This is the newest form of slavery. Subtle.
Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
Slaves are expensive, you have to pay upfront and provide “housing” and “food”; desperate workers are so much better, they have to pay for their own shit with whatever scraps you throw at them! 7 months ago
Slaves are only more expensive upfront. Long run it’s far cheaper considering they will have kids that you then also own. There is a reason why those inbred chicken shit sister fuckers in the south had slaves instead of paying farm workers. 7 months ago
It’s not a “job” if you are working for no compensation. That’s slavery, my guy.
But they definitely already know that. 7 months ago
Even slaves got food and shelter. 7 months ago
That’s because they were “assets”! Now people are disposable– trash to be dumped when better bodies come to replace them.
We need better laws to protect workers in the US. 7 months ago
There’s a basket with fresh fruit in it right there in the break room! 7 months ago
If you work at SquareSpace, start talking about a union. The C-Level there absolutely gives no fucks about replacing you. 7 months ago
Ask her to lead by example. 7 months ago
She claims to have done so:
"I went to the business listings and I just started calling up companies and asking them if they had internships available and that I would be willing to work for free.”
It worked. Mathur’s first foot in the door of employment was at the travel firm Travelocity during her first summer at the University of Texas. She did admin and research for its general council—all for free.
I wonder how the money worked at that stage in her life. Was she living off loans? Was she living off wealth from another source? 7 months ago
I just started calling companies and asking
Immediately I don’t trust whatever advice she’s dispensing. You can’t just “call places” or “walk in with a resume” anymore. The phone numbers are all automated systems that will never put you in front of people who can hire you. You need a badge to get in anywhere that’ll give you an internship which you can’t get if you don’t work there, and if you did somehow talk to someone they’d just shrug and say “I don’t know how that works, just go to our website and apply there”
Even ignoring the “let them eat cake attitude” it’s obvious she doesn’t even realize how hiring works at her own company. I guarantee you that her advice would not work at Squarespace 7 months ago
Highly likely that there was some connections to grease a bit of the wheels of commerce.
All these “i worked as an intern” usually have some connections that “picked” them from that intern pool. The other interns usually tend to be the fall guys. “So sorry all of you missed out but this person is the bestest!”. While being the son/daughter/friend/family of someone in that company. 7 months ago
I wonder how the money worked at that stage in her life.
People can do a lot if mommy and daddy support them regardless. That’s why making things work for recipients of nepotism should not be the basis of the economy. 7 months ago
Probably parents money. But even if it were a loan she’d have to have had more privilege than most to get to that position anyway. 7 months ago
This is where using your chemistry schooling to make street drugs comes in. 7 months ago
Eat the rich 7 months ago
Spoken like a true capitalist. Work for free, kiss the boots of corporate execs, and maybe we’ll throw you a none.
milLeNnIaLsAnDgEnZdOnTwAnTtOwOrK 7 months ago
we’ll throw you a none.
If that wasn’t on purpose that typo is apt. 7 months ago
It wasn’t on purpose but glad it works even better 7 months ago
[deleted] 7 months ago
This isn’t click-bait. An unpaid internship IS unpaid work.
I’m Australia and a number of other countries they are ILLEGAL. (Other than when it forms a small part of a degree).
Unpaid internships are work, and it seems you agree. This CMO is literally saying people should be willing to work for free to get their foot in the door, a disgusting and illegal practice which only gives employers even more power. 7 months ago
Please stop normalising unpaid internship. 7 months ago
It’s fucked up that unpaid internships are even a thing in the US. In Canada, they are illegal. And guess what? Most companies still hire interns. The only reason they don’t pay them in the US is because they can get away with it. 7 months ago
Their quoting of “unpaid internship” as something other than “unpaid work” is a distorted view, and part of the problem. No one should work for free unless they are volunteering for charity or something. No one should work for free at a for-profit company, that’s for sure. 7 months ago
Six one way half a dozen the other. I mean, it’s not so different as you imply. No conditions are right to exploit this way. 7 months ago
When looking back at her own success, going from internship to employment, and eventually landing at Squarespace, Mathur insists “you’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes” early in your career. “I was willing to work for free, I was willing to work any hours they needed—even on evenings and weekends. I was not focused on traveling,” Mathur concludes. “You really have to just be willing to do anything, any hours, any pay, any type of job—just really remain open.”
Unpaid internships are basically just a way for rich kids to leverage their parents wealth into a career. The vast majority of people cannot afford to work for “experience”, this is only applicable advice for people whose parents are willing and able to foot the bill. 7 months ago
Exactly this. You’re either rich, or you’re working two full-time jobs, which will absolutely wreck the shit out of your mental and physical health in the long run. 7 months ago
While I disagree with your comment, I do like that you made it because it presents an opportunity to say that there’s nothing special about unpaid internships that make them more ethical than any other underpaid work. It’s all about the exploitation of people who are in weak positions for the benefit of people in strong positions or setting the requirements for entry such that someone must already be in a strong enough position to survive those requirements. It seems different because it’s been normalized, but “normal” doesn’t equal “good”.
I’d also say similar about how healthcare workers are treated, though that is more about the ridiculous hours and on call times than pay. And any other profession that has accepted it “needs” to abuse people trying to get in.
Btw, that “underpaid work” above includes the majority of jobs in the western economy because capitalism itself is all about exploiting the labour of those who don’t own everything they need for survival or participation in the economy. Ironically, the owners themselves are in the same boat, since they don’t own the labour they need for their own participation, but somehow we’ve landed in a situation where most people think that ownership is far more important than time and effort. 7 months ago
From her Wikipedia page lmao:
Kinjil Mathur is an American business woman known for propagating slavery type employment for Gen z which reflects her capitalist mindset of exploiting people for her own personal wealth. Her quote “You really have to just be willing to do anything, any hours, any pay, any type of job—just really remain open.” 1 been widely slammed by Gen z generation .she is also the current chief marketing officer of Squarespace.[3][4][5] She was in Vogue’s list of “49 incredible Indian women who are creating legacies across the globe”. [6] [1] 7 months ago
The wikipedia mods, however, keep rolling back these changes, despite the fact there is nothing wrong about it, in fact, it’s backed up by articles highlighting her statements.
What the fuck is this, is Wikipedia only allowed to say good things from those fuckers? 7 months ago
If you have to think outside the box to get a job to survive, then the job market is critically bad.
The ownership class should be trembling.
Either the government rolls out new deal measures, yesterday…
Or all the industrialists and officials burn in their compounds, 7 months ago
We’re still a long way off from that.
Remember, it took Hoovervilles and mass suicides to correct from black Tuesday, and there was just as much wealth inequality then as there is now.
Until a large portion of the economy just collapses, the government won’t do anything. And they’ve learned their lesson about letting things get that bad, so they’ll just balance us on a knife edge for as long as physically possible before things inevitably collapse.
Learn how to garden if you have the room. If not, learn how to can your own food and mend your own appliances and clothes. It’s going to get a whole lot worse before we get another new deal. 7 months ago
The Democratic party is already in a situation where it can’t make mistakes and it can’t get unlucky or it loses the presidency, and if it loses the presidency then elections will be neutered and the US becomes a one-party autocracy.
And if it becomes a one-party autocracy, then it’ll have to perpetuate the enemy within myth (and eventually go to war) to keep the people obedient. And that means burning (maybe literally) a portion of the population, starting with LGBT+ and enemies of the regime (that’s all the principal democrats) and going for non-whites, non-Christians, disabled folk, unemployed folk, people who have unnecessary jobs, uppity women, anyone overly ethnic, countercultures and eventually, anyone who isn’t sufficiently patriotic or is too slow in snapping their salute.
At least this is the model that Reinhard Heydrich created in the development of the Sicherheitsdienst, and is replicated in the standard operations of ICE regarding immigrants and anyone else they’d rather see disappear.
But the German occupation of Paris was brutal despite themselves, despite that they were ordered to govern the French gently, and the brutality was so extreme La Résistance manifested in days, starting small and becoming a formidable fighting and mischief force within two years. So if Trump wins the election (or secures power through a procedural coup d’etat or through a violent coup d’etat) the resistance will be organizing across states by the end of 2025, assuming open civil war doesn’t break out. 7 months ago
They try this bullshit for generations now.
You couldn’t get gen x to work for free, you couldn’t get us millennials to work for free, what makes you think you’ll be able to get the next ones to work for free lol. 7 months ago
“Eventually food insecurity will make people desperate enough” 7 months ago
Not sure how working for free would help with that though. 7 months ago
Indian leadership in American companies. The fucking worst. 7 months ago
Why’s that 7 months ago
They bring the caste system mentality with them 7 months ago
They tend towards toxic attitudes about work and work/life balance. 7 months ago
The peasants in the French revolution were “willing to do anything” as well. 7 months ago
Sure. If you want to climb the corporate ladder, chasing money and power, that’s the way it works.
If you want to paint houses for a living, or take X-rays, or something simple that just allows you to comfortably pay your bills, this is fucking 7 months ago
Sure. If you want to climb the corporate ladder, chasing money and power AND daddy is paying your expenses that’s the way it works.
Fixed that for you. Internships only benefit the wealthy. 7 months ago
only benefitare only available to the wealthy. 7 months ago 7 months ago
There has got to be other measures, such as how much her skin would fetch as a couch, or taking her trappin 7 months ago
[deleted] 7 months ago
I am astounded that people think that you must work for free. This is illegal for good reason. The most valuable commodity that we have is our time. It is limited for every person. My time is as valuable to me as her time is to her.
Serious question to up voters. How do you defend a privileged person demanding that time be given for free? Do you not value yourself? 7 months ago
The only practice I can think of where people work for free that is socially acceptable are internships(which I fundamentally disagree with).
One of my younger coworkers was required to do an internship, for free, for a set amount of hours so she could graduate and earn her degree. That internship took valuable hours away from her paying job, which she needs to afford to go to school full-time come fall.
Wealthy people, or kids from wealthy families can afford to do that. People who have to work can’t really afford that, which filters out poor people trying to better themselves, or runs people into the ground trying to do both.
It’s honestly disgusting that schools still do this and that it’s an accepted practice. I don’t know why anyone is okay with it to be honest. Maybe it’s just that normalized or something. 7 months ago
She should whore herself out for free and see how she likes it. 7 months ago
Narrator: She likes it 7 months ago
She’s ensuring her place in line for the guillotine 7 months ago
I’m sure feeling hungry for a bit of the aristocratic white meat. 7 months ago
Hey, Squarespace CMO? You’re a cunt. 7 months ago
Working for free only communicates that you don’t value your labor, expertise, nor your time. 7 months ago
Also communicates her family is well off enough she didn’t need to get paid.
Which really shows how bullshit anything she says really is. It’s likely her family connections got her where she is rather than her own hard work. 7 months ago
Squarespace’s CMO can suck my left nut. 7 months ago
No thanks. I have already had enough of selfish women in my life. 7 months ago
This is exactly how she managed to advance so quickly. By being willing to spout this BS on demand. 7 months ago
She said she is willing to forgive all of her pay to actually stand by her word? 7 months ago
What did you say? 100% income and capital gains tax specifically for Kinjil Mathur? Where do I have to sign? 7 months ago
Don’t be silly. She’s talking about poor people. 7 months ago
What is wrong with America. In the UK and the EU it is illegal to work for no pay 7 months ago
It is indeed illegal, but unfortunately it still happens.…/workers-uk-put-more-ps35-billion-wor…
Workers in the UK put in more than £35 billion worth of unpaid overtime last year…
58% of overtime hours in Spain during the 2nd semester of 2015 were not renumerated 7 months ago
I am “willing to do anything”
Except I mean it as an ultimatum 7 months ago
As a Millennial: Hahahahahahaha fuck you no. 7 months ago
You wouldn’t get the picture from any finance or economic article because they never quote labor leaders, always executives, and can’t tell the truth about a union to save their life, but labor organizing is on the rise after big victories last year that continue to impact negotiations and forming new labor unions. Never work for free, always value your time and labor at least as much as the wealth class values their capital. 7 months ago
This is slavery 7 months ago
I hate the softball fluff-pieces.
Even a halfway decent journalist would have asked how she could have afforded to do all those internships for free or how she thinks young people might afford-to now… 7 months ago
Wtf is a CMO? 7 months ago
Chief Masturbatory Officer 7 months ago
That is a solid plan to advance your career. 7 months ago
Chief Marketing Officer 7 months ago
The fact that we have people getting paid multiple times the average wage for fucking marketing and advertising is proof our economic system is a complete and utter failure 7 months ago
Gen Z job seekers should be allowed to steal everything this person owns. 7 months ago
When the revolution comes, people should remember her and where her mansion is 7 months ago
Good luck finding her in the first place. Why do you think they push the Internet so hard?