- Comment on Swedish metal working unions strike against tesla, Claims they can strike for 500 years. 1 year ago:
That ‘metal’ has a double meaning I guess. More power to them, hope they bring down Tesla a notch or two.
- Comment on You guys need to stop 1 year ago:
That automatic transmission control is really dreamed up by someone utterly deranged.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
Pretty great actually. Not as out of the box as on Windows but almost there. Firstly you get a vastly different experience depending on if you are using Steam. Since I have my entire library on Steam I can’t say anything about other stores. There’s imo 3 points where the experience still differs:
1 - you have to enable Proton as the default compatability tool, Valve has a guide for it and the setting is pretty straightforward to find.
2 - Most games just work now but a few don’t in those cases things like are an enormous help.
3 - Mods are hit and miss (Steam Workshop works fine) depending on the game, for Cyberpunk for example I had to mess with the Proton Config a bit but there were guides for it. However since we are now in a niche of a niche (modding a game running proton) you’re likely to run into unexplored territory
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
ok point me to where I wrote “plants are animals”
I wrote “plants are life” and if you disagree with that I’m sorry but you’re delusional.
In case it relates to the mushroom tidbit: mushrooms also aren’t animals. They’re just closer to animals than plants but in the end they are fungi.
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
axiomatically presupposes human supremacy
not very hard to do. All it requires is a factor that excludes almost all animals and voila. For example: only being capable of communicating abstract concepts (for example: crafting) should be afforded these rights. Since the list of animals we have observed that in is also pretty much the list of animals we don’t eat there is no moral dilemma anymore.
Granted I’m an unapologetic human supremacist so this is a biased take but concluding some sort of human supremacy in the animal kingdom is not hard given that we pretty much rule earth. There is undeniable proof that by simply being present humans influence biospheres harder than an apex predator suddenly showing up, so we have some form of elevation above other animals pretty much proven (whether that influence is “good” is another discussion). All that’s needed then is to find anything that separates humans from animals and you have your human supremacist theory. Given our rather distinct evolutionary path that is not really a difficult exercise.
Without deeper thought I agree with the rest of your statement though.
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
even if not intended you do downgrade human women. Even in the best case scenario a cow is still incapable of holding a conversation on a human level. There are very few animals that can hold a candle to our intellect and by claiming you should treat human women the same as an animal incapable of higher conversation you ARE insulting them and downgrading them.
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
The question of the ethics of your diet are an objective issue one way or the other
I have a problem with your choice of words
objective issue
pick one. Ethics by their very nature are subjective. Anything relating to them as a basis is therefore also subjective. There is no such thing as objective ethics. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you did not write what you meant but as written this is contradictory in itself.
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
wow the absolute irony of this statement being downvoted. Turn it around and it would be, rightfully, absolutely shat on for being misogynistic to the max.
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
I mean disagree all you want but biologically speaking plants are life. And also biologically speaking a lot of plants have some form of “pain” reflex where they can react to damage. However that argument being a stretch is also true. It does work in some circumstances, mostly when you have a militant vegan insisting all life should be protected and no life should be ended for food (has happened to me once so by no means is this a likely event but it shows that the argument does work on very rare occasions)
On a slightly related note: from a genetic perspective fungi (as in mushrooms) are a lot closer to animals than they are to “other” plants. Not trying to use it as an argument or anything just a fun tidbit of trivia while we are on the topic.
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
In all fairness that heavily depends on the type of farming. I highly doubt mass farmed chickens have it better than their wild counterparts given they have about 2cm² of space available before they have to trample on another chicken.
Free range farming however I absolutely agree is better for the animals than living in the wild. Imo given the various benefits (mostly the extremely reduced need for antibiotics, seriously we have to stop feeding them to animals: it’s biting us in the ass already) it offers over industrial scale farming we should move back to it.
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
Yes but actually no.
Thanks to industrial grade food production meat cows and dairy cows are two entirely separate breeds by now. Old school cows you were able to butcher once they died of old age or whatever and get a decent cut of meta out of that. Modern cows are bred to either produce more milk or to produce more meat. Which on one end results in cows too thin to be butcherable and on the other end results in cows with too little nutrients in their body to produce any excess milk.
I say we go back to the old ways of mixed use cows and live with the reduced milk and meat output. What most people drink might as well be colored water given all the fat gets filtered out of the milk so switching to an alternative shouldn’t be a problem (aside from getting used to not drinking cow milk and instead whatever milk is to their liking)
- Comment on Unions work. That's why the corporations don't like them. 1 year ago:
This right here is Stockholm at its finest lol.
- Comment on Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly 1 year ago:
Valve really understands how to get people to stay. Proton is an absolute life saver for gaming on linux and Steam currently offers the best experience with it. You just click play and most of the times that’s it, game works. I have no idea how VR works without Steam but I can only imagine it being a giant pain in the ass given how easy SteamVR is to use (a couple of Linux Bugs aside)
- Comment on Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly 1 year ago:
I mean that’s the same side that steam is using their monopoly for, too
Steam only has a monopoly because they have the absolute feature advantage. There is no other launcher that offers all of the features Steam does. Steams Monopoly is a natural one, it formed because every other choice was worse and developers don’t want to put the game on another 30 stores where it won’t sell anyway. Epic is trying to create an artificial monopoly where everyone uses Epic because the developers literally cannot sell the game anywhere else (at least for a time).
Steam: Developers voluntarily restrict themselves to that single store out of convenience (99% of the customer base is there, why bother with another store). The customer base is there because the store is feature rich. Epic: Developers are artificially restricted to that single store. The customer base is there because they can’t get the game anywhere else.
Given the above I predict that, unless Epic gets their Store feature equal to Steam (which won’t happen imo), Epic will have to continue forcing exclusivity indefinitely. The moment they stop forcing people to use their store their customers will migrate back to Steam for a better experience.
- Comment on Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly 1 year ago:
If I priate anything I still end up adding it to Steam as a non-steam game just because I am dependant on Proton working. Even then the ootb experience is better since Steam handles actually setting up the Proton environment for me when I actually buy the game.
- Comment on Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly 1 year ago:
I’d say PayPal problem but in reverse, customers hate Epic but still have to put up with it to get to the exclusives.
- Comment on Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly 1 year ago:
It isn’t (at least over here) but the “cost” for a game is really iffy to define because if you want to be pedantic the distribution cost for a digital game are cents and that only if you actually factor in infrastructure costs. So technically they can just price them however they want because technically a single game download has 0 cost.
Technically because we all know that the production costs have to be regained somehow, just that with enough lawyer bs you can ignore that as a product cost on paper (for example if you label the entire production a learning experience or smth)
- Comment on Paid full price and got this in the mail (open box). GameStop and I have different definitions of “new” 1 year ago:
Disclaimer: own stonks, so not exactly unbiased opinion here
From what I know they’re overhauling customer service to A) prevent sutff like with OP and B) make sure the customer isn’t disgruntled even if it happens. Not sure how successful they’ve been in that regard but at least it’s what managament claims they’re focusing on with seemingly at least some improvement. Aside from that there’s a couple experimental stores in Italy aiming for a more netcafe style service than the current store model as well as inventory/logistics slimming. They also announced a web3 game marketplace but last I checked there were no games but only loads of NFT vomit on there so not sure if that’s panning out as they intended it. Company is managing to become profitable though, last two quarters they beat estimates by a landslide and this quarter was almost profitable (iirc q2 hasn’t been profitable for them in ages).
I think key will be regaining customer trust, I see a lot of bad blood around with GameStop and I think if the company wants any chance at survival they need to work on clearing their image. They could offer the best service in the world but if people don’t trust their Customer Service that won’t matter.
- Comment on Unity adding a fee for devs for each time a game is installed, after certain thresholds 1 year ago:
Or more cases of devs saying “Just pirate the game, it’s cheaper for us that way”
- Comment on We're monsters 1 year ago:
This may be tough to hear but some poeple don’t give a shit about animals.
Is that arrogant? Fuck yes. Is it hypocritical? From most people, yes. Is it wrong? Lol no, humanity rules over earth and I really don’t see why we should (potentially) torture our own population in experiments rather than species that largely lack self awareness and often have problems with object permanence.
Animals are animals and unless one of them writes me an essay about how all of this is wrong in its own language I won’t change my mind on that. The only species coming even remotely close to us in intellect and mind are dolphins and octopi, neither of which are commonly used for animal trials of anything except puzzles.
- Comment on PSA: the largest piracy community is blocked from 1 year ago:
This sums it up pretty well imo. From a legal standpoint hosting a site like Lemmy likely isn’t going to be a problem in most countries (I know it isn’t in mine with some caveats) but that won’t stop the average lawyer from pretending otherwise.
I can’t really blame the admins here, rather I blame the laws that still don’t account for this sort of use case in terms an average human can read and be reassured by.
- Comment on 😲😲 1 year ago:
Also probably because the reading direction is flipped