Hail Satan.
Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin's development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.
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- This creepy short film from just over seven years ago hits a little different lately |LOCAL58TV - ↗Submitted 4 months ago to | 0 comments
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- Submitted 7 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Windows Zero-day Flaw Let Hackers Downgrade Fully Updated Systems to Old Vulnerabilities 7 months ago:
I actually briefly used an XP machine a few months ago, for the first time in many years. It was weird, it felt like I was revisiting an old childhood home or something. Everything was right where I remembered it, everything worked the way I expected it to.
I kinda want to go back. We never realized how good we had it.
- Comment on This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same. 7 months ago:
her indian heritage
You're right at the cusp of understanding.
- Comment on McDonald's Experience by non McDonald's patron. 7 months ago:
McDonald's has been on a really steep decline for the last few years, it seems. They used to be tolerable; they weren't the best fast food around, but they also weren't the worst, and were generally a pretty good deal for your money. The last few times I've gone, the prices have been higher than the time before, and the quality lower than before.
The last time I went was nearly a year ago; my food was cold and my shake was melted, and it was nearly $20 for just one person. There's just no reason to go back.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
OP was talking about his wife and her friend.
- Comment on Knife vs. Gun Control? 7 months ago:
Nevertheless, saying that poor and abused people use knives and not-poor white men (implicitly, by way of being contra to the former) use guns is a sub-optimal and vaguely racist way to structure that sentiment.
I don't disagree, but I think maybe we interpreted his comment differently, as the way I read it was the other person making exactly this point. I took his comment to be explaining from the perspective of one imposing such a law, as opposed to a belief they're presenting as their own.
Even more complex when you add in the shifting terrain and definition of "whiteness" during the 20th century, e.g. Irish-, Italian-, Jewish-Americans et al., especially in the context of early and mid-20th century weapon regulations.
Yup! A couple other examples I can think of are stilettos and switchblades being banned shortly after Italian knife makers picked up on the trend, under the guise of being "mafia" weapons. One excuse they often go for is that the blade can be deployed too quickly, which is BS; you can give a 10-year old kid any old folding knife with thumbstuds, and with 5 minutes of practice they can deploy it just as quickly as any spring-loaded knife.
It's a tale as old as time. Any time the feds see a group of people arming themselves, and they're not white (or not white enough), they'll bend over backwards coming up with any justification to strip them of their defenses.
- Comment on Knife vs. Gun Control? 7 months ago:
No actually, he's right. Many knife laws were created specifically to target minorities.
For instance, the gravity knife ban that's in place in many states exists because the state of New York realized that poor people who wanted to carry a safe, concealed knife on them were using gravity knives due to their low price making them more accessible than other folding knives at the time. New York saw a bunch of minorities carrying gravity knives, figured that they must be a "gang weapon" and banned them, and about half the other states followed suit immediately after. Some states have since reversed course on this obviously racist law, but many are still holding out. The ban has nothing to do with the safety of the knife, it's only because lawmakers were afraid of armed minorities.
- Comment on Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace? 7 months ago:
For me, I just don't have any interest in making friends at work. If we happen to get along, then great! Gimme your number and I'll text you memes about this week's House of the Dragon after work. Daemon needs to get the hell outta Luigi's Mansion, am I right hahaha
But outside of those one-off friendships, I just don't have the emotional energy anymore to maintain any meaningful connections with somebody just because we happened to apply to the same LinkedIn listing. Life is too stressful to be thinking about even more people and their problems.
Maybe it's just because of my line of work, but nobody does this job because we want to, we do it because we're competent at it. We're not here because of some shared vision or dream, but because the hiring manager accepted "some college" on the applications. We're only sharing this space as a matter of consequence, not intention. That's not enough for me to form a bond on in a lot of cases.
Maybe if I worked in a field that I was passionate about, things might be different and I might be more open to connecting with people. But otherwise I'm just here to do what I need to pay my bills, and that's it.
And yeah, it can be lonely. That part can suck.
- Comment on Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace? 7 months ago:
The true office family are the ones you hang out in the break room and talk shit about everybody else with.
- Comment on Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription 7 months ago:
[click click, click click click click] Hmm, why's it not... Honey, did we pay the mouse bill this month?
- Comment on Could President Biden fully legalize cannabis before he leaves office? 8 months ago:
These hemp-based highs are every bit as potent as those derived from the marijuana available in legalization states.
How I know the author hasn't tried either product.
- Comment on When you pair your Bluetooth earbuds and one hasn't charged 8 months ago:
I did the same! The Pros are 100% worth the cost difference, IMO. Though I do wish there was a way they could've incorporated the "wingtip" design of the A series ear tips into the Pro design, as that was a really comfortable fit. Everything else, including the reliability of the charger, is a straight upgrade.
- Comment on When you pair your Bluetooth earbuds and one hasn't charged 8 months ago:
I've got a set of Pixel Buds A Series that seem to have painfully weak magnets, causing the buds to constantly lose contact with the charging pins. And since they're always turned on when disconnected from the charger, this means my buds will randomly pair to my phone even though they're both in the case, muting my sounds and preventing me from hearing notifications when I'm not wearing the buds. It's super frustrating. I feel your pain.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 8 months ago:
It won't happen until a third party can offer a convincingly distinct platform. Right now, all our potential third party options are basically just piecemealed mix-n-matches between the two major parties.
- Comment on Halo on Paramount+ has been canceled after only two seasons 8 months ago:
They knew enough to include a first-person fight scene, because that's what gamers wanna see.
- Comment on Who could pass up this ballin' opportunity? 8 months ago:
I've not read PA in ages, and saw that and thought "Oh wow, the new art style looks pretty good!" Then I saw this was from 2012, and decided to see what the art actually looks like nowadays.
What the fuck happened? Tycho looks like Handsome Squidward with encephalitis, and Gabe looks like every Nickelodeon character in the last 20 years merged into one. I'm curious to know what PA fans think about the style these days, since I've not followed it for a long time, myself.
- Comment on Nintendo has DMCA’ed Sudachi’s GitHub 8 months ago:
Is it really a waste of Nintendo's time and money if they keep winning?
- Comment on When diarrhea hits so hard u need to hold on 8 months ago:
So, a subway handle.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Gee, I can't imagine why somebody might make a throwaway account to ask a question about something they already said they've been bullied over.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Who cares if anybody finds it weird? You should find it weird that they're so interested, in the first place. You have a close relationship with your sister, and you should cherish that while you can. Time has a way of splitting siblings apart, as you're already seeing for yourself. Soon it'll go from seeing each other every few months, to a couple times a year, to once every other Christmas dinner, to "I wonder if they'll send a 'happy birthday' text this year"...
- Comment on Is there a way to gift someone a game from my Playstation library? 8 months ago:
It's okay, it'll make sense once you sober up. :)
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
Those mailer coupons are the only reason I ever order a pizza delivery anymore. The cost of delivery fees, tips, and the food itself keeps going up and it's becoming harder to justify the purchase unless I'm getting a significant discount somehow.
I used to order pizza fairly frequently, too. Like once every 2-3 weeks or so. But it's just so expensive now, I think it's been probably 3 years since I've ordered one.