So, I was at my pharmacy today getting my prescription dr*gs, and afterward stopped by my dealer to pick up some fucking heroin.
Submitted 6 months ago by prettydarknwild@lemmy.world to [deleted]
So, I was at my pharmacy today getting my prescription dr*gs, and afterward stopped by my dealer to pick up some fucking heroin.
I can’t believe you swore on the fucking internet. Unbelievable!
Think of the fucking children!
How dare you even think of dr*g dealing? It’s human trafficking!!
My guy had some junkie show up that hadn’t paid after multiple warnings. I watched as they dr*g him out of the living room…
Are you implying people on OnlyFans aren’t good people?!
Yeah this is strange. People need to stop vilifying sex work. If the person is doing it willingly, and they enjoy doing it, what’s the problem?
There’s a spectrum going from someone just posting stuff and getting paid to shameless exploitation of vulnerable people through parasocial relationships. The latter can be very lucrative.
Someone identifying with Homelander would. That’s the real meme here.
Why “dr*g”? That’s a wierd bit of censorship - making a joke about drugs and sex workers and feeling the need to censor the word drug? I don’t get it?
They don’t want their lemmy post demonetised.
Demonetization s*cks. I was just about to get a rescue yacht for my staff’s yacht and then boom my most profitable lemmy comments got demonetized.
They’re afraid of the drag dealers’ wrath
Probably a screenshot off TikTok, where you saying “die” might upset Vinie the Pooh, so they censor the living fu*k of it.
The majority of drug dealers and only fans models are poor like the rest of us.
Yeah, this guy doesn’t know enough drug dealers and only fans models.
You can sell pictures of your gaping asshole and still be a good person.
It’s just a matter of perspective.
Beats selling spaghetti code, which is what I do.
Just save your meatballs for OF I guess.
People are into that right?
Drug dealers and OF girls are good people too.
Im assuming most drug dealers aren’t good people.
From my experience, most of them are good. They can’t really go around fucking people up or they get fucked up themselves. I even know some people that had problems and bought from different dealers, because the dealers wouldn’t sell them that much if they only went to them.
Opiod dealers are a different kind, but most of them are opiod users too, so it’s hard to judge them. I’m not even sure I still consider opiods to be drugs.
You know the dealer, the dealer is a man
With the love grass in his hand
Oh but the pusher is a monster
Good God, he’s not a natural man
♫ It’s true that all the men you knew were dealers who said they were through being dealers every time you gave them shelter
I know that kind of man, it’s hard to hold the hand of anyone who’s reaching for the sky just to surrender ♪
Hmm yes drag dealer.
That makes more sense. I thought it was dryg dealer.
Droog dealer. They sell eggywegs.
Draug - undead dealer
“How many Trixie Mattels can I get for this RuPaul?”
Why do you think OF girls are bad people?
exploiting people for money, making weird/borderline illegal ads/promos, spaming/botting popular social media services with self promos or just being toxic to other people - why do you think drug dealers are bad poeple tho? in most cases they are just addicts tryna sell drugs so they can buy more drugs to feed their addiction, most of them are not bad people, they just need help
My dude our existence as we know it is wholly dependent on this capitalist system, which is built on exploitation, from top to bottom. Save your judgement for the bourgeoisie enforcing it, not the people just trying to survive in it.
You can say drugs. It’s the internet.
Do you think sex workers aren’t good people somehow?
I think most of them aren’t getting any where close to what these OF influencers are getting for just showing feet.
More like, “these are easy jobs for fat stacks”. Each is easy to break into, the fat stacks part takes real work.
Sure but that’s not what the meme implies.
I don’t think you underhand what this is saying. Hint: it’s not that.
Why do you expect to be reward for being a good person? That’s just the baseline everyone should meet.
You will never get financially ahead of everyone else by being a good worker bee. Sorry your parents and teachers lied to you. Doing well in school and getting a degree is not a pathway to riches. The vast majority of people who went from rags to riches went off the beaten path and took a massive risk.
Also sex work doesn’t make someone a bad person.
Totally agree, although I would say “… the vast majority of people who went from rags to riches were self-obsessed assholes at at least one part of their life”.
Exactly. You get what you give. You give the bare minimum to society, and society will give it right back. You want more, give more. Go help your community. Take out your elderly neighbor’s recycling. Volunteer at your local shelters/soup kitchens. Attend some local events. Sit in on city council meetings.
You want more, give more. Go help your community. Take out your elderly neighbor’s recycling. Volunteer at your local shelters/soup kitchens. Attend some local events. Sit in on city council meetings.
None of this shit makes you money.
Beautifully put.
Sex work puts someone one step closer to human trafficking.
I don’t judge them for the sex work. I judge how they are at risk that costs more than just their own happiness.
Who cares if they are Drug dealer or on Only Fans. Do they put the cart back at the store.
I gotta be honest, my bf or I still make sure the cart goes back every time we shop, but I increasingly question whether I should bother. These grocery stores keep raising their prices well above inflation so they can pocket the rest and brag to shareholders about it, at the cost of people who actually shop there.
It’s tempting to say that if they’re going to play that game, they get no courtesy from me as a customer and can hire more cart collectors. It’s miniscule on an individual level, but it is unpaid labor.
There’s the argument that unreturned carts mostly inconvenience other customers, but honestly if the store is exploiting both customers’ goodwill and wallets, I think it’s fine to make the experience at that store just that little bit worse; maybe that last little push will encourage people to shop elsewhere (where it’s an option of course, i.e. not a small town).
I don’t feel this urge at stores like H Mart even though they have so many fewer return stalls and it’s often a longer walk to do so.
But yeah this is kind of an antithesis to Shopping Cart Theory I’ve been developing in my head.
Nah this is just trying to rationalize being a dick to your fellow human being who’s trying to park. The employee making min wage isn’t caring that the carts are further, it just means they can waste more time per trip.
If you actually wanted to do something against the corporation, you shop somewhere else.
I see your point but two out the last three cars I’ve had both got a huge dent in their right front fender because someone didn’t put the cart up and it rolled down a slight grade into them.
It’s funny because they compared themself to a picture of one of the worst people imagined to argue they’re a good person
I find people paying for OF way weirder than people doing OF
Honestly I don’t get the OF hate in general. We all have watched porn and we probably liked at least some of what we have seen. What is wrong about earning a living with producing what other people want and like? And as I don’t think, we argue about people consuming porn but about paying for it, what the fuck is wrong with paying the content creator? Why do we prefer paying agencies with ad revenue while the agency effectively scams their talent? Why no ads but cash? Why agency and not talent?
I don’t have anything against OF or sex work, but I’ve always though that negative judgements against clients suggest a negative judgement against the service provider. If the act of providing the service is OK then surely the act of receiving the service is also morally sound? Unless the service provider has a morally ambivalent attitude to their own work? I say this as someone who had a long term partner doing sex work. Contempt for clients seems unfair and possibly hypocritical. Just people trying to satisfy a biological and emotional need.
What’s weird about buying OF content? Not everyone subscribes for the parasocial interactions.
”I’m a good person"
I think it should have said “do the right thing” as in normal job, taxes, etc. doesn’t make you a “good person” technically
DISCLAIMER: No, i dont think that OF people are bad (although the sex industry is shady as fuck, but that doesnt have anything to do with the people there in most cases), i just stole this from xitter because i thought it was funny due to the drug part
Drug deals and OF girls can be good people, but someone who judges people based on the nature of their labor can’t.
What if they work for a PMC? I’d probably judge that. Or worse, what if they’re a CEO?
what if they’re a CEO?
the nature of their labor
WTYP. The most famous CEOs don’t work. They just exploit the work of others.
Big incel energy.
Drug dealers and OF girls aren’t the ones making your life miserable Greg.
I hope the point is that the people who set the social norms (which make you think OF girls and Drug Dealers are bad people) are the real enemy.
What’s a good person?
What is a woman?
A miserable little pile of secrets!
Someone who covers their drink when you enter the room.
Certainly not someone who keeps buying new cars
So you’re a good person but people doing OF aren’t?? Just start an OF and get over yourself.
I mean, the rich drug dealers you know are rich from dealing, aren’t the ones to have that lifestyle long term.
The sensible and rich drug dealers are the ones you wouldn’t know about. Quite a few of them are landlords here in the UK (I can’t provide numbers, just a what I know thing so I won’t be offended if no one believes it - these are just my ramblings, officer).
Basically just sensible ways to turn black market income into seemingly legitimate income, through either self-employed businesses or other means.
They’ll have seemingly regular jobs, and will do their best to appear legitimate to not raise any red flags. You’d be very surprised at who the most successful drug dealers are, however chances are you’ll never know as well.
You should just become a drug dealing Onlyfans girl then. 🤷
I can see how an RV, lab equipment, and a helper might help, but you don’t actually need any of those to do OF.
drag dealers
Feet pics on OF does extremely well. Gender doesn’t even matter just make them look popping.
Source: I’m making an extra $3k/m on top of my 9-5.
Bruh 😎 just steal everything 😜 every thing that isn’t nailed 👇 down
putting Drug Dealers in comparison with OF girls is kinda bad
Remember the girl that said shit like “Mm ice cream so good” and “gang gang” on TikTok? She got hella rich. I remember she reported a number, I don’t ever what it was, but she made it in a week and it was more than my annual salary.
NewDark@lemmings.world 6 months ago
You should be mad at billionaires and landlords, not other working people.
copd@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Were grouping landlords with billionaires? Nah, billionaires have their own special VIP area in hell
surewhynotlem@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Landlords are like ticket scalpers. Buy up a scarce resource, provide no real value, and overcharge.
theangryseal@lemmy.world 6 months ago
All of them be trying to charge us to be alive. If my landlord could come up with a good enough reason to charge me to breathe, he’d put it on the invoice.
NewDark@lemmings.world 5 months ago
They’re both part of the owning class. The only difference is degrees