Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 5 days ago:
That’s why they have the ability to lookup and select a store. I actually opened a help desk ticket with Home Depot and they did eventually fix it so vpn is allowed. Lowe’s I kinda just gave up by that point.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 5 days ago:
Like a lot of websites. I also forgot to mention how Google has to verify you’re human because you’re on VPN.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 5 days ago:
Then there’s “normal” websites that use cloudflare and blocks vpn access for no good reason (looking at you Home Depot and Lowe’s), or worse yet, they redirect you to a country-specific website based on the ip location.
- Comment on A stranger peeled the clearcoat off my car 1 week ago:
There’s always !
But yeah, I’d be livid. Did you catch them in the act?
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
I have no suggestions for you, but I at least wanted to let you know that you’re not alone in this world. I hope you find whatever you are looking for.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
As a single guy in his late 40s (🤮), and using dating apps, I can say that there are a lot of young 20s that are very attractive. But, thinking about that, and putting my kids’ age into the mix, yeah it’s a no-go. Plus the disparity in things they like and things I like makes me wonder how awkward that would be; especially hanging out with their friends.
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks ago:
I did not know that. I do know you still have to get the federal background check, but that is handled by the gun shops and not the state.
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks ago:
North Carolina no longer requires a permit, except for concealed carry.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 4 weeks ago:
You’re right. I reread your post and realized I misinterpreted what you said. That’s on me. I updated my comment.
- Comment on Don't give up. 4 weeks ago:
I have no idea what you’re even doing with your life.
It’s called earning a living. Not everybody has the luxury of a moral high horse to ride off into some picturesque sunset. They have bills to pay and mouths to feed.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 4 weeks ago:
Wait. So you’re saying that it’s infuriating to see politics in your feed after you turned off the filter to prevent seeing politics in your feed? 🤔
~(This post is mildly infuriating)~
- Comment on Anon goes to boot camp 4 weeks ago:
Aye aye Captain!
- Comment on As an English language pedant, I find this text message mildly infuriating. 4 weeks ago:
I gave up getting upset by little things like that years ago. If I can understand the intention of the other person, then it’s not worth nitpicking. Of course I correct my children, but that’s because they are still learning and need the reinforcement.
All that to say, I’m much happier putting my sanity first.
- Comment on As an English language pedant, I find this text message mildly infuriating. 4 weeks ago:
Years ago I learned (the hard way) that people do not like to be corrected in front of other people; leadership especially. It’s better to speak with them privately, if at all.
- Comment on Anon remembers kindergarten 1 month ago:
I bet that little girl felt so loved by anon, and died more happy having had him in her life than without. I can’t think of a better way to live and to die.
Live your life so that there is someone out there that will never feel alone even when shit is really bad, and die knowing that someone out there loves you so much and will miss you when you’re gone.
- Comment on Commitments. 1 month ago:
Bridges don’t just appear out of nowhere! Someone has to do it.
- Comment on Commitments. 1 month ago:
Awww! I begged my mom for my own volcano when I was a kid. She even said that if I saved up my allowance, I could have one a couple of weeks from when I asked.
Sadly, she feigned no memory of said promise after those couple of weeks. And my dreams of having a pet volcano were dashed.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
For decades it has been ingrained in men that they are to be held to a very specific standard. Men don’t cry, men are strong, men have to take care of everyone else, stop your whining, I’ll give you something to cry about, be the alpha male, that’s “gay”, strength, weakness, and so on.
My father, and grandfather, both grew up with a code of silence. Feelings weren’t talked about, but relayed through their wives; except anger. That was given directly through corporal punishment (hand or belt).
I was always “emotional” growing up. I cried “like a baby” over “nothing”. No one ever came to check on me, or console me, during any of my “fits”. In fact, there were times I was ridiculed for it (sometimes by family members).
When I was 19 my grandmother died. I was really close with her; she was the only one who ever came to my aid and defended me. It tore me up so bad I could barely talk without breaking down. I was told multiple times that I shouldn’t be so upset, and that I was overreacting (by my family). Everything came to a head when all at once my cousins, aunts, uncles, and even brother yelled at me because I was being selfish and unreasonable, and insensitive to my grandfather because “he just lost his wife”.
Oh, and apologies are for “pussies”.
Anyway, it’s not really about me. I wanted to paint a picture for you as to why I’m lonely. Do with that what you will.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Bad advice. Don’t engage stalkers in any capacity, let alone trying to trick them. The last thing you want to do is to make them feel embarrassed or threatened.
- Comment on Anti-vaxxers in a nutshell 2 months ago:
So you’re saying autism caused Pluto? 😳
- Comment on If someone rubs their pennies on you, is it considered a centual massage? 2 months ago:
That makes cents. Just don’t let the other naysayers tarnish what you’re trying to do.
- Comment on Anon wipes his ass 2 months ago:
Honestly, being constipated has always been good for not having a messy ass. It’s being regular or having diarrhea that is messy.
- Comment on Anon wipes his ass 2 months ago:
I wonder if OP forgot to fold the TP or use a new clean bunch and is just wiping their ass over and over with their own shit.
- Comment on I’m Lovin’ It: Exploiting McDonald’s APIs to hijack deliveries and order food for a penny 2 months ago:
Does anybody know what tool this is?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
The better question is why management is giving you flack? That’s the issue. Not your coworkers with kids.
- Comment on nuclear 2 months ago:
How’d you get a photo of my stove top from tonight?
- Comment on We dumb 2 months ago:
This also tracks for programming.
- Comment on neotropical cockroaches 2 months ago:
- Comment on tickling ur spidey senses 2 months ago:
I love finding bugs, and then squishing them.
- Comment on one heckin' huge fish 2 months ago:
Nature’s equivalent to plopping down on the couch and unbuttoning the top button of your pants.