- Comment on spidey senses 1 month ago:
- Comment on ‘We Have No Coherent Message’: Democrats Struggle to Oppose Trump 1 month ago:
“We promised that nothing would fundamentally change. What do voters want from us???” – Democratic party leadership
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 2 months ago:
Back in high school, my history teacher was lecturing about political instability in Europe during WWII. She called out a girl next to me for not paying attention. When asked why she wasn’t paying attention, the girl responded, “Oh, that can never happen here.”
- Comment on It really do be like that tho 2 months ago:
Like the old W.C. Fields line, “Sorry, I can’t give you money. All my money is tied up in currency.”
- Comment on Everyone look! I got a picture of the Rosetta Stone 2 months ago:
That’s the only way to see it when the front side is mobbed by hundreds of people.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
There are Process people and there are Get It Done people. Both are necessary. In their extremes, both are bad. When they work together they can do great things.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Yup. Documentation is a necessary, but imperfect medium.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Both of you are right.
You meed to document processes. The minute you put them to paper they will be out of date. No one will read them. It has always been so.
- Comment on What happened to techbros from the 90s to now? 2 months ago:
See also:
- Intel
- Boeing
- GM
- HP
Wall Street Profits Uber Alles
- Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 3 months ago:
You can only click after watching
3511 ads. - Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 4 months ago:
I have no science behind this (and am therefore a hypocrite) but I’m giving up on the assumption that people think. I suspect that most people feel and make decisions on those feelings.
Thinking happens later, if at all. - Comment on AI Elections 4 months ago:
Sadly, a lot of Americans couldn’t name the states correctly either.
- Comment on Tiny pp 4 months ago:
General rule amongst those groups: “If you can’t be good, be loud.”
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss says employees unhappy with 5-day office mandate can leave 5 months ago:
One Youtube channel suggested it was tax incentives. Cities give tax incentives to large corporate offices in order to bring customers, er… employees to the cities.
Work from home means offices no longer meet qualifications for tax breaks. Ergo CEO freakouts.
Don’t know if it’s true, but it does sound plausible to me.
- Comment on Phew 5 months ago:
It’s likely you won’t find a rock this big when digging a basement, but as we can see here, it’s not something you can safely take for granite.
- Comment on Hellboy: The Crooked Man | How the dwindling of home media has affected a cult comic book franchise 5 months ago:
Why does the Hellboy in the still remind me of Liam Neeson?
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 5 months ago:
My bowels have been questioning a lot lately, so it’s not entirely without precedent.
- Comment on Since cats don't pant like dogs how do they release trapped heat? 5 months ago:
The dog on the right is wearing pants. Two covered legs = Pa(ir) + nts = ‘Pants’.
The dog on the left is wearing quants. Four covered legs = Qua(d) + nts = ‘Quants”.
Two different clothing items.
- Comment on Infinity 5 months ago:
The Earth’s orbit is an ellipse, not a circle, and therefore the Earth speeds up or slows down depending on where on its orbit it is at the time
That’s it! Thank you.
- Comment on Infinity 5 months ago:
So can someone who is more familiar with this subject answer, “Are these pictures taken at the same time of day with or without seasonal adjustments to time (Daylight Savings Time, etc.)?”
I understand why the sun would move vertically over the year due to the tilt of the Earth, but what causes the horizontal movement?
- Comment on Infinity 5 months ago:
Wait. Is that one turtle per dimension, one turtle per universe, or one turtle that lives inside each black hole that’s really just a wormhole to another dimension/universe?
- Comment on McDonald's Experience by non McDonald's patron. 7 months ago:
I’ve read that McDonald’s is pushing kiosks so hard because on average people order more when they use them vs cashier or drive-thru.
- Comment on Gen Z job seekers should be willing to work for free, long hours, ‘willing to do anything,’ says Squarespace CMO 8 months ago:
This is exactly how she managed to advance so quickly. By being willing to spout this BS on demand.
- Comment on POV 8 months ago:
Just dabbling in general science might help.
Look at that tree. Where does it come from? A bunch of random atoms somehow decided to make a tree. Out of what? If we burn a tree, all we get is a little ash. That ash is the only solid chemicals that the tree pulled out of the ground. What was the rest made of? Where did it come from? Photosynthesis tells is that it came from the air. 90% of every tree is just conjured from air.
We’re surrounded everywhere by crystalized air.
- Comment on E-e-eat the rich? 8 months ago:
Hope they like it unwashed. Ain’t gonna be no showers in WWIII.
- Comment on Top post in the conservative subreddit: Being unable to work at a "woke" company 8 months ago:
Agreed. Want to add that (in my opinion, at least) Lucas’s Episodes I, II & III didn’t do the series any favors either. :-(
- Comment on My mom's doctor be like 8 months ago:
AI has failed so many times it has joined the junkpile of online personalities that are so bad we can no longer tell the difference between their actual errors and those created as sarcasm.
The Dead Sarcasm Cult. - Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 12 comments
- Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 9 months ago:
Love this feature. Wish they did this on more cars. Hot, sunny days that heat tue cabin are perfect for driving the solar-powered fan that helps cool the cabin.