Isn’t dying poor a good thing? I don’t want to live poor, but you can’t take it with you. I’d ideally spend my last dollar right before taking my last breath.
Anon calls in for financial advice
Submitted 1 day ago by to
Comments 1 day ago 16 hours ago
The problem is when you spend your last dollar but still are breathing. 1 hour ago
The goal would be to spend my last dollar prior to ending up in a hospital where I die and the medical bills go poof. 1 day ago
If you’re unmarried and have no descendants sure. Although you’re kind of screwing them over, these days, you dying is the only way your kids are ever going to be able to buy a house. 21 hours ago
With inheritance taxes in the west not even then. 20 hours ago
Problem is, that you normally don’t know how long you’ll live and cannot plan accordingly. 16 hours ago
I know when I’m going to die, because I’m an independent free thinker. I refuse to face my death on anyone’s terms but my own. I intend to live a rich and fulfilling life, watch my family grow, and then end it at a time of my own choosing, after giving all of my grandkids the tools they need to go on without me.
If I died to any means but suicide, I wouldn’t think it fair. You can’t fire me, I quit. It’s my life and I’m going to be in control until the last second. 17 hours ago
Inheritence and/or charity 16 hours ago
Like how some banks go “save a coffee now, buy a house in a year” 1 day ago
Dave Ramsey’s advice is only ever applicable to those who are terrible with self-control. If you have at least mediocre self-control, carefully managed debt can be a boon 19 hours ago
Dave Ramsey is a bigotted, sexist, racist piece of shit who got rich running mega churches. Ie: scamming people and the government.
He’s fired people because they’ve have children out of wedlock. The whole company is a cult. 18 hours ago
Doesn’t that describe pretty much everyone in finance 1 day ago
Does a British financial analyst who basically says the same thing.
If you can actually manage debt make sure to get some. And then pay it off. 20 hours ago
One example: If you get to own a house (that’s paid off) not having debt on it is stupid because you get the lowest interest a regular person possibly can get. Even if everyone else has interest rates up to their mouth you’ll get a rate so cushy investing the money in any index fund will outperform your interest payments. 17 hours ago
Financial advisor Dave Ramsey Snow
His advice on living within your means usually includes gratuitous torture porn. Yet he always forgets plot armor won’t protect you from financial mistakes. 1 hour ago
I haven’t actually directly consumed any of his content but from what I’ve gathered over the years it sort of feels like advice targeting people addicts. The same way it may sound strange to tell someone to never ever ever drink a single drop of alcohol ever but it makes sense if you know they’re a recovering addict.
But at the same time, there’s just some pretty bad advice too. Along with some common sense good advice. 1 day ago
The only Ramsay I listen to is Gordon. 16 hours ago
[insert curse words here] 1 hour ago
i assume the caller is an american