- Comment on Wayback Machine Saves Thousands of Federal Webpages Amid Purge of Government Data Under Trump 23 hours ago:
I’ve got my first few dozen archived. I wanted to do video as it’s more bandwidth heavy (and I have unlimited at 500/500) and YouTube didn’t work so I’m doing Livestream for now. Figure I’ll leave the fed gov to Americans as I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the pages don’t even work outside of the country.
- Comment on That explains a lot 1 day ago:
And good luck ever having any luck again if there are no four leaf clovers around!
- Comment on Wayback Machine Saves Thousands of Federal Webpages Amid Purge of Government Data Under Trump 1 day ago:
I never knew this and I’m on a 500mbps plan with gigabit available if needed so this is cool!
- Comment on I'll care when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 3 days ago:
Since you collectively have the majority of votes you can simply vote to change how profits get distributed and the founder has to accept it because they don’t own the cooperative, you all do.
How do you change it? By voting to take away the founders shares? Voting to make shares worth unequal?
I would NOT want to be the founder of that co-op. Imagine investing hundreds of thousands, taking out loans, and putting in 80 hours a week for the first few years to get the business running… and then a bunch of new hires vote that you shouldn’t get shit.
The only way to have any equality is for everyone to be equal from the start. Which means everyone putting skin in the game. Which means it’s inevitably only well-off people who could have a co-op with any sort of equality.
Law firm partners have buy-ins, that’s like the closest thing to a co-op with equality and everything. Except the issue here is that the buy-in grows as the company becomes more valuable, so at one point new partners might not be able to afford the buy-in at all. If the co-op is worth a billion dollars and you’re selling shares at ten thousand dollars and there’s 1000 employees owning equal parts of the company - they’re all forced to sell at significantly below market share. Not a great place to be as one of the employees. So the buy-in at this stage should be a million dollars for things to be equal. But who tf is going to be able to afford that?
- Comment on I'll care when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 3 days ago:
They do however represent the ability to profit from it. Which is what the whole “paid enough to care” thing is all about.
I don’t much care if I have equal voting rights to everyone else in a co-op of which my share is worth ten bucks a year in dividends if the founder is making a million a year or something (which I’d say is realistic for a medium sized company). At the same time, the founder is not going to just give away his ownership, maybe in small chunks, but not the majority of it.
- Comment on I'll care when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 3 days ago:
You still take all the risk because the bank is going to say they won’t give a loan to a new company without a track record, unless someone is willing to be a guarantor.
Now you share the profits, but all the risk is yours.
Unless you have a bunch of people lined up to start the co-op and they’re all willing to pitch in or become guarantors with you, in which case it might just work - but again, the initial people are going to have more skin in the game than the rest.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 4 days ago:
How do you prove any of those points for a return? Presumably they don’t show anything while in motion and it does drive so how does it not fulfill its purpose?
Instead, you can return it in 6 months when the engine is blown because it’s a piece of Stellantis garbage.
- Comment on Google continues pulling the plug on Manifest v2 • The Register 6 days ago:
I mean if it’s a feeling then that’s personal and has no bearing on whether Firefox is good or not, so I’m not sure why you’re trying so hard to convince everyone that Firefox is worse than chromium based browsers.
- Comment on Google continues pulling the plug on Manifest v2 • The Register 6 days ago:
calls Firefox crappy
doesn’t elaborate
Ok buddy
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 1 week ago:
Isn’t it also… Ridden with filthy cheaters? Lol
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
This seems to be truth social
- Comment on Perfectly preserved human specimen 1 week ago:
I always thought this happened in the 00s because of how many people were talking about it then. Never bothered to look up the case or anything. Then again I guess the hot coffee lawsuit in Seinfeld was a reference to this so it must’ve indeed been in the 90s.
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 1 week ago:
Overturned by whom? The Trump admin already stated that the courts have no right to judge anything they do.
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 1 week ago:
Hope you’re a millionaire because there’s going to be tax cuts for the rich so the plebs can keep paying the same or more, it’s almost guaranteed.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 1 week ago:
You’re certainly better off for it, congratulations!
I unfortunately still get the sugar cravings. Not often, usually it’s when I’m tired. But they exist. If I buy a cold 0.5L bottle of my favorite non-caffeinated sugary soft drink, that’s damn near 50 grams of extra sugar in me, but man does it refresh me on a walk.
There was a time when I did OMAD, which really stabilizes your blood sugar. At that time, I did not experience such cravings. I miss being near immune to sugar cravings lol
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 2 weeks ago:
I’m lazy enough and a frequent enough soft drink & beer consumer that by the time I take it in, it’s at least 10€, but can be 20€ or more. I have also gotten over 100€ but that was cheating, it was from previous year’s summer solstice celebrations. And like the commenter above you, it’s the same price for me, 10 cents a bottle or can. Mostly because we apparently live in the same country.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 2 weeks ago:
The products containing them definitely taste weirder though.
Pepsi Max is about the only one that I think tastes decent. Fanta zero? Weird. Coca Cola Zero? Weird. Sprite Zero? Does nothing for me. Sugar free red bull? Ew.
Monster’s white Ultra flavour, whatever it’s called, is semi-ok. Watermelon Ultra is OK. But neither is as good as say, Aussie Lemonade, which has sugar in it.
Of course, I’m Estonian, so the baseline here is regular sugar, not HFCS. I love Fanta, but American Fanta was disgusting.
- Comment on First Image of Matt Damon as Odysseus in Christopher Nolan's 'The Odyssey' 2 weeks ago:
It being a Nolan movie, I kinda wanna see Cillian Murphy in the role. Does he seem like a perfect fit? No, but he’s got at least some range, having played both badass characters (Peaky Blinders) and scaredy cats (Inception). Plus Nolan clearly loves working with him.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
It’s one of the categories of humor. You can also be funny by timing, reference earlier works or common knowledge, etc. Best jokes combine multiple things. In this case, exaggeration and reference to common knowledge (DiCaprio likes em young)
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 2 weeks ago:
Where are they giving babies heroin?
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Hetzner has better pricing if you don’t need to scale down dynamically.
- Comment on Its so joever 2 weeks ago:
It’s content lifted from other social media
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
They do which is why I wouldn’t recommend it.
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
You can be making money anytime nowadays if you’ve got a driver’s license. Not that I’d recommend it though.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
That’s also quite valid. And the walk to the corner store is pretty much a break to slow down and just… Think. Personally I value those breaks fairly highly too.
- Comment on Incoming!! 2 weeks ago:
The tesla would have to be going a lot slower and you’d need to get really close before slamming the brakes. Better off accelerating real hard with a Tesla behind you instead, or maybe just not endangering people. Unless it’s a cybertruck in particular.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
I’ve turned into a fairly materialistic person after starting a family, which kinda goes against this list, but I promise I have a point.
I’ve now started valuing my time in money, quite explicitly. Let’s say an hour of my time is worth roughly 50 euros. I can make more money by doing more work, I’m not limited to 40 hours a week when feeling productive, nor am I required to fulfill 40 hours a week when I have a bad case of executive dysfunction. So any time I’m out running errands, it technically IS costing me this much money.
If I have the option to spend X hours doing something, I’m going to ask myself if it’s worth it being X * 50 euros poorer for this. Spending time with friends or family? Absolutely worth it. Going on a walk to clear my mind? Still worth it. Drive around a bunch of drunk people for money? Nope, because nobody is going to be paying me enough to make it worth my while and it’s not an activity I enjoy doing very often.
I’ll make a similar calculation for spending money to gain more free time. If I’m working on my car and something is going to take me 10 hours, but my shade-tree mechanic 3 hours @ 35 euros an hour on his lift… Yeah, I’m going to pay him and hang around while he’s doing it. I just bought 7 hours of free time (so 350 euros) for 105 euros.
That does NOT mean that when I make the calculation that I’m going to always actually use the saved time for work right away. I might just hang around at home, take the baby for a spin in the stroller, listen to podcast I enjoy… Hell, maybe I’ll take a long ass bath. This is just a way to get myself thinking “hey, my time is worth too much to be doing this”, because in the past I rarely said “No” to anyone who wanted me to do anything, and also I’d spend lots of time on anything that could save me a minuscule amount of money.
- Comment on Shopping for used Teslas be like: 2 weeks ago:
They’re a pretty sweet deal used nowadays in Europe and it seems like the ones made in the 2020s have decent build quality finally
I’m somewhat scared that someone would trash it. I’m also somewhat worried that if Russia ever invades Estonia, Musk will disable all Teslas in the country for the lulz.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Yeah. I’d settle for a 17 mini, but I doubt we’re getting one of those either, given that there was no 14, 15 or 16 mini :/
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
The 3rd gen SE is 4.7 inches, the new one is rumored to be 6.06 and shaped like iPhone 14. MacRumors often gets these things right, too.