- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 6 months ago:
I am astounded that people think that you must work for free. This is illegal for good reason. The most valuable commodity that we have is our time. It is limited for every person. My time is as valuable to me as her time is to her.
Serious question to up voters. How do you defend a privileged person demanding that time be given for free? Do you not value yourself?
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 7 months ago:
I believe in truth and that facts do matter. I also teach young people. Being a wage earner was not a bad thing, but I yearn for the freedom to live an easier life, eventually. I want that for everyone. False beliefs are traps that hold people back from being their best selves. Carry flat-earth beliefs as a core foundation and look at what differences it would make. Geostationary satellites, and all the tech jobs that go with servicing that sector, just disappeared. Ditto solar. Travel to distant places, and time zones, becomes an insolvable problem. Your co-worker is holding his life back by believing in medieval superstitions.
It is a kindness to challenge people to find what is true.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 9 months ago:
I spent a few nights in a straw bale home, wanting to experience what they were like. They are incredibly quiet. Each bale is 1.5 ft of soundproofing/insulation. The loudest part of the house was the clock ticking. The house was heated by appliances such as the refrigerator and water heater. A local monastery built several to rent out for people wanting a tranquil contemplation.
- Comment on How many times will I tell you? 11 months ago:
My partner and I have separate bathrooms. It saves bottlenecks and conflicts, and is worth it to us, even in our small house. We keep our own rooms clean, enforcing the “I am an adult” rule, you make a mess, you clean it up. Piss splash is gross to clean up. I don’t make an extra mess if I do not need to.
- Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
I was never really a child. It was hardwired into me. Life is far better now.
- Comment on If only it was like that 1 year ago:
-40°C and -40°F is where I take the kiddos outside with a cup of boiling water and let them make snow.
- Comment on If only it was like that 1 year ago:
I have lived in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Iowa. We get the northern winds from Alberta. It sometimes gets kinda cold, Aay
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
It is old money, and not printed anymore. $1000 bills do exist, however.
- Comment on You guys need to stop 1 year ago:
1:30 to 3:30 is prime drunk driver time, in my area. This was when I was getting off work (11am to 3am shift). I hated that drive home. I drove a manual until the automatics’ fuel efficiency outweighed the cost of the automatics. I am an A-> B driver.
- Comment on This split sink 1 year ago:
I put one of these in a Victorian which had a kitchen being brought up to code. Doors and windows cut up the kitchen wall space, leaving this as an elegant solution to have an efficient kitchen. I did have to reinforce the seams behind and at the chevron cut at the sink edge. I liked working at the sink. Dishes were easy to reach, and water did not splash when handwashing dishes, but making more room for modern appliances was nicer. If the kitchen was not destroyed in a flood, I would still have it.
- Comment on [What if scenario] What if all commercial institutions suddenly decided they no longer intend to acknowledge religious events such as Christmas? 1 year ago:
Without the “on the seventh day, he rested” adage, I would not get days off. I had this pulled on me by religious bosses to force me to give up my only day off. They rejoiced when I found God.
I will never work for religious nuts again.
- Comment on Immune to marketing 1 year ago:
Immune is overstating it, strongly resistant is more accurate. I hate labeled clothing, or team clothing. It irritates me when my car has a dealer label, and do not blow smoke about how cool I will look, with whatever or wearing whatever. If my vehicle moves from A to B, is reliable, safe, and doesn’t cost an unreasonable amount to operate, I am good. Does anyone else parse ads, to see their actual claims in neutral language? And filter out the puffery filler words?
Make it noise-cancelling, however, and I am very interested. NRR 33+ brings a smile to my face.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
Some replace various religions with a worship of money.
- Comment on why isn't the use of the bidet more widespread? 1 year ago:
I purchased a bidet insert that has a valve that can intake hot and cold water (2 pipes) and output a medium temperature as part of the bidet. It was slightly more expensive, but in winter, is worth it. No electricity needed.
- Comment on Where are you? Can you move? 1 year ago:
I vary.
My oddest self is working. I operate a lot of automated machinery that are interactive, and many levels of recirculating materials. I have to zone in and become my machinery, feeling the vibrations, heat, smelling, and hearing the manufacturing processes and guiding the settings to keep as optimum as conditions allow. My day can turn very bad in minutes, it is that unforgiving of specs. I don’t like being too public in what I do on the internet, but there are only a few handfuls of who operate at my scale throughout the world/ per my employer.
I can only compare it to a race car driver, or aerialist flyer in the mind/machine joining of sense of space.