Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 7 hours ago:
Your first three sum up to:
- Italian food but worse
- Mexican food but worse
- Food that’s probably better in most other places
I think OP is set on those in the future, but otherwise good recommendations IG
- Comment on Why is Lemmy only popular in the western World? 9 hours ago:
Really? Because Weibo is much like Twitter or Instagram in China; everybody and their grandma is on it, it has everything from memes to politicians posting their thoughts. It seems very public to me, albeit if you have an account (which just about everyone there does)
What did you mean by isolated?
- Comment on Why is Lemmy only popular in the western World? 1 day ago:
I can tell you, most of South East Asia operates on Instagram and Facebook. And Chinese people’s obsession with Weibo (like Mastodon) and Douyin (Chinese TikTok) are also on their whole own level!
Reddit, what Lemmy aims to replace, is very much Western.
- Comment on Why is Lemmy only popular in the western World? 1 day ago:
See, even your metaphor contains US-only brands.
Also, what’t up with Americans speaking in brands?
Why can’t it be a local shop a few streets away from the supermarket? - Comment on Why is Lemmy only popular in the western World? 1 day ago:
Geograohically they aren’t, but they’re culturally similar, sure.
- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 3 days ago:
It also seems like English changing the letter J from a /j/ sound to a /dzj/ sound didn’t help, going by how “Iacobus” became James (or I could see Jacob in there… With English’ old J)
- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 3 days ago:
jimjam5 wouldn’t mind the name Saint Jim?
I feel you’re biased 😋
- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 3 days ago:
It’s wild that the name Diego becomes James in English!
I would’ve thought of Daniel or something but no, JAMES
- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 5 days ago:
Take shoes for example. Why is a uk men’s size 10 so wildly different from a UK women’s size 10?
EU shoe sizes aren’t different based off gender; women just tend to have size 37 when men tend to have size 42.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting failures to generate reports when reporting the constant spam from "Nicole, the Fediverse Girl" which originates from a different, new instance every time? 1 week ago:
It does that with any unread message for some reason. Going to your replies and then tapping the double check mark in the top right marks everything in the inbox as read, as well.
I should probably let the devs know about this bug… When I don’t forget.
- Comment on I have a bunch of questions: Whats the best way to get this platform's feed to compete with reddit? 1 week ago:
Hah, just like my ex Facebook!
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 1 week ago:
Okay now I got it from your explanation, thanks!
By the way, the first two Shadertoys aren’t working for me, I just get “:-( We either didn’t find the page you were looking for, or there was an internal error.”. The third one works, though…
- Comment on Anon notices some millennial writing tropes 1 week ago:
You can eat an elephant, just one bite at a time!
How about one example for starters, to whet our appetites?
- Comment on Anon gets lunch 1 week ago:
LMAO they’re not they’re into lean-buff, babyface Korean actors and anime guys.
- Comment on Anon judges books by their covers 1 week ago:
Exactly, you’re only going to learn that they’re going to be a dick (𓂸) to you right now, that’s about it.
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 1 week ago:
Exactly, they’re the ones caring about a 50 cents packet of garlic sauce, green text OP is caring about this system falling apart.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 1 week ago:
Maybe I’m misunderstanding you but isn’t that screen tearing?
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 1 week ago:
User name doesn’t check out.
- Comment on ??? Can sombodeh explen gam plz 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, it seems badly translated (machine translated without checking?) from some other language, but I can make sense of it.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
Wait hold up, in Dutch we have glimwormen (“shimmer worms” ) but those don’t fly! They’re actual bioluminecent worms.
Aren’t German Glühwürmchen the same thing?
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on The Nightshade Family 3 weeks ago:
Yeah that one messes me up as well. Who of these birthed the cat? Who of these did the cat birth?
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
Anything from the inventor of the AK-47 regretting the deaths good invention caused and how it doesn’t line up with his Orthodox beliefs, to the guy who decided that two slashes should follow an internet protocol saying it wasn’t necessary; what a list!
- Comment on Meow 4 weeks ago:
I could understand having a pet, but not taking in a random stray without question.
Some strange cat walks into my house? It gets plopped right back into the street, that ain’t my cat!
- Comment on Anon investigates a random goth girl 4 weeks ago:
You really needed a URL shortener, didn’t you, you devil?
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
That’s not art, that’s a tool. Tools can be made better through a confident statistics box.
- Comment on ai comments on cbs videos, but why 5 weeks ago:
As per Reddit tradition, good bot.
- Comment on ai comments on cbs videos, but why 5 weeks ago:
Are you a bot?
- Comment on why can't there be a soda dispenser for energy drinks? 5 weeks ago:
I feel I’m going to regret asking this but why?
- Comment on why can't there be a soda dispenser for energy drinks? 5 weeks ago:
I was hoping they meant 9 Australian dollars but even then it would be too much.
Seems like they are $1.83 at Walmart if you buy them per 12 ($21.98 / 12 = $1.83 each) www.walmart.com/ip/…/581272641