- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 5 weeks ago:
Yep, and they suck at analogies too. The old format usually had fairly enlightened people encounter an injustice, usually making it right in some way. It’s morality theater. Discovery made the Federation itself dark and edgy and the people on board a complete mess, not a world I’d like to live in. Maybe that’s what some people perceive when they complain about “politics”.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
We still have mass phenomenons and bringing 100 people together is plenty. What’s probably missing is local community.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Every mission is like this one from GTA:VC. Easy to fail, unskippable intro and you can’t save during it. Add minute-long loading times and it’s perfect.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 2 months ago:
We need more “men and women have it hard, let’s do something about it” content. It’s not a competition, it sucks for everybody.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 2 months ago:
“We have found a witch! May we burn her?”
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 2 months ago:
That is true, neither shaming people for how they might feel in the moment nor sharing it without context is great or helpful.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 2 months ago:
I’ll never understand that reaction.
The experience was ptobably painful (literally) for Anon so his lizard brain immediately wanted to strike back at what’s causing the pain. Doesn’t make much sense of course so he didn’t actually do it, probably felt bad about it too.
- Comment on Anon sees happy people 2 months ago:
ITT: People who never had an intrusive thought and also people who get awfully judgy about someone’s immediate feelings.
Decency is not acting on negative emotions and impulses, not not having them at all.
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
That doesn’t look like a Spot but one of the cheaper copies.
- Comment on Five flavors 🤤 4 months ago:
Well, there’s also “punk goes pop” stuff
My favorite. Those lyrics were surprisingly unsettling.
- Comment on Cynthia Erivo calls out fans who made their own Wicked poster 4 months ago:
This is the wildest, most offensive thing I have seen
Congratulations I guess?
- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 4 months ago:
As far as I know there is no mandatory DRM on Steam either, so if a publisher wants to they can just make their game be portable and not require Steam to even be installed. Pretty sure all the re-releases that use DOSBox or ScummVM are like this, for example.
- Comment on i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper 5 months ago:
There’s a spectrum going from someone just posting stuff and getting paid to shameless exploitation of vulnerable people through parasocial relationships. The latter can be very lucrative.
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
I’d argue that knowledge is more than that, otherwise books or state machines could also be said to know things.
- Comment on Just do it ✅ 6 months ago:
Is this one of those hacking tools?
- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 7 months ago:
There’s a basket with fresh fruit in it right there in the break room!
- Comment on Anon makes up a word 7 months ago:
Never left school, mentally and physically.
- Comment on I feel betrayed... 8 months ago:
So it’s like RMS and PMP for speakers. 600 W*
^* Briefly, before it blows up^
- Comment on Learn how to count with Bill Gates 9 months ago:
Could shorten that to Windows NP
- Comment on Learn how to count with Bill Gates 9 months ago:
I wonder if they will call the next versions 12 and especially 13. Alternative names:
- Windows AI
- Windows Azure Blue, Red and Yellow
- Windows Edge 20XX
- Windows. Just Windows.
- Comment on Calculus made easy 10 months ago:
Yep, my issue is with the presentation, not the actual content. I’ve also experience my share of elitism from people who seem to think that you either get it or are too stupid/lazy, there couldn’t possibly also be an issue with the teaching methods and notation.
- Comment on Calculus made easy 10 months ago:
Algebraic notation breaks just about every rule programmers are taught about keeping their code human readable.
- Variable and function names should be descriptive
- Don’t cram everything into one line
- Break up large statements
- Consistency is key
- Don’t be fancy for fancy’s sake, don’t over-optimize (this is for learning, remember?)
- Add in-line comments for lines that aren’t easily grasped
- Be explicit when possible
- …
And then people wonder why so many just don’t “get it”.
- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
The next question is going to be what the maximum number of steps an ant can store is and what happens when it overflows…
- Comment on LEARN THE DIFFERENCE PEOPLE 👏👏👏 10 months ago:
I hate your whimper
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
IT workers != tech bros
But I don’t know either.
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
The law really need to be changed when it comes to this stuff, I’d rather take the inefficiency or even corruption than this (also inefficient and corrupt) nonsense.