- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 3 hours ago:
Unless that movie is Snatch.
- Comment on How are you feeling? 1 day ago:
I keep telling myself that I’m doing ok and everything is fine, but at least once a day I suddenly collapse and start quietly sobbing. It usually happens in the shower, but it can happen anytime I have a brief moment alone. Only lasts for about 1 to 5 minutes and then I’m back up doing whatever it was I was doing, but its happening more and more frequently, and it’s getting harder to pretend I’m not overwhelmed by everything.
There is so much chaos and uncertainty. When I look at the state of the world, it feels like giving up and screaming incoherently into the void is somehow the most rational response; and that trying to keep going is a fool’s errand.
- Comment on Anon calls in for financial advice 1 day ago:
You shouldn’t listen to him either. He’s just a TV personality. In reality, he’s absolute shit at cooking.
- Comment on Online Wars Aside, 'Snow White' Simply Isn't Getting Moviegoers to Buy In 1 week ago:
Parents with children.
Keep in mind, they don’t need to actually like the film, as long as they are paying to see it.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
Modern PDF signing creates a digital fingerprint showing the device it was used on, whose credentials were used, a timestamp, and even a location if location services are turned on.
But yea, I guess all that just can’t compete with the ironclad security of a fucking ink pen. Oh, sorry. A copy of an ink pen. So much more secure and traceable.
- Comment on Online Wars Aside, 'Snow White' Simply Isn't Getting Moviegoers to Buy In 1 week ago:
What if… gasp, what if you’re not the target audience?!
Everyone complaining about the poor quality of Disney’s live action remakes is overlooking the main reason why Disney is making them. They’re profitable.
With the relatively low cost compared to a traditional animated movie, the ability to lean on existing IP’s, and the fact that the main audience (children) don’t typically give a shit about quality, Disney has been raking in the money with these remakes. I don’t believe they’ve had a true “flop” (where they lost money) since they started.
The Disney that made original films and stories is long dead. And why wouldn’t it be? For all the complaints about the lack of originality in Hollywood, when a studio actually risks making one, it tends to be a bust. Going to a theater is an event, and people don’t want to risk their money on an unknown story. Money talks, and unfortunately it says that remakes and bland superhero movies are what the people want.
- Comment on There are great movies, and then there’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit. 1 week ago:
For those who liked Roger Rabbit, I’d highly recommend the new Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers movie. It was kind of slept on when it was released and deserves so much more attention. I think people just assumed it was a remake of the show, the movie is entirely its own thing. The only thing you even have to know about the show is that it existed. The movie itself is pretty much just like Roger Rabbit, with multiple IP’s mixing together in the real world and some surprisingly dark themes.
I’d still probably say Roger Rabbit is overall a better movie, but Chip 'n Dale is very close.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Nope, he had no plans to infect them. The babies had parents who were HIV-positive.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
It’s crazy that people are trying to make this comparison. They are worlds apart. Notice how the post and most people talking about it aren’t discussing what he actually did? Because the situation gets a lot murkier when you learn the details.
“Experimenting on babies” - What?! That’s unethical and immoral! Must be junk science with no benefit!
“Made babies at risk of HIV immune to it” - Well… That’s good for the babies, but maybe he should have gone through proper channels.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
He used CRISPR to make 3 babies immune to HIV.
- Comment on Roll tide! 1 week ago:
The fact that people believe this was real shows that even the most basic media literacy is fucking dead.
Why are people so bad at recognizing obviously fake shit?
- Comment on I will not elaborate 2 weeks ago:
Not a single millennial was old enough to vote for Clinton. Barely any were old enough to vote for Bush, even during his second term.
Do not lump millennials in with that mess. We didn’t make it, we were just forced to grow up with it.
- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 2 weeks ago:
Name a non-US country in the Americas that is not
- Closest to fascism than the US
- Currently threatened by the US
- Poverty stricken and lacking basic infrastructure (electricity, plumbing, internet) to a majority of the country.
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 3 weeks ago:
The President is behind him too. I don’t like either of them, but I can see why people would want to take a picture.
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 3 weeks ago:
One of my best friends was a dude from Philadelphia who was a republican who became friends with the mortal enemy of the republican party
He became friends with the concept of education?
- Comment on BRASSICAS 4 weeks ago:
Hard no. Extremely hard no. This is the kind of crap our parents would make and serve.
For anyone with taste buds, let’s be abundantly clear on something: steaming vegetables is perhaps the WORST way to cook them.
Unless you are eating them raw, or using them as an ingredient in a larger dish, almost all vegetables should be roasted/grilled to bring out and caramelize their natural sugars. Steaming them leaves you with unflavorful mush. Like you’re cooking the soul out of them and leaving only a sad memory of what they could have been.
- Comment on Little know fact 5 weeks ago:
I mean, he was incredibly rich.
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 5 weeks ago:
Maybe recognize that your partner doesn’t ascribe as much meaning to arbitrary dates and that silently expecting them to do something is a toxic mentality. I hope you realize you’re not teaching them any sort of lesson, you are intentionally setting yourself up to be disappointed/upset at your partner for not following the rules of a game they didn’t know you were playing.
Especially these days. Don’t you think it’s possible they have other things on their mind? I know I do. Between trying to figure out how to pay bills, figuring out how to save a little so we can retire some day, thinking about how stressful my job is, thinking about all the chores that need to be done, worrying about the health of myself and my family, worrying about car/home repairs, keeping insurance/registrations/enrollments/appointments/documents all up to date, and the endless struggle of what we’re having for dinner tonight; there’s just not a whole lot of mental space left for reading my partner’s mind and fulfilling their uncommunicative expectations.
You say this has been happening for years. Ever think that it’s just not something that’s going to change? That you’re expecting a fish to climb a tree unprompted and then getting upset with the fish when it doesn’t?
Grow the fuck up. Be a partner to your partner. How hard is it to say “Hey, I’d like to feel special on Valentine’s Day. It’s important to me.”?
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 5 weeks ago:
30 years of watching progressive movements flounder and civil action lead to absolutely zero substantial changes has given me a defeatist attitude. What good is getting mad? It’s not like it will change anything.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Found the non-American.
- Comment on A troll (https://lemm.ee/u/shinigamiookamiryuu) is a new moderator of AskLemmy on Lemmy.world. What can be done about this? 1 month ago:
See, if I had done something so boneheadingly stupid as an accident, I would immediately be putting out statements clarifying that it wasn’t a Nazi salute. It’s what we would expect any reasonable person to do.
Elon Musk himself has not denied that it was a Nazi salute.
Why do you think he’s refused to clarify?
- Comment on Always go go go. Never no no no. 1 month ago:
Cuz even if I’m semi-conscious, I’m still in my warm cocoon of heavy blankets where there are no problems and no people to bother me. There are some mornings I would give up nearly anything for just 5 more minutes.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Can’t wait for all the pictures of these events with half a dozen people standing around looking lost.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 1 month ago:
Cherry picked and edited to give bad answers. Go play around with any of the big models, you’ll be bored and disappointed because 99.9% of the time it will give you exactly what you ask for.
Except Gemini. Gemini is a drunk.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 1 month ago:
In digital art, the image itself is not your expression. The idea is, but comparing the choice of shaders you use with brush strokes done with real paint, where you can see and feel the emotions the artist wanted to express with their physical brush, it’s just so… less art?
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
Throws out all my rice, oatmeal, milk, and berries because they all come in either plastic or a box
- Comment on Clarifying questions about the Musk salute 1 month ago:
Please find me a statement he made saying it was just a harmless wave, because unless I missed something recently, he has not said anything of the sort. He hasn’t denied making the salute. He hasn’t claimed he meant something else. He hasn’t said that it was a lie or a conspiracy.
That’s the whole point of OP’s post. Musk himself has not made any statement contradicting the Nazi narrative
- Comment on 'The Brutalist' criticised for its use of AI 2 months ago:
No thanks, I’d rather refuse to learn anything and blindly accuse any useage of AI as “slop” despite never looking at it myself to judge it’s quality. How dare you accuse my opinion of being closed minded! I’ll have you know I formed that opinion myself after reading the opinions of others exclusively in my preferred bubble of the internet. How could I possibly be wrong?!
- Comment on You could've had it all! 2 months ago:
Rastafarianism killed Bob Marley. He had an infection in his toe that got bad enough that it needed to be amputated. He refused because it was against his religion and the infection wound up killing him.
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 2 months ago:
Dude, watch the video, it’s like 10 seconds long. He does the salute, twice. Not in a “oh this could be construed as something else”, but a full on seig heil. Twice.
He then posted the video of himself doing it on Twitter. Not with any explanations or defense of his actions, just the video.
He gave a Nazi salute and is proud of it. And idiots like you are scrambling to try and give him the benefit of the doubt when literally no doubt exists.