- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
I lobotomized our TV after making the mistake of connecting it to the internet when we first got it.
The ads slowed down the menu to switch sources so much it actually angered me. No more internet for you, you get to be a dumb tv forever now.
- Comment on So many options, such excitement 2 months ago:
Msybe you’ve developed an unusual allergy to some kind of mineral that’s in the water? I know some people can have allergic reactions to hard water which has high levels of calcium and magnesium.
Might be worth looking into? Distilled water can effect your mineral levels after a long time so it’s not a great long term solution.
- Comment on Interesting new symbols for bathroom doors 2 months ago:
I want a bathroom signs where one says “SHITTER” with a big butthole on it. The other says “PISSER” with a smaller hole on it.
That way people who just have to pee can go in and get out quickly and not smell poop aromas. People who need to shit can do so in solidarity together.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 months ago:
Couldn’t he just flush it down the toilet?
- Comment on FRAG OUT! 2 months ago:
Damn, I totally missed that. Thanks for the info.
Why are so many people like this?
- Comment on I never realized this 2 months ago:
I’m pretty sure only people on the internet argue about this. No one actually cares what other’s do with their last name after marriage.
This post has 2017 reddit vibes. Not in a good way either.
- Comment on FRAG OUT! 2 months ago:
I have never heard of that Benjamin Carl guy, but your probablyright about that.
I’m sure Peterson wasn’t the first to voice a lot of those opinions, and he was just cleaning up other people’s arguments and making them sound academic and credible.
And try not to be too embarrassed about your gamergate phase. We all have periods of our lives we wish we weren’t so cringe. At least yours is useful and can help folks like me who enjoy thinking about sociology and the spread of ideas and information gain new insights! So thanks for sharing, I appreciate it!
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
I always thought I had bad indoor allergies until i moved out of my parents house. They have chain smoked inside with the windows closed for my whole life. Moving out was the best thing I ever did for my health.
I hate cigarettes now, especially since I quit smoking myself(didnt smoke inside though) I don’t even know why I started in the first place. I’m dumb I guess?
- Comment on FRAG OUT! 2 months ago:
I have a sneaking suspicion Jordan Peterson started the woke Disney accusations with Frozen.
He said it was feminist propaganda because the two main characters didn’t need men and the story didn’t end with a marriage… or something like that? I’m pretty sure that was paraphrased accurately enough.
Clearly whatever seeds he planted there is growing into further conservative paranoia that has people looking for any scrap of evidence that something is “woke.”
What a weird boogeyman to be afraid of.
- Comment on Banner year 2 months ago:
Huh, the more you know!
Not something I’m keen to experience, but to each their own. Hope everyone stays hydrated!
- Comment on Banner year 2 months ago:
If they fart where does it go?
I can’t imagine feeling your own fart bubble rolling around on your back side feels very sexy… or even pleasant in anyway… But who am I to judge that I guess?
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 2 months ago:
You actually got me to laugh this morning and i almost spit my coffee out so thank you for that! (I’m not being snarky here, that was genuinely funny)
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 2 months ago:
Don’t worry about that guy. He’s just taking his high horse out for a spin.
Must be nice to be so high up that they can’t see all the people their perspective is helping to trample below them.
- Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
I’m not even sure where the need for an expensive gem stone came from, diamond or otherwise.
My wedding/engagement ring came from an artist and the bands are sculpted and fit together. It’s beautiful and I never have to worry about the stone falling out of the setting, plus was in our price range. Gem stones can be nice, not arguing against them, but rings without them can be just as pretty and more affordable.
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 2 months ago:
Don’t bother with them. It’s not worth your time. They either won’t be convinced or they’re looking to upset you.
The latter has been happening more frequently. Probably because reddit banned any talk about luigi and now all the high horse trolls migrated to lemmy to get their fix. Not saying that person is one(dont know, dont care), but I find being aware of that sort of activity is helpful.
- Comment on Justice should be equal 2 months ago:
We would, but most of us are too unhealthy from lack of access to affordable healthcare and can lose our jobs if we try to take time off work.
Tinfoil hat time. Our government fucking hates our asses. Lower class? Get shot, die from preventable diseases, whatever, just do it quietly so it doesn’t bother the wealthy while they grease each other’s palms.
- Comment on Battle like MEN 2 months ago:
Either there’d be no more wars, or dentures would start to look very interesting.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 3 months ago:
You’re right. It’s not history is important or anything.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 3 months ago:…/abortion-clinic-violence-terrorism
“While the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has maintained that these actions are not terrorism, this article suggests that there is a correspondence between incidents perpetrated between 1982 and 1987 and standards classifications of “limited political” or “subrevolutionary” terrorism. Perhaps the FBI has declined to accept the terrorism definition because of its preoccupation with international events which are seen in terms of administrative or jurisdictional definitions.”
That’s from 1988.
From 1977 to 1988, an epidemic of antiabortion violence took place in the United States, involving 110 cases of arson, firebombing, or bombing. The epidemic peaked in 1984, when there were 29 attacks. Nearly all sites (98%) were clinics that provided abortions. The FBI still says that those were not acts of terrorism.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 3 months ago:
Then why doesnt the FBI consider people who blow up or set fire to abortion clinics terrorism?
- Comment on Well, I guess that settles it 3 months ago:
They also don’t charge people who blow up abortion clinics with terrorism either. They haven’t since the 60s - 70s.
If you look it up the courts have been petitioned several times to associate abortion clinic bombings with Christian terrorism but they keep refusing to call it what it is.
After reading about that fiasco I have very little faith our government actually has a working definition of terrorism that doesn’t shift at their convenience.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 3 months ago:
Maybe the CEO’s will start to fight each other.
Since the guys who gets rich selling guns want to keep doing that, and the other CEOs want to continue existing without bullets in them… Would they start hiring hitmen on each other??
Now that’s an interesting situation.
- Comment on mama mia!! 3 months ago:
His buttcheeks look like yoshi eyes and I can’t unsee it.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
You seem pleasant. Hope whatever it is you’re are taking out on me resolves itself.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
If you wish to be careless around aggressive birds go ahead.
I’m advising caution for reasonable folks who actually wish to minimize injury to themselves and don’t get a hit of dopamine from being deliberately contrarian online.
Enjoy your day my friend! Hope you got your fix.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
I think you’re misunderstanding me here.
The way birds attack is basically the embodiment of chaos. Grabbing a flapping, sqwaking, incredibly fast and pissed off bird isn’t easy, near impossible. I wanted to snap that roosters neck, and tried to grab his fucking legs as they coming at me. Needed help that day lol
I used to have to catch these bastards and put them in the coop every night. It was my least favorite part of the job. The hens were a delight, loved them. Roosters and geese can fuck off though.
Sure, one might not kill you, but add in a body of water, slick mud, obstacles(things geese and swans are around frequently) ect and someone can definitely get very injured or die because they got knocked over and hit their head or whatever. Plus they’re really goddamn aggressive and that can surprise people.
Exercise caution, and don’t underestimate them my friend.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
That’s why I specifically said ‘while kayaking’ but also I’ve cared for geese, roosters, and swans.
Ever been attacked by any of those animals? I have. Roosters are the worst. They have these sharp spikes on their legs that draw blood. I’ve kicked a rooster with everything i had because it was spurring me and going for my face. Itd didnt just die, thing kept coming at me. I kicked it several times without holding back and it just kept attacking. Took two people to catch it so i could get in my car. The rooster was fine. I was scratched to hell.
Thar rooster was small. Now imagine a goose or swan with the same attitude.
I’ve worked many farms and those birds don’t fuck around. If your so confident by all means fuck around with those birds and find out. I won’t stop you.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
Except for swans… which are giant geese. Those two are very durable.
At least one person has died from being attacked by a swan while kayaking.
- Comment on Perspective 3 months ago:
I mean, to be completely honest, it was a relief that it wasn’t children or random innocent adults getting gunned down this time.
Ffs the police rarely get the right house when busting someone’s door down and shoot the “wrong suspect” all the time. This guy shot his intended target and hurt no one else. He’s not only less evil than health care CEOs, he’s less evil and more competent that the police.
- Comment on Just put a spray tan over it 3 months ago:
Dyes come in different permanence, but some colors like to stick around for longer. For example pthalo based dyes(or paints even) likes to stain everything and have a tendency to leech into places you don’t want them. Yellow dyes tend to fade from UV exposure very easily. I have no idea what’s in that green dye, but holy shit I hope it’s not carcinogenic.