So, I never visit McDonald’s. Oddly, I have managed to visit them twice this year. Once a month ago while traveling and it just worked out that it made the most sense when we stopped for fuel while traveling.
And second last night. We were at the lake late and coming home just before 9pm. Most non chain places were closing, and the only local spot open was McDonald’s. Had the whole family including my visiting parents.
The experience was pretty awful. First, they had 3 employees in the building, and the expectation was that you use the Kiosk. I didn’t have ‘strong’ opinions of having to use it vs. speaking to a human. However after ordering 4 meals on it, it is quite the nightmare for the casual visitor. Probably took 4x as long to order our food.
My parents took their order on a second Kiosk and were not even able to complete their order (Parents are in their mid 70s). Not sure what happened, I wasn’t watching them. My dad was quite irritated at this point.
After asking one of the humans multiple times for help, he took their order at the register.
<insert 30 minute wait for food>
Our food was placed in their pickup area in bags with napkins (store napkin holder empty). Nearly every burger was overcooked and quite dry. Both my buns were hard. The fry’s were luke warm and not very fresh. The meal for 2 adults and 2 14yos was $40 bux.
I saw a story on Lemmy last week about how McDonald’s profits were down and the general consensus was that it was the over priced food. While I’m sure that has an impact I believe the Kiosk, slow ‘fast food’ and overall experience has to be a huge negative.
My parents were PISSED, and they are historically huge McD Patrons. At least in their case, the price will not be why they do not return. Its the awful experience. 7 months ago
I personally love kiosk ordering and by proxy, self check-outs anywhere and everywhere. The less humans I have to work with the better, because humans are slow, social, and make mistakes. That said, McDonald’s kiosks kinda suck, and they are one of the least intuitive interfaces out there IMO. 7 months ago
I don’t mind restaurant kiosks, but I really hate self checkout at the grocery store. It’s literally making me do the work someone else used to do for me of scanning and bagging items. It makes everything take longer. And if you fuck up even a tiny bit, it starts screaming that you are an idiot loud enough for the whole store to hear until an attendant comes to help. 7 months ago
I can’t think of the last time I went through a self checkout without having to wait for an employee. Sure, a lot of the time it’s just because I’m buying a bottle of wine or whatever, but, like, that’s still a problem.
It’s also super terrible security-wise, because it incentivizes employees to make their account credentials whatever is quickest to type in on the kiosk that seems to have less processing power than my cellphone. I usually look away out of politeness, but I’ve glanced at their codes a few times. Saw one that was literally 0000. Another that was just 1, because apparently they don’t even necessarily have any password requirements lol 7 months ago
I’m happy to use a self-checkout if I’m only grabbing a handful of items. That tends to be quicker and easier than waiting for an attended till to free up.
There’s no way in hell I’m taking a shopping cart of stuff through though. 7 months ago
Kiosks of any sort can vary, from fast food to grocery to other types. There are some that work well and make self service far faster and easier, and others that routinely have issues. I've never used McD's, but I have used Sheetz a lot before and it flows very well both in displaying the options as well as suggestive selling that isn't in your face and disruptive. As for groceries, Publix has always been perfect for me, while some others not as much. Walmart's is 50/50 on if it will work okay or have some issue.
I wonder if there's a list of what manufacturer supplies what kiosks and a correlation can be made.
Outside of the ordering, McDs has never been the best, but as they've dropped in quality to drive profits and still meet the demand that persists regardless, so have others. My favorite used to be Burger King in the 90s, but I will go to McD instead of stepping foot in a BK at this point, that's how bad they are.
And the stupid thing is, none of them are doing anything much different. The quality doesn't have to be this low in food and service. I can only assume the bottom line is greater if they sacrifice everything needed to keep standards up and maintain just enough to keep a minimum demand flowing. 7 months ago
The best thing is grocery stores where they have handheld scanners you can take with you in the store, you scan the item as you put it into your bag and on the way out you just scan the code on the self-service checkout and pay. Least effort possible, plus the scanner doesn’t have the “oh a speck of dust landed on the scales… obviously this means he’s trying to steal shit” issue. 7 months ago
Maybe it’s because I worked as a cashier for a while in college, but I don’t find self checkout to be any slower than a cashier. I also very rarely have it yell at me. Possibly also because I used to work the self checkout process at a grocery store, too. 7 months ago
I think early releases of self checkouts were extremely poor and buggy. I have had minimal issues over the last handful of years, most of them would have been issues a cashier would have needed to call for help for anyway.
I also don’t feel that I’m made to do extra work. I think having someone bag groceries is a luxury anyway, and most of the time it’s done differently than I would have. I can fit all of my stuff into two bags, while a cashier will split it across 5. Many cashier’s also don’t know the difference between various produce items that requires me to tell them, when I could have just done it myself.
The only time I don’t do self checkout is if I’m getting alcohol. At some locations, I would sooner wait behind someone finishing up their self checkout instead going to an empty cashier. 7 months ago
What is there to fuck up? 7 months ago
They don’t even have all the menu items. At least they didn’t last time I used one.