- Comment on James Cameron Teases ‘Avatar 3’ Will Be Even Longer Than ‘The Way Of Water’ 14 hours ago:
I generally believe most movies should be shorter and that there’s a lot of room for addition by subtraction. That said, if a movie earns its runtime then I don’t think there’s an upper limit to how long it can be. Lawrence of Arabia is 3 hours and 45 minutes and it’s incredible, I don’t think I’d cut anything in it besides the long black intro screen which is a relic of its time. I would say justifying that run time gets exponentially harder past a certain point.
With Way of Water sitting at 3 hours and 12 minutes I do think Avatar 3 needs an intermission if it’s going to be longer. Asking people to sit and be fully engaged for 3 and a half hours is a big ask and having a chance to go to the bathroom, get snacks, stretch your legs, etc is needed for something that massive
- Comment on Ultra Gullible 3 days ago:
A pre-built tower with a disk drive and windows 7. I think you better call the Loch Ness Monster cuz you’re only getting about three fitty for that
- Comment on Requesting c/disney, current mod inactive 5 days ago:
Or maybe we don’t have to antagonize people who are trying to enjoy themselves?
- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 6 days ago:
A firearm, easily. I’ve fired both and bows require much more strength even if it’s a compound bow. On top of that aiming an arrow is much less intuitive than using even iron sights on a gun. Not to mention you can get rounds off much faster on a bolt action gun than a bow. Additionally I think you’re probably more likely to hurt yourself with a bow by smacking your arm than with a gun, assuming you get basic training for both
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
Have you seen young men without good role models in their life? I have, they break things and hurt people. There are exceptions to every rule obviously, but especially in the growing toxic male culture that we have right now young men are in precarious positions. I’m a huge fucking nerd, I built my own computer in high school and was captain of the quiz bowl team. It’s still important to find positive and healthy outlets for the energy young men have. This poster specifically pointed out that they do have toxic male influences in their life already. Keeping active is never bad advice and while I may have been over emphasizing some things, it’s important to address behavior now before he starts driving, working, going out on his own, etcetera etcetera
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
First things first, I’d suggest looking into Big Brothers, Big Sisters if you’re in America. I’ve been a part of their program and it’s a great organization dedicated to helping kids exactly like this
OK, onto real advice: it sounds like you’re a woman and one of the things you need to address early with young men is respect. He will become significantly stronger than you very soon. He will have a ton of hormones pumping through his body. He is going to become dangerous to himself and others. He will be curious about how strong he is. You have to make sure he explores that safety. This is something all men go through and it’s important to have a good foundation or he can start spiraling down bad paths. You need to police his internet usage, his friends, and his role models or he could very easily start sliding into anti-women and abusive views
If he’s not enrolled in any sort of physical activity I would encourage you to find one. He’s going to have basically unlimited energy and channeling that into sports is usually better than the alternatives. That’s also tricky because you need to pay attention to the leadership of those activities to ensure that they are good influences
Now the fun stuff: he is going to be hungry for the next 5 years. If you haven’t grown up with boys it’s hard to understand but he can eat 6000 calories in a day and barely notice. My family used to order 2 pizzas when I was a teen, I would eat an entire one and they would eat the other. I’m not exaggerating when I say my average food in a day was a full continental breakfast, 2 deli sandwiches, chips, a dessert and a soda for lunch, an after school snack (usually leftovers), a large dinner, and dessert. I’m not a fat guy, nor was I in school. You will likely think at some point “he can’t possibly be eating that much food” and I assure you that he can
Ultimately what is important is that you have to build a good moral foundation for him. You will lose the ability to control him and when that happens all of the work you’ve done raising him will reflect in the way he acts
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 2 weeks ago:
Are they? These seem to be completely different products to me. One has caffeine and artificial sugar whereas the other has neither. I’d have a hard time believing these are the same products and not just similar ones with confusing names
- Comment on How did people end-up agreeing on the name of rivers/mountains and seas ? 3 weeks ago:
This video talks about a US agency that’s responsible for doing exactly that
- Comment on Plot devices IRL 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Who would be the 14th if they make Ocean's 14? 5 weeks ago:
Probably Nicholas Hoult, I swear he’s in everything these days
- Comment on 15 Years After It Was Announced, The Shadow Of The Colossus Movie Is Alive And Has A Script 1 month ago:
I recently watched Flow and with enough care and effort a movie doesn’t need dialog to be impactful and well done. There is often a large gulf between what is possible and what they’re going to do but I’ll be interested to see where this goes
- Comment on Anon likes stuffed animals 2 months ago:
This reminds me of that greentext that was something along the lines of’
Boys, get an autistic GF
2 weeks before every birthday or major holiday I just ask her if there’s anything she’s been wanting recently
I buy exactly the things she’s talking about
Every time she’s blown away at how good my gifts are
It’s just that easy
- Comment on Republicans Have the Slimmest House Majority Since 1931, What It Means – MishTalk 2 months ago:
If there’s one thing we’ve seen it’s the Republican party’s ability to run a government on a slim majority effectively. Oh wait, you’re saying that doesn’t happen? We’re just going to watch a bunch of in fighting for months? Awesome.
- Comment on is feeling disrespected reason good enough to change jobs? 2 months ago:
I’m glad you’re happy but I got similar results in half the time. I went from 40k, to 70, then 80, then 120, and finally 135 now in about 6 years. Of those each time I got a new job, except for 70 to 80 which was when I went from contracting to full time at the same job. Hell, I asked my manager at that job how I could get a raise and he said my best bet was to quit, go work somewhere else and come back in a few years. My number one piece of career advice I give everyone is “quit your job” especially if you work corporate
- Comment on is feeling disrespected reason good enough to change jobs? 2 months ago:
Every significant “raise” I have had in my life has been getting a new job. Do it. Quit. You’ll be better off with a new job and be happy you left
- Comment on Recettear HD Announced for 2025 2 months ago:
Capitalism, HO!
- Comment on Switch game recommendations 2 months ago:
Club House Games is an easy recommendation. 51 games that are classics around the world. You probably know how to play the majority of them already. Likewise a Nintendo switch online subscription is the price of a game for a year and comes with N64, GBA, GBC, SNES, NES, and Dreamcast games. Pokémon stadium 1/2, Ecco the dolphin, Kirby super-star saga, Kirby dream course are all good
- Comment on Discussion - what is the last movie you couldn't finish? 2 months ago:
Arthur (1981). I really like the theme song when it comes up so I thought I’d give it a go, especially considering it won an Oscar. The titular character sucks, which I’m aware is the point but it’s just aged so poorly. I have no sympathy for this effective billionaire, I don’t care that nobody loves him for his personality, I don’t care that he’s drowning himself in booze, and frankly, he annoys me. I’m sure he gives up the money and booze for love at the end but that still doesn’t redeem him being so fucking annoying. I’m predisposed to dislike him and nothing he does in the first 45 minutes changes that
- Comment on Just read an article somebody stole 40k from an atm. How is that possible that an atm carries that much? And is it even possible to get inside an ATM if so? 3 months ago:
This is what 100k in cash looks like:
A pile of mixed bills on a table
It’s not that tricky to fit all that in an ATM. ATMs are built to be difficult to remove and get open but with the right tools anything that can be closed can also be opened. The trick is to do that without damaging the bills inside, which I imagine the news wouldn’t report on
- Comment on Tencent collaborated with Snoop Dogg for Fortnite, officially adding the 'C-Walk' as a dance, a notorious gang sign for the Crips. 3 months ago:
I imagine Epic cares less about what the ESRB thinks and more about what the CCP thinks, seeing as Tencent has a major stake in Epic. China is generally anti-death in games
- Comment on Tencent collaborated with Snoop Dogg for Fortnite, officially adding the 'C-Walk' as a dance, a notorious gang sign for the Crips. 3 months ago:
Epic’s official language for the game never features death. Characters are eliminated, you can meet the god of the underworld, but no character ever actually dies. Apparently the ESRB says it’s ok
- Comment on Tencent collaborated with Snoop Dogg for Fortnite, officially adding the 'C-Walk' as a dance, a notorious gang sign for the Crips. 3 months ago:
Yes but a big difference is Call of Duty is an R rated video game whereas Fortnite is rated T. Fortnite doesn’t feature blood, death, or swearing. Does it matter that the same kids probably play both? That’s for the parents to decide
- Comment on If I wanted to die in a viking funeral, like getting put on a boat and set ablaze while I am in the middle of the see can this be done? Or is it even legal? 4 months ago:
Generally speaking in America it’s very difficult to obtain custody of a corpse after the authorities have it in their possession. While there are many types of funeral options viking burials are not one. Regular fire does not burn hot enough to fully burn a human body, which is why cremation uses special equipment. Generally nobody wants partially burnt corpses in their river, so you’re either going to be illegally polluting or going to international waters. Generally you’ll need to convince some combination of funeral director, medical examiner, coroner, hospital director, and the police to give you custody of the body. It seems unbelievable to me that you’ll be able to convince all those people to give you a body for a viking funeral
On to illegal ways you could accomplish this: not reporting a dead body is not only a crime but also makes you incredibly suspicious for fraud at a minimum and murder at the max. Not acquiring a death certificate will make dealing with any estate very difficult. Stealing the body from wherever it is located will likely get you charges for defacing a dead body. You could bribe some people to look the other way but if that fails that’s also a crime
In short, no you can’t really do it. However, this is America, so presumably with enough money to the right people you could probably work it out. But we’re talking .01% level money and connections
- Comment on I don't understand why underbaked borderline raw cookies are such a popular trend. 5 months ago:
One thing to consider is that delivery and takeout are significantly more popular than they were 4 years ago. Some of these chains either anticipate or encourage you to heat your cookies just before you eat them and halfway cooking them gives the best results. A place just down the road from me encourages 1 minute on high in the air fryer or 3 in a toaster oven before eating
- Comment on if you ever traveled 1K miles by bus, would you recommend it? 5 months ago:
I agree that this is a bad idea. Bus travel sucks. It has basically all of the downsides of air travel with basically none of the upsides, minus cost obviously. Without knowing what countries you’re going to be going through it’s harder to say. Bus stations in my experience can be difficult to navigate in my language, in a language I don’t know I’d be even more concerned. Usually you can eat food, but like airplanes try to be considerate about what you have. Avoid fish, common allergens, smelly food, etc.
Finally consider that over those 36 hours you’re going to have to either bring food, or buy it, you’re losing time wherever you’re transit, and are at the mercy of the bus time tables instead of waiting on a single flight
- Comment on Reagan is the Worst Movie of the Year: Review and Breakdown 5 months ago:
Clearly you don’t go to the movie theaters very often. There’s been big ass marquees for it for over a month now
- Comment on "It's Communism": Kamala's First Economic Plan Proposes Price Controls To "Combat Inflation" 6 months ago:
- Comment on [Discussion thread] Borderlands 6 months ago:
I haven’t seen it but I really got the impression that this was like Doom, Rampage, and Monster Hunter. The studios got scared of making the movie actually like the game instead of following their standard formula for a movie. Then they compromise so hard that the video game fans don’t like the story and the regular viewers don’t have any attachment to the characters. All that’s left is IP soup and if Marvel can’t make that successful how can a video game franchise people haven’t cared about since 2012 pull it off?