- Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 3 days ago:
Using a gun with a 25’ effective range
Translation: I know fuck all about shotguns beyond what I’ve seen in movies and video games.
- Comment on A children's television program 2 weeks ago:
Loved this show. The theme song still pops into my head occasionally.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 weeks ago:
Why do you presume this is about Americans?
American tourists are much less common in Thailand than English or Australians.
- Comment on Lil Xan Caught on Video Beating Concertgoer, Cops Investigating 2 weeks ago:
Hmm… I can’t put my finger on it, but somehow I get the feeling that someone named “Lil Xan” might not be the best kind of person.
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 weeks ago:
Where are you getting that 50k number from? Is it based on the number of abortions performed in 2021? You don’t, perhaps, think that women might be getting abortions out of state, or relying on better birth control methods, or are resorting to smuggling in Plan B? You think it’s really a 1-to-1?
- Comment on pew pew 4 weeks ago:
As humans, our eyes contain 3 different types of cones (red, blue, and green). With these we can see around 1 million different colors.
But Mantis Shrimp have 16 different types of cones in their eyes! And with those 16 cones they can see a whopping… 16 colors.
While our brains allow us to mix and match the different bands of light our eyes detect in order to “see” a wide variety of colors, Mantis Shrimp lack that ability. What they detect is what they get, there’s no neural post processing, or at least not any that allow the perception of mixed colors.
- Comment on pew pew 4 weeks ago:
Probably in the top 10% of fun animal facts people like to share, so I’m pretty sure plenty of people bothered to tell you about it.
- Comment on BIOMES 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on But yes. 5 weeks ago:
The only truly new method of power generation we’ve made in the last 100 years has been photovoltaic cells. Everything else is just finding new ways to make turbines spin.
- Comment on Pocketpair Confirms Which Patents Nintendo And The Pokemon Company Are Suing It Over 1 month ago:
The butchering mechanic is mostly there as a joke. After you do it once, you unlock a much better and friendlier version of recycling your duplicate Pals.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 1 month ago:
You can create a sentence with an infinite number of “police”
Who polices the Police?
Police Police police Police.
Who polices the Police Police?
Police Police Police police Police Police.
And so on…
- Comment on Mom of the year 1 month ago:
Sadly I think there are people out there like this
The only sad thing is how much brain rot people like you have gotten from the internet to believe shit like this exists anywhere in reality. You’ve built up examples in your head of awful people doing awful things, except all those examples are fake bullshit like this.
- Comment on Oxbowin' 2 months ago:
The alternative is pretty fucking stupid too. Imagine losing access to your freshwater because the river shifted across an imaginary line. At least when the border is the river, you always have access to the river.
- Comment on [Discussion] Someone should have gotten sued over Kangaroo Jack for deceiving trailer 2 months ago:
I honestly think thats brilliant marketing and actually hammers home the message being told. Modern war and life in the military isn’t like what you normally see in media or what the recruiters will promise you. It’s often a boring, exhausting, lonely, massive waste of fucking time punctuated by moments of high stress. Most soldiers don’t see direct action and have practically zero insight into what is going on. Why was that patch of dirt 5 miles away just bombed? Was it us who bombed it? Who fucking knows? Get back to drilling.
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 2 months ago:
I’ve seen so many people grudgingly pretending what they saw wasn’t one of the coolest fucking things they’ve seen all year all because they hate Musk. Like, you know he’s not personally involved in the design or manufacture of these things right? By all accounts he’s more of a hindrance and these amazing fears of engineering have been accomplished despite him, not because of him.
I personally don’t really care how big of a douche Musk is, as long as he’s willing to fund these kinds of things.
- Comment on What is the current best smart TV software/brand/ecosystem option? 2 months ago:
I still haven’t found something better than Chromecast that can stream obscure video sites (yar-har). Everything else seems to only accept large companies with dedicated apps (Netflix, YouTube, Crunchyroll, etc.). Unfortunately, with Google phasing out their Chromecasts, I might have to go back to a super long HDMI cord connected to my PC.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 2 months ago:
Who’s claiming Atlanteans were white?
- Comment on We lost Keanu 2 months ago:
Ok but that’s the thing I’m trying to get at. 15k years ago there was no such thing as Europeans. There weren’t Africans or Asians or Indians. Thats so far back that there are zero ties to modern races. It’s meaningless to try and connect them. It cant belittle one group of people while praising the intellect of another because human migration has made any resemblance to modern humanity from that far back a moot point. Any races from that long ago no longer exist.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 2 months ago:
The colosseum isn’t 10000 years old
- Comment on We lost Keanu 2 months ago:
I don’t get the racism argument. Claiming there was an ancient civilization existed that taught early civilizations isn’t racist. That an ient race doesn’t exist anymore. The early civilizations they claim to have taught don’t exist anymore. Modern day Egyptians have as much to do with ancient Egyptians as they do with modern Polynesians. At a certain point, we have to recognize that we’re talking about so long ago that race is out of the equation.
Like, don’t get me wrong, his claims aren’t scientific and he definitely seems like someone with a theory in search of facts. But I seriously do not get the racism claim. It doesn’t belittle modern societies because no modern society can really claim ownership of shit that happened over 10,000 years ago. It’s insane to think otherwise.
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 2 months ago:
In war, civilians lose.
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 2 months ago:
It’s war
- Comment on Anon applies for a job 2 months ago:
Happens a LOT on LinkedIn. Be wary of recruiters who seem to immediately want your resume and nothing else before providing you with information.
- Comment on Bees 2 months ago:
Do the flowers get pollinated? That seems like the important part.
- Comment on Bees 2 months ago:
Arent those conflicting statements? How can they be taking up all the pollen AND be worse pollinators?
- Comment on Beans 3 months ago:
Don’t rabbits also have toe beans?
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 3 months ago:
If you completely forget everything about Bernie; who he is, what he’s done, how he speaks, everything; he does look like a CEO who would lay off half his staff for a discount on a sandwich. But thats more because he’s an old white guy in a suit and they all look like that
- Comment on Snow Leopard 3 months ago:
Perhaps you could compress the image further into an even shittier format? I can still make out the snow leopard from this one.
- Comment on Biology Class 3 months ago:
Be better about recognizing fake shit.
- Comment on Is this a triangle? 3 months ago:
No such thing. Even if you were walking on a surface with no change in elevation, the acceleration due to gravity would cause your path to be curved as it followed the curvature of the planet.