- Comment on Dig this trench to protect your landlord's ability to gouge your decendants. 2 days ago:
Getting shot is also a common response in some nations.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
Biblically accurate angles are nightmare fuel.
Angels described in the bible aren’t people with pretty bird wings. They are oscillating, intersecting ribbons of eyes, pulsing and shifting and glowing.
- Comment on I tried THIS and it actually works all the time 4 days ago:
Cheddar, swiss and parm tend to be very low lactose based on how they are made too.
Likely not low enough for someone with a bad allergy, but mostly fine for run of the mill lactose intolerance.
- Comment on Taking huge cock is therapeutic 1 week ago:
Ain’t no one on earth outrank an artillery man running full speed away from something.
- Comment on 'Starship Troopers' Remake Set From 'District 9' Director Neill Blomkamp 1 week ago:
If you enjoy power armor stories, give “Armor” a shot.
- Comment on 3,700 hrs in Rimworld - my current colony 2 weeks ago:
Also the modding community is absolutely outstanding. Endless, high quality content that basically works out to dozens and dozens of base game quality DLCs for free. You can almost literally enhance or fix any facet of the game. Have an issue with the gun animations? Fix is there. Want 400 rug patterns? Yiu got it pal. Want to fully overhaul the game with hundreds of vehicles fuel mechanics? Done deal.
With even just the most popular “vanilla expanded” mods from Oskars team, the modded game easily gains 5-10x content for absolutely $0 dollars.
- Comment on Paradox celebrate 10 years of Cities: Skylines with a roadmap of anniversary goodies 2 weeks ago:
Fixing city skylines 2 would be a good start.
- Comment on First trailer live for Skull Horde where you command an army of dead soldiers as a floating skull 2 weeks ago:
Looks like a medieval riff on despots game. Hopefully the balance is solid and it has some longevity.
- Comment on This queue for the new swasticar 2 weeks ago:
In the US, they are always cops, on duty or off. That’s why lots of places like hiring them for security. They can instantly arrest people, justified or not, and can often carry a gun where other people are not allowed to.
We have nothing resembling actual enforcement of law here.
- Comment on Council housing when? 2 weeks ago:
Lina Khans FTC sued them, but you can bet that will be quietly dropped soon.
- Comment on Can anyone help me identify this vintage computer? 3 weeks ago:
Pentium 1s came out right around then. Could easily be either.
- Comment on *record scratch* 3 weeks ago:
Forced perspective is a funny thing.
- Comment on DOGE Quietly Deletes the 5 Biggest Spending Cuts It Celebrated Last Week 4 weeks ago:
They have now also added a contact that Biden cancelled 6 months ago.
- Comment on Diablo speedrunners searched 2.2 billion random dungeon seeds to debunk a two-decade old speedrun record 5 weeks ago:
I ujderstand it from a “if every single level was the optional level, this what the best possible rin would be level.” Tool assisted speed running before that was a thing.
The fact that levels in that spliced game were faked makes it all pointless through.
- Comment on THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL, DIPSHITS 5 weeks ago:
Dan is the best. One of the best old school YouTuber essayists. He really leans into a topic and interrogates it from every direction.
Hes got great videos on the metaverse, crypto scams and hilariously, the complexity of making cooling videos.
- Comment on Anon sets up a prank at school 1 month ago:
You give woefully underfunded school IT departments too much credit, especially in the “desktops are new tech” days.
Honestly, sounds like your Mississippi school was ahead of the curve from a lockdown perspective.
- Comment on Amplitude announce Endless Legend 2, an oceanic 4X with Manor Lords outfit Hooded Horse as publisher 2 months ago:
Extremely lopsided balance between factions. Most had interesting mechanics, some basically useless and some wildly overpowered. Apparently the new-ish aqua faction has an overwhelming mobility advantage, things like that.
They added these game changing titans to the game at one point that you could defeat and employ, but this was either just luck of the draw or not possible for some factions.
Combat was meh go boring, generally. The “look at us go” turn based zoom in fights were very boring to watch, and more boring to play.
The game dragged. Just dragged, to finish. I played dozens of times, and i dont think i fully finished the game more than maybe 3 times.
All that said, the games world building, plot, and overall interesting mechanics makes me hopeful for this sequel. If they can keep the fascinating lore going and fix the “game” issues, i’ll be there for it.
- Comment on fight fire with napalm 2 months ago:
They need them some goats.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 2 months ago:
Its been what, 8 years since the original switch was released?
They had plenty of time to decide on a better name.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 2 months ago:
The owner is a billionaire, so literally 1000x as much of her.
- Comment on Firaxis reveal Sid Meier's Civilization VII system requirements for Linux 2 months ago:
Popular distro or one based on it. Pop-os is Ubuntu based and has always worked well for gaming. Its maintainted bt system76, a solid hardware vendor.
The fact they pulled all the snap bloat out also is a win win.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
Look for the “vanilla expanded” mods.
It is a dedicated and organized team of modders that has output a stunning amount of content, all of it cohesive, and what many would consider required “base game” content.
They have literally put out dozens of mlds that coupd be standalone DLC, all for free.
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
The talos principle 1 & 2. Playing through 1 now, and it’s excellent. Some of the puzzles are complex, but most can be solved in 5-10 minutes and gove a nice “ah-ha!” moment.It reminds me of portal 2, but with a heavier and more ambiguous story about the nature of life and consciousness. Highly recommended.
Also been playing some dome keeper and Peglin. Both also excellent in their own ways.
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
Yall left a big ol’ giant hole in your simplification about these itty bitty things that have an equally outsized impact on all of our lives :
- Comment on Homeless Woman Going Into Labor Is Cited for Camping Violation 2 months ago:
Nah, hes the number 1 homeless ticketer in the city. He clearly enjoys it.
He also knew it was the wrong thing to do so he narrated an excuse to his body cam when he drove off.
- Comment on Frostpunk creators cancel "Project 8" and lay off staff amid concerns that "narrative-driven, story-rich games" don't sell 3 months ago:
2d isometric vs 3d first person. One format clearly lets stories breathe better, but that doesn’t mean half life isn’t story driven.
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 3 months ago:
Rogue tower is another great game with rogue in its name.
Fantastic tower defense.
- Comment on Funko, BrandShield speak out about takedown 3 months ago:
They didnt issue a DMCA takedown request, which has a legslly prescribed back and forth
They ijstead told the registar was committing phishing/fraud crimes. The registar clearly knee jerked on being told the domain was illegal, but it was Funko and their vendor Brandshield that lied about that in the first place.
- Comment on Funko, BrandShield speak out about takedown 3 months ago:
And yet Blackwater has renamed itself again and again.
Apparently there is a “whoops, too much” level of villainy, even for villain factories.
- Comment on Vice Undercover imagines an alternate past where '80s drug lords had the internet, so obviously you've gotta hack 'em 3 months ago:
I have no doubt that there were “drug lord” amounts of drugs around 80s David Bowie.