- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 1 day ago:
This is always a personal choice.
Bear in mind you do yourself a disservice by believing rag headlines (common dreams, daily beast, new republic, etc) in an echo chamber. Talking to people who don’t agree with you will tell you more about present politics, in terms of what the “other guy” is thinking. It’s also an opportunity to pick things apart in chill discussions and find the point where you digress instead of assuming.
Flippant remarks are typically engaged in areas people haven’t spent time or mental resources on. They’re more likely to be verbal passcodes for a social group. You could find out. Where the jokes stop is usually the more viscerally believed area.
Or maybe that’s just me who has an interest in that sort of thing. That said, you can encounter people you start to sway with reasonable discussion based in listening to everything they want to say who then get angry, yell that they can’t talk to you any more, who then simply go away.
To be fair I have all the energy in the world for strangers because they’re often 1-4 encounters and done. In my personal life, I have the energy and wherewithal to maintain 1, and that is probably only because they’re my closest genetic link.
- Comment on Tried to watch The French Connection... 😠 1 week ago:
I believe The French Connection is the movie that started the current script for car chases.
Another Hackman movie worth your time is The Royal Tennenbaums.
All of that said, someone around here can probably dm a way to watch for free.
- Comment on Meow 1 week ago:
The cat is abducting itself. They’re not dogs. They’re rarely loyal.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 1 week ago:
Congress is in charge of the money. I think they need Johnson acting to do anything about Elon though.
Someone more up on the mechanics should clarify.
- Comment on Psychology 1 week ago:
Psych has many areas of study. Psychobiology, psycholinguistics, behaviorism, cog sci, borderline philosophy, defunct hx lessons in Freud and company, etc.
Cognitive science and behavioral economics have a fairly large overlap on a Venn diagram. There are also dual discipline individuals engaged in both mathematics and psychology.
Practical application and experimentation depend on what flavor of psych you’re engaging with. Dennet or even Pinker are going to read and be applied differently than, say, Kahneman & Tversky.
Vs, say, someone like Elizabeth Loftus back in the repressed memory explosion of the 90s.
How each area can intersect with experimentation is going to vary.
All of that said, who wasn’t fascinated by the idea of Asimov’s Hari Sheldon? I devoured those books in my youth.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 weeks ago:
Money and 1/2 of Economics is based on magic and “religious” belief.
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
Good point, saying the quiet part out loud. There will always be That Guy from the low coping skills set who will try to make that argument.
- Comment on WHY 2 weeks ago:
La Casa vs El hospital. What determines the gender of each? Spelling is great, but this piece boggles the mind.
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
The 1950s boom was built on two things. Subsidizing a middle class instead of corporate (awesome). And the notion that a mediocre white male was more valuable in any job role than a woman or a non-white male.
The 1950s was, in part, built on the backs of women sent home from jobs after the war to have those jobs taken by folks who may or may not have been less qualified, as it was based entirely on gender, and to lesser extent, color.
Woman’s minds were squandered. I encourage you to ask about grandma back in the day. How mean was she? How mentally I’ll was she? How many suicides or addictions occurred? The mean stories abound at this time for a reason. Alternatively there’s the paper thin personality-less woman who avoids anything even remotely confrontational.
Ask your family.
Equality before the law is introduced and a subset of men who don’t have coping skills for not having power over other human beings, lack capacity to stand as an individual, lose their collective shit.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Maybe your number is 1 number off from Trump’s.
- Comment on Musk? Trump? Who Exactly Is Running the Federal Government? 4 weeks ago:
You don’t expect Trump to work do you? Meanwhile, Musk probably just catnaps in his office.
- Comment on Could the Bird Flu Become Airborne? 4 weeks ago:
My rooster flew about 4 ft yesterday, so, maybe.
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 1 month ago:
The part of Gul Madred will now be played by timewarp@lemmy.world.
To which I say to you: THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS.
Don’t be a Gul. It’s not cool.
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 1 month ago:
Cool. What is your walkaround for the crap he’s pulling in Germany’s politics right now, with their far right?
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 1 month ago:
Nice gaslight attempt.
Context matters. This is a man futzing around with the far right in Germany, specifically, right now. The movement made is sharp, exact. It is what it looks like it is.
- Comment on UK ‘one of world’s least work-oriented countries’ claims BrewDog founder - as he slams obsession with 'work-life balance' 1 month ago:
Keep on pushing back or you’ll end up like us across the pond.
- Comment on Are there any games like Starfield? 1 month ago:
No, there’s nothing Skyrim about it in terms of game style. No open world, but it’s a very cool rpg space game.
- Comment on Are there any games like Starfield? 1 month ago:
Prey is worth your time.
- Comment on Is it wrong to not have a disabled child solely to avoid forcing the child to suffer their whole life? 1 month ago:
This is a deeply personal question only you can answer.
The other piece is impact on other children.
I was privy to one situation in which the mother told the father she would divorce him if he did not agree to place their heavy needs child in a home. Why? Their two other children didn’t know their father and the entire household revolved around 1 person instead of the family unit except on private outings between the two non-special needs kids and the mom, who scrambled to give them normal kid experiences. Caring for this needs child became all the father did when at home. Sometimes caring was sitting in the room with the heavy needs child, a child content in a bed, unable to walk or communicate (congenital) to the exclusion of the other children.
We have all probss as blah read those Reddit threads from kids who were screaming into a thread about hating their special needs sibling as well.
Consideration needs to be made for every member of the family unit. And healthcare being what it is lately, outside the home care options may not be as available today.
Nothing about this is easy and there is no one right answer.
- Comment on Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition gets a big community patch keeping it alive 1 month ago:
That was the original intent in the way it was made, with module creation.
It was a very active forum until Bioware accidentally deleted it once and then dumped forums altogether. I’m not surprised the fan base keeps the game going. Dnd is cool like that. Remember, Beamdog came out of nowhere and re-upped all the originals.
- Comment on Can astronauts jerk off or toss the troff in space? Would their heart monitors would show it to be elevated? Or can or has any two astronauts ever had sex in space? 1 month ago:
This occurred a while back. I was standing at a nurses station, when the technician watching the heart monitors announced that a patients heart rate had jumped from 80s to 140s
For those who don’t know, parameters are 50-100. 40s if you’re an athlete. And the heart rate is generally allowed to go to 129, in a hospital, if you have no symptoms.
This individual jumped from 80s to 140s. This being a significant change, staff ran to the room to check the patients well-being and found this patients girlfriend riding him in the hospital bed.
The question you should ask is how much privacy do they want?
- Comment on Telegram Hands U.S. Authorities Data on Thousands of Users [404 Media] 1 month ago:
Proton up people. And get your people on Signal or WIRE.
We’re probably the most boring people day to day and we’ve dove it for a while on general principle. Now, it feels important to have already made that shift.
- Comment on what unbiased media sources do you use? 1 month ago:
I like the way the Behind the Bastards podcaster explains it. Each journalistic outlet can have strengths to certain things and part of learning to consume journalism is knowing what each sources strengths or weaknesses are. Or learning to follow specific journalists across platforms.
And some just play to the echo chambering of political parties saying exactly what their reader base wants to hear. It’s good to learn what those are as well.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 1 month ago:
As a middle aged person who is generally healthy, I’ve never washed chicken. On a side note, we eat chicken weekly. I’ve not experienced diarrhea, or been really sick, or died post chicken eating. I could safely say 1/2 of the days of the year, at least, involve basic butcher parted out chicken, and it is delicious.
Washing a backyard/farm chicken post killing/plucking to remove blood and debris, sure. But what is the logic behind this strange internet trend?
- Comment on 84% of H-1B Visas Go to India and China: Is It a Scam in Disguise? 2 months ago:
This is enlightening. Locked to a company by virtue of your visa. Working without pay while waiting for your visa.
I can see why these working class hating CEOs like these visas. You get talent while bypassing some of those pesky American labor laws.
And we on turn have to outsource for this talent because the university positions are outsourced to other countries, in part, no doubt, because we can’t afford them.
Another motive to not subsidize education. The cycle of taking advantage of masters degrees would end.
- Comment on Amazon Unleashed Flood of Water on Striking Workers, Say Teamsters 2 months ago:
Because Jeff Bezos will have to choose between eating and paying rent this month if he pays his workers more or…oh, right. The man can afford to privately send himself into space.
Pay your damn workers.
What this should be, October to December, is the sought after time to pick up work at Amazon because it’s an amazing place to work. But no. Instead, we are here.
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
People can’t afford yet another monthly bill.
It’s like walking in Trador Joes for snacks. Oh, hey, this is only $3! And look, this is only $5! Get to checkout: $130 please.
Seriously, that’s how this nickel and dime subscription crap works.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
Doctors have been saying “you need to lose weight” for a very long time, decades at least. Aside from a small sliver of patients this advice is typically ignored. People want a pill for this, not to have to give up that bucket of KFC or the supersized McDonald’s French fries.
Recently, patients raise hell with healthcare workers’ bosses if weight loss is advised because it’s “mean” or is “impacting my mental health” regarding body image. So the suggestion is not made as much in general in the last 5 years.
The problem on this one isn’t often the doctors.
Now, if a patient needs surgery and is too obese for it to happen then there’s a path forward to advise weight loss without repercussions. If cholesterol is high there’s also a path forward for advising diet change, again, without repercussions. Diabetes, again, diet recommendations so you don’t fall into a coma and die, and so you can potentially keep both your feet.
All of that said, you hit diabetes phase you do have it forever, but with type 2 you can manage it by diet if you behave well, reduce weight, and maintain healthy eating. This is great, but it doesn’t mean the type 2 diabetes is gone just that it’s well managed, or “diet managed”. Another way to think of it is that it’s in remission by virtue of your good behavior but not cured. Go on a month long food bender and things can change back again.
To reverse, you need to lose weight and adjust your diet, per your doctors instructions, as soon as your doctor tells you you are pre-diabetic.
Nutrition consults typically come with the diagnosis, but people are notorious for not following up with the next specialist. Diabetic educator is a position as well. Your doctor is booked like an airport by his/her bosses and probably can’t cram that into the 15-20min time slot allowed. Referrals are made for a reason.
Two things that commonly happen to thinking on this topic. Oh, I’m prediabetic, whatever, it’s something we watch, nothing to do here, I’m safe because no insulin required. Or, I no longer need Metformin or insulin or whatever, so I must no longer be diabetic. Both are typically wrong.
Another thing that happens is hardcore denial of even having type 2 diabetes because “I don’t take insulin.”
This isn’t all people, this is simply a piece of the mess involved with diet and exercise advice in health care alongside type 2.
In keeping with the probabilities game that is the human body, here’s a fun fact. There are morbidly obese people in the 500-700lb zone who are not diabetic and still guzzling sugar like none other. Someone has to exist on the tails of the bell curve.
As always, bring your health questions to your doctors, don’t take some random dipshit on the internet seriously.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
There’s an odd mentality that you just need to dose more insulin, no big deal, when eating poorly with diabetes. Understanding is sometimes the problem.
Here’s a better way to think about it in terms of body damage over time.
Think of sugar as fuel, because it is. When you have diabetes you lack the capacity to regulate the concentration and intensity of that fuel once you ingest it. You can add other things to the mix that can and will help (insulin and various oral agents) but the efficiency and immediacy of the inherent system simply isn’t there when you have diabetes.
Think of excess sugar in the blood as a caustic fuel that slowly (speed varies by individual as well as food consumed) burns out the vasculature (blood vessels) over time.
This burn out due to excess fuel is why nerves in the feet die. Neuropathy is the official name for the numbness and tingling in toes and feet that diabetics generally, eventually, experience. The burnout is also why toe tissue dies and toes need to be amputated, along with a foot or even an entire lower leg with knee, depending. Eye tissue is another location hit particularly hard by this burn out effect from sugars.
So there’s impact over time based on how much caustic sugar fuel you pour into your own bloodstream.
Also, sugar is addictive. Like meth or heroin, people struggle with letting it go.
- Comment on How Worried Should We Be About Bird Flu? California has declared a state of emergency over the virus. We asked experts how concerned they are. 2 months ago:
In other words, it’s not time to rush the stores and buy out the toilet paper just yet.