- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 7 hours ago:
“they can’t do that that’s illegal”
Who’s gonna stop them? The law ain’t doing Jack FUCKING Shit. If there is no group or individual who is both willing and able to inflict consequences, THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES
- Comment on Xenon 4 days ago:
youtube.com/@explosionsandfire if he releases it soon and you want to watch it instead of just seeing the post where he demos the title card
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 5 days ago:
In your position I’d be donating some of that money that’s otherwise sitting around doing nothing. But then again, I avoid tv and streaming shows like the plague and have actual niche interests that inspire me. I see people struggling, feel a fundamental urge to help them, and sometimes DO when I can afford it… And that shit is like a DRUG to me. Generosity feels fucking amazing @_@ oxytocin, adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, it’s ALL there!
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 5 days ago:
Do you perhaps fathom how unhelpful and standoffish single word replies are? Conversation is an exchange. If you are not at the very least matching their verbosity and sharing information that is also related to what they’re saying, you’re giving them very little to work with.
But I usually have the opposite problem: my prose is purple as hell. I’m ridiculously verbose and I over share to an absurd degree.
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 5 days ago:
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 6 days ago:
We’re too distracted by struggling to survive our small local daily struggles to even SEE the big picture.
If there’s a time bomb in the room ticking down before your eyes, yeah that’s a big deal. If, in that same room, you’re also being attacked by a pack of rabid dogs though, chances are you’ve stuck a pin in the whole “what about the bomb” thing.
And if there’s a sniper outside the room preparing to shoot you without even a moment’s notice that you KNOW is there and that you can’t even see AS WELL, all you can hope for us that all the moving around you’re doing to avoid being dragged down and torn apart by the rabid dogs will throw off their shots.
- Comment on OH GOD 6 days ago:
This explains much of the Polish “god fucking dammit not again” mentality ._.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 2 weeks ago:
I realized shortly after I posted and before I even saw your response that I was not being rational. I apologize.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 2 weeks ago:
Why don’t YOU explain to the class why YOU’RE being obtuse?
- Comment on Predation 2 weeks ago:
the wolves always move the goalpost regarding who, exactly, is the weakest or sickliest. whenver they take the weakest or sickliest, ANOTHER one becomes the weakest/sickliest after that. It will happen to
Y O U . - Comment on 2073 by Asif Kapadia. sci-fi docu. 5 weeks ago:
… personally, i wish aliens would show up and be like, “bruh.” to save a sapient biosphere from extinction.
But I don’t actually believe it’ll be that.
Probably more likely a total systemic collapse of the United States of America due to its critical infrastructure crumbling past a point where its economics can adapt resulting in a stock market crash that wipes out entire industries. Then a cascade failure of all the nations that were still relying upon them to remain functional that crashes just about every OTHER economy across the entire planet (though potentially not china maybe) and leaves almost the whole population of our entire species to fend for ourselves.
After the initial riots disable urban centers and local peacekeeping forces fail to quell them, the bureaucrats wholly owned by corporate sponsors will go full mask-off and call in private security contractor shock troops to exterminate the uppity peasantry and brutalize any survivors back into submissive complicity. Anyone who didn’t fight will be targeted for detainment via guilt by association. Personal property will be seized “for peacekeeping purposes” and anyone who isn’t working for the corporations or mounting a strong enough resistance will be captured and concentrated in forced labor camps.
Billions of us will die, possibly even more than half of our entire species, whether from lack of critical support systems (lack of food, potable water, medical care, and/or shelter that can protect them from extreme temperature), by exploitation of warlords rising to fill local power vacuums (including corporate-owned city-state enclaves), or in conflict between corporate enclaves and said warlords, all exacerbated by hotter and longer heat waves and droughts, deeper and sharper cold snaps, HARSHER storms, BIGGER fires, MORE floods, rising sea levels, and no organized reconstruction efforts.
There may or may not be a few madmen who decide to pull the doomsday triggers and kick off a global thermonuclear exchange out of impotent rage that despite all their destructive power they’re still about to lose everything and are lashing out in hopeless desperation.
2036 heralds the watershed moment that people realize we’ve entered the new dark age. There is nothing we can do to stop it, but if you start right now, you might prepare yourself and your local community to mitigate the hardship… even if only temporarily.
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 5 weeks ago:
A beret and an ascot/cravat!
A fedora for the necktie like a 1950s hard boiled detective!
A pointy wizard hat and a robe!
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 5 weeks ago:
With THAT hat? Definitely a bowtie. It’s a verticality balance thing. The hat is vertical so the tie should be horizontal. Now, if the duck had a WIDE hat, THEN you go for the long tie.
- Comment on 2073 by Asif Kapadia. sci-fi docu. 5 weeks ago:
so this takes place in 2073, and says it’s “37 years after The Event”
… 2036.
This is sending chills up my spine because this is the year me and my friends “joke” about “THE BIG ONE” happening. The big what exactly? Could be anything; whatever it is, the big mood is surrounding that SPECIFIC year. It’s been an in-group memetic reference in my circle for decades now. I think I first made an offhand remark about 2036 being when “it” happens all the way back in like 2003 or something
it’s probably just a coincidence.
but damn what a coincidence.
- Comment on So many options, such excitement 1 month ago:
Many consider.
Very ponder.
- Comment on Resume help 1 month ago:
ADHD makes it EXCEPTIONALLY HARD for me to switch tasks, actually x_x the only time I can get ANYTHING done is when I can hyperfocus into ONE thing
- Comment on Anon does overhead press 1 month ago:
jesus talk about having noodle-arms
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
If you’ve got it, flaunt it.
I hope she manages to set up an irrevocable trust that guarantees steady income for the rest of her life so someday she can quit sex work and just pursue art or something if she wants
Hell, maybe it’ll turn out that sex work is her art and that is ok too
- Comment on Good morning I choose making the best of what you have. 1 month ago:
Park like that and it’ll get impounded. Believe me when I say the impound bill will be higher than the worth of the vehicle. Even surrendering the title to the towing company may only take fifty dollars off it for sparing them some paperwork. You’ll still be in debt or sent to collections. Don’t risk it.
- Comment on SAD 1 month ago:
I probably already have.
- Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 2 months ago:
Aliens are not attacking.
The drones have hurt no one.
They are paying more attention now.
Perhaps if society kills more CEOs, they will finally consider us sapient and establish contact.
- Comment on Anon makes weed eggs 2 months ago:
indeed, the ham is the most important component in green eggs and ham
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 2 months ago:
NO! Warrior EMPEROR! of the galactic empire! (very space opera!)
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 2 months ago:
Oh yes! Talk to him about MULTILEVEL MARKETING! Hell, OP might even be able to sell him garbage and make some money on the side if he’s stupid and desperate enough!!!
- Comment on The Two Genders 2 months ago:
someone should endeavor to make The Most Political Game In The World by simply having no white male characters in it at all.
- Comment on Motivational, inspiring 2 months ago:
Some aneurysm posts look like they were written by someone having an aneurysm.
Some aneurysm posts make me feel like I’m having an aneurysm when I try to read them.
This one is both.
- Comment on Hey is Sharing Luigi’s Manifesto on Social Media Actually "Glorifying Violence"? Because Reddit Said So 😭 2 months ago:
barbara streissand has taught them nothing apparently
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 2 months ago:
I like public restroom doors that have a handle like protrusion for your foot
- Comment on what a moment to live 2 months ago:
Let’s increase each one’s pay by exactly three aerodynamic chunks of lead, to be deposited directly into their brainpans at supersonic speeds.
- Comment on That's right! 2 months ago:
I do believe I’d love being a small part of a polycule…!