, I absolutely made the assumption in my calculation that he wasn’t lying. He can’t even lie a meaningful amount his administration has supposedly saved.
But you and I both know the dopes who voted for him ate. that. shit. up.
- Comment on wrong again 3 weeks ago:
I listened to his address. He listed off some 19 items where they slashed the so-called “waste, fraud, and abuse.” The first thing was like 22 billion and the next eighteen added up to another 2.5 billion. So all in, they saved 24.5 billion.
Trump’s requested 2018 budget (pre-pandemic, pre-inflation spike) was 4.094 trillion. Adjusted for inflation, it’d be 5.247 trillion today. Which means, rounded to the nearest percent, they’ve saved 0%.
Yeah. 0.47% to be more precise. Another way of putting it, if the government was spending $100.00 in 2018, now it’s spending $99.53. And if most people saw a thing that costs $99.53, they’re probably gonna tell you, “That thing’s a hundred bucks.”
Meanwhile, a dozen of the bottom shelf eggs I bought this morning cost me six dollars. Four weeks ago, these were $1.89. My favorite brand isn’t even available anymore. Also, the store limits you to two cartons at a time. They do sell packages up to five dozen, though. Those cost $42. And yes, that is a worse deal. Much worse. But if you need 60 eggs at once, that’s probably how you’re go about it.
Not to mention the planes falling out of the sky right now. But at least I still have my freedom, I guess?
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
There’s a charm to early 3D. Late 2D is a timeless look, but early 3D is unmistakably mid 90s to early 2000s stuff.
I’ve been running the original Resident Evil trilogy. The graphics age it, of course, but the games are just awesome. Resources are limited. You have to consider what’s worth wasting ammo on. You have to consider if you’ve done enough to justify a save. The puzzles aren’t terribly difficult, but they’re satisfying. And I love a good old fashioned jump scare.
- Comment on I always suspected that these never actually cleaned anything 4 weeks ago:
I must be a bit younger than you. I remember the CD player lens cleaners. Those actually had brushes that made contact with the lens and did stuff sometimes.
Of course, a gentle hand and lint-free cloth will clean the lens, too. Probably better lol
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
It’s funny because 20 years ago, I remember all the Republicans in my rural town in Oklahoma saying that it wouldn’t be long before we’d all need to learn Chinese because we’re in sooooooo much debt to China that we’d be speaking the language.
They were also royally pissed about Obama bowing to the Saudi prince, but they sure don’t seem to mind it when Trump does everything short of sucking Putin off.
- Comment on No one can know my shame 4 weeks ago:
Perhaps Marty was predicting America’s obesity epidemic.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
“Trust us, bro.”
- Comment on This used to be peak commercial humor 4 weeks ago:
Although, Doritos has some great ones.
The Etrade baby was great too.
For all the X-ers out there, WAZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP
- Comment on wyd in this situation 4 weeks ago:
I am simple Heavy. Sandvich calls me, I answer.
- Comment on Now what the hell came next 5 weeks ago:
New blood joins this hood
And quickly he’s a dude
Some Metallica song i guess
I was a huge Metallica fan when I was a teen, but before we had the internet and I couldn’t look up the lyrics, I had to write them down as I heard them. And I still hear that song this way, even though I know better.
- Comment on I knew it 5 weeks ago:
Sure, but who’s pregnant with whose baby?
- Comment on It's pronounced giraffe 5 weeks ago:
Guy named Geoff: “Actually, it’s Georaffe.”
- Comment on Ow ow ow ow ow 5 weeks ago:
And, I suppose, to keep Disney’s G to PG rating. Can’t really market a movie to kids and show animated titties, now can you? Also, she’s only 16, so there’s that.
Then again, why is Ariel only 16 to begin with? It’s not like 18 year olds don’t deal with power struggles with their parents. I was having power struggles with mine at 22.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
The way he so quickly racked that slide is a huge tell that this isn’t his first rodeo. If you brandish on someone with a sticker or magnet, you know you’re not in any real danger. Dude is just a psycho nutbag who has never lost an argument because his retaliation is always gun.
This is the kind of guy to shoot at kids for knocking on his front door while his family tells the media he’s a good person.
- Comment on The priorities of life 5 weeks ago:
This is why I keep mix CDs in my cars. Turn it on and it’s already playing the CD I was last spinning. And you know what? I think I’ve got pretty good music taste so I’m gonna let that shit play lol.
I just burned the Chappell Roan album and left it in my wife’s car lol We’ve been bonding over that one. One day, I think I’m gonna get us tickets to see her live.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 month ago:
My monitors only have DVI and VGA inputs. I’ve had to get adapters to use them with more modern equipment.
I’ve got no reason to replace them. They’re perfectly fine monitors. I’ve had them for over a decade, and I still like them a lot.
- Comment on Ain't no way in hell... 1 month ago:
Nope. I was at the drive thru in the front of the line waiting on my food with the engine switched off. I never touch my phone in the car unless I’m off the road and stationary.
I’m not gonna make a post saying this guy’s a moron for driving with an icy windshield while I’m taking a picture of it doing 40 miles an hour and uploading it. That’d make me kind of a major hypocrite, wouldn’t it?
But they got to the drive thru with their windshield like this. Which is kinda terrifying.
- Comment on Ain't no way in hell... 1 month ago:
Yup. Completely iced over.
- Submitted 1 month ago to mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world | 16 comments
- Comment on OSHA is woke 1 month ago:
USCSB is a great channel btw.
- Comment on We played a game of "got your ears." Long story short, it got out of hand. How do I get them back on before my wife comes home? 1 month ago:
He’s a shelter dog. Both of our dogs are.
We haven’t done a DNA test on the girl. She’s still pretty new to us.