Also possibly bad lighting, loud noise, or staring at a screen too long. Getting old is awesome!
So many options, such excitement
Submitted 1 month ago by to
Comments 1 month ago 1 month ago
I’ll admit just one thing to that list, “dry air”. It makes my nose dry and increases pressure in my head though the lingering possibility that I have a brain tumor flying under the radar hiding behind sinus congestion is always a possibility.
No way to know but I’d better eat an apple and pound a quart of water just to be sure. I’m sure I have some peanuts and raisins around here too and I should eat a whole head of broccoli just in case… If the head ache goes on past that I try a nap before I get fancy chemicals involved. 1 month ago
She forgot “from wearing my glasses.” You can get a headache from wearing your glasses or not wearing them. I would know… 1 month ago
Hence monocles 1 month ago
I prefer Schrodinger’s glasses.
There is both a lens and no lens until you check by trying to poke through with your finger. 1 month ago
the only sensible solution really 1 month ago
Not wearing glasses or wearing too much glasses, believe or not, straight headache. 1 month ago
Check out this elite human, somehow certain it’s not drug or alcohol related. 1 month ago
I know this is hard, but it’ll be the tumor one day! Hang in there! 1 month ago
I have one to add… The water supply
So I’m getting headaches, I’ve never had headaches except for caffeine headaches, which are (conveniently) only at night. I’m getting headaches after drinking caffeine, during the day, even after detoxing from caffeine. I’ve got filters, the area isn’t known for having bad water, but this started after I moved.
It took me a while to see the connection, but eventually I decided fuck it, let’s try distilled water. No more headaches, less nausea. What the fuck is in the water… 1 month ago
Drinking distilled water isn’t the best idea… 1 month ago
Msybe you’ve developed an unusual allergy to some kind of mineral that’s in the water? I know some people can have allergic reactions to hard water which has high levels of calcium and magnesium.
Might be worth looking into? Distilled water can effect your mineral levels after a long time so it’s not a great long term solution. 1 month ago
If you’re actually curious about what’s in the water you could try to test it out have it tested. 1 month ago
I’ve thought about it, but ultimately I asked myself… What would change?
I need to move, and I’m planning to. For the meantime, the water makes me feel sick, even the bottled stuff is only slightly better. The people I care about ignore my warnings…I don’t think any more detailed tests would change that
And I have tested the water myself, I’m sure I could get a more detailed result, but would it change anything that matters? Even if it is in my head, my body knows the water to be bad…I didn’t have this issue before, and I can drink tap water elsewhere.
I am curious, but getting the water tested is energy better spent elsewhere 1 month ago
Could be a subdural hematoma. I learned the hard way that those can cause headaches that only a CT scan can diagnose. 😕 1 month ago
Yeah I’ve accidentally convinced myself I might have a brain tumor, a CT scan would be one of the only ways to convince myself otherwise. Problem is, they don’t just give those away for free. 1 month ago
Yeah, they are stupidly expensive. 1 month ago
Many consider.
Very ponder.
Ow. 1 month ago
Thank you for the reminder to drink water. 1 month ago
How the fuck did you sum up my day today? Why do I hear movement in my walls? 1 month ago
Headaches can have so many causes that I don’t really think about the reason unless it is unusually intense or prolonged 1 month ago
After a quick search on the internet, I’m sure it’s a very aggressive form of cancer. 1 month ago
Plus, is my left arm numb or is that my funny bone? 1 month ago
Am I having a stroke or is my oven dirty?