- Comment on Always guard against living in the world of fantasy rather than undeniable facts 1 day ago:
If I go every other day I will be at the gym 4-5 times a week, is that over training?
That makes no sense. There are only 7 days in a week. If you go every other day that is 3.5 times a week
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
Well, I’m not Motherfucker should be considered derogatory.
I don’t think incest is implied. Most fathers of 2 kids are Motherfuckers.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
I agree, you cocksucking cuntlicking fatherfucker.
- Comment on Anon's calendar is incomplete 2 days ago:
Is it Pimm’s o’clock already?
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
Why is “cuntlicker” not also a common insult? #equalrights
- Comment on Terrorists 3 days ago:
You’re hurting thousands (hundred of thousands?) of people to stick it to one man.
That one man is now hurting tens of thousands of people with his (unelected) government actions.
I’m not hurting anyone. However this online chatter is hurting the Tesla share price so I’ll keep it up.
People setting fire to a car forces fire fighters to have to put that out. That’s a waste of resources, possibly delaying other calls, and its a fucking fire. It doesn’t take much for the situation to become dangerous.
Yeah. I think burning is too extreme, but the French are experts in this form of protest
I’m more an advocate of non permanent damage (notes on windshields) and writing on the Internet. IMHO slashing tyres achieves the same extreme impact with less environmental damage or possibility of injury.
- Comment on Terrorists 3 days ago:
Drop the price low enough and someone will be willing to take the risk.
- Comment on Terrorists 3 days ago:
The problem with selling a Tesla is the greatly reduced sell value.
That’s not the problem. That’s the objective. Reduce the attractiveness of new Teslas. Reduce Tesla revenue, reduce Tesla share price, reduce Musk’s power.
nothing musk does is justification for risking anyone’s life with burning cars.
Are there incidents of Tesla owners being physically harmed (Ignoring autopilot problems and manufacturing faults)?
- Comment on Terrorists 3 days ago:
Not everyone can just sell their car at a major loss to get something different, life ain’t that easy.
But if enough people are persuaded to sell then this will damage the Tesla share price and margin call Musk.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
But they are also competing with each other. Insurers who have less Teslas will win (and offer lower premiums).
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
But they are also competing with each other. Insurers who have less Teslas will win (and offer lower premiums).
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
No, because insurers are already maximising their prices. If they could increase they would. If they don’t price fairly (price inc. vandalism on Teslas only) then they will lose business to other insurers who have proportionally less Teslas on their books.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 6 days ago:
Because protests don’t do shit.
Occupy Wall Street had an impact.
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
OK, now I’m imagining dinosaur archaeologists (monocles and bushes, not bullwhips and quips).
- Comment on Marc Rober shows why Tesla's camera-only self-driving system is dangerous 1 week ago:
Same proble. How does it know it is in fog?
- Comment on Old photos in real life 1 week ago:
And Czech mates.
- Comment on Marc Rober shows why Tesla's camera-only self-driving system is dangerous 1 week ago:
In fog it doesn’t know it doesn’t have good visibility.
- Comment on Marc Rober shows why Tesla's camera-only self-driving system is dangerous 1 week ago:…/disney-wrongful-death-lawsuit-d…
Disney is not scared of lawyering up.
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
I mainly put that in to see what reaction it would get.
For arguments sake, there is a militant strain of veganism (e.g. PETA) that is not always on the right side of history. But the damage done there is tiny compared to the other side of the scale.
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
I must have got mine cheap cos it was 6 quid.
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
I think the examples I gave were wide-scale for their time in history.
But I don’t really want to argue against OPs point. The intelligent, not yet indoctrinated, youth are usually on the right side of history.
- Comment on history rhymes, or something 1 week ago:
there ever been a wide-scale student protest movement that WASN’T unequivocally vindicated by history?
National Socialist German Student League were literal Nazis
The Red Guards were a Student-led paramilitary group.
Japanese Students protested against the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty (Anpo)
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Yellow pasta usually has eggs added, but eggs are not essential. As well as ignoring the eggs you can also substitute with spinach or tomatos (or squid ink or cocoa).
- Comment on Good evening, everyone! 😄🌘 1 week ago:
It’s morning here mate.
- Comment on Trust your training 1 week ago:
I have one die gives one datum at a time.
- Comment on life changed due to shrimp 2 weeks ago:
Anyway, like I was sayin’, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey’s uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
I think you’ve found yourself another Karl Pilkington.
If I were Netflix I’d record everything that falls out of this guy’s mouth.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
Mine him for Sci-fi stories.
- Comment on tig ol bitties 3 weeks ago:
Thanks, and now I know the difference between a nebula and a galaxy.
- Comment on tig ol bitties 3 weeks ago:
We didn’t even suspect?