- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
According to Crime Junkies Podcast, persistent stalking usually lead to violence or worse. Not to scare you but just expressing the gravity of the situation, as you already know. If police aren’t doing their job after multiple police reports, take it to your local news media and blast the police on their social media. This is force them to investigate, even if they’re pissed at you.
- Comment on U.K. might follow Europe in fining employers who message staff after-hours 7 months ago:
Why fine? Why not outlaw it completely? Make it illegal and close all loopholes. No matter the industry, contact by employers during employees’ off time should be illegal (this includes employees’ lunch/break time). Of course, there are a small exception for on-call doctors, medical emergency staff, fire department, etc.
- Comment on My new company let me join the union on my first day, within their onboarding app 7 months ago:
Employer controlled union. That’s oxymoron.
- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 8 months ago:
It wasn’t on purpose but glad it works even better
- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 8 months ago:
Spoken like a true capitalist. Work for free, kiss the boots of corporate execs, and maybe we’ll throw you a none.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 8 months ago:
Vote. You don’t have to vote for Biden or Trump, you can write in a vote or choose a third party or independent candidate on the ballot, if your State allows it. Not for the reason of making practical change, because it won’t in a two party system, but to show the analytics, media, the ruling power that you don’t have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Anyone that says otherwise does not know what democracy means and supports a broken system through enabling. Local votes ate more important IMO, always vote for that. The more informed you are, the less likely you are to support a broken system.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 8 months ago:
Thanks for sharing!
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 8 months ago:
Having 36G breasts, does it cause back pain? If so, how do you manage it?
- Comment on Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says 8 months ago:
He is an idiot. I’m a Marist Leninist socialist and have read enough to say Marx has never advocated for UBI. It’s literally, From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. You produce what you can, meaning you work and you earn. A pure Communist society is a cashless one. Dave Ramsey is a conservative, religious nut job whose whole career is based on “only buy what you can pay for. Don’t borrow. Save enough money to buy house with cash” He is a dinosaur in today’s time.
- Comment on is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital? 8 months ago:
You absolutely can go have lunch elsewhere. I’ve been in similar situation. If asked, you can simply tell them, I enjoy having lunch by myself, it helps me recharge. Also, most of the time, boundaries are set through action not only words. Just do what you prefer without the concern of what others will think or feel, while being polite with your words. Most people will pick up on you actions and eventually leave up be. I’ve had serious boundary issues in my family and I’ve had to learn quite a bit about forming proper sustainable boundaries.
- Comment on Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”? 8 months ago:
Or generated with AI like midjourney, therefore, made with AI.
There a huge difference between the two, yet, no clear distinction when all lumped into the label of “made with AI”
- Comment on Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”? 8 months ago:
I totally agree with a streamlined identification of images generated by an AI prompt. But, to label an image with “made with AI” metadata when the image is original, taken by a human, and simply used AI tools to edit is absolutely misleading and the language can create confusion. It is not fair to the individual who has created the original work without the use if generative AI. I simply propose revising the language to create distinction.
- Comment on Should I permanently leave Israel? 9 months ago:
This, unfortunately, is a very individualistic view. We as a society must strive to be a collective and bring prosperity and success to the mass and not the few at the cost of the masses.
This can only happen if we all work together to change the governance and economic systems in oir individual countries. It has nothing to do with being a martyr for you country or national pride. It has everything to do with working to bring a better world for us and the future generation.
We can do this, by organizing, educating, and agitating. Joining local organization around this cause is a great start.
Israel means nothing, nor does the US, UK, Russia, etc. These are simply labels created through territorial disputes, nationalism, imperial and colonialism. No one owes anything to these silly labels and their entitlements and propaganda. But, it is only rational that we work to make our own communities a better place by ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity and the wealth generated belongs to us not the few who wanted nothing more than to keep the status quo. Leaving the community behind for your own better future is self-serving and individualistic view. The notion of only look out for yourself, individualism, is a recent phenomenon in human history, a symptom of the first industrial revolution and capitalism.
Yes, do what makes you happy and live your life the way you want, but not at the cost of the struggle of your community and society at large.
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 10 months ago:
Sure, I can see that but I cannot imagine living in such a small town. I’ve only lived in cities in 2 countries, and top 5 largest ones at that. To live in a small town for me just sounds miserable. At the same time, living in cities there is convince so long as you can afford it. Home ownership is almost impossible for millennials like myself and now cars are getting up there.
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 10 months ago:
Thanks for the details. I appreciate it. I wish you continued luck and success :)
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 10 months ago:
How did you buy a house at the age of 25? I can’t get past this.
- Comment on Doesn't the need for a permit fundamentally contradict the US's ideals of free speech? 10 months ago:
The fact that the permit requires approval, whether it is always approved or not, it is still a permission to practice your free speech. Instead, it should be a notice by the people. This will allow the government to prepare for it. On the other hand, this notice should merely be a formality and not necessary.
In a real democracy, people should always have the right to practice their free speech that serves to protect the masses from exploitation or being oppressed. Furthermore, all public spaces are open to protest, whether they are in the middle of the street, in public squares, parks, inside and outside of government buildings, etc. The obstruction to traffic or anything else is merely a tool for the ruling class to act out violence against the peaceful protestors.
All universities, schools, and other places of knowledge whether public or private should be exempt from trespassing laws for the protestors.
People like to get technical about acting on your free speech versus right to free speech. This is a BS arguments that supports no one but the ruling classes.
In a real democracy, people have the power and government serves to obey the people, sadly, this is not the case in the US, and anyone that thinks otherwise are simply opportunist in the capitalist system or given in to the capitalist democracy propaganda.
- Comment on This page in my kid’s book from school to learn how to read. 1 year ago:
The issue is on both pages. Lack of knowledge of English on one, and lazy copy/pasta of similar airplanes on the other.
- Comment on While everyone is watching the world stage and some are predicting WWIII, isn't there a good chance that the USA is getting close to some kind of civil war? 1 year ago:
Civil War? No. What is possible and already happening at State levels is following the direction of Hungry. Authoritarian judges, politicians are being installed across the US and progressive and even moderate laws being challenged. Roe vs Wade comes to mind. On the federal level we see the installment of far right federal judges and Supreme Court justices. All coming together to help install far right authoritarian in the executive and legislative branches. Yes, socially, Americans have been more divided in the past, but this time there’s is a deliberate attempt to change the governance of US from the inside through brute force.
- Comment on Marketing email's subject made me think my card got hacked 1 year ago:
Can such marketing tactics be reporting to any appropriate government agency? Better Business Bureau? I know this is not illegal and it should be.
- Comment on HBO Max is removing features from my plan without reducing my price. 1 year ago: