Yes, this is normal. Growing up I also shared a bed with my sister. We didn’t always have a good relationship with our parents which probably made us all the closer. Like you said, sleeping in the same bed, nothing weird.
Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
Depends on culture and stuff.
depends on income level tbh (because that influences amount of space and number of beds) 7 months ago
Its not weird to you and as you said, nothing untoward is occurring so I don’t see a reason to stop. I wouldn’t share with peers though for obvious reasons. The small-minded would have a field day. 7 months ago
No it’s not normal, basically once you hit puberty. 7 months ago
Doesn’t seem that weird if you can manage to avoid sexualizing your family members. 7 months ago
Obviously you just have an ugly family 7 months ago
My sister and I are both married and we fairly regularly have our spouses pair up while we fuck each other as well. This is definitely weird but all four of us are kinda fucked up. Anyway you are probably fine. 7 months ago
This is objectively within the bounds of "normal" human experience. It's seen in primates and other mammals too.
Sleeping in the same bed as your family was the norm for a long while, across many cultures. It was also perfectly normal for noble to sleep in the same bed as some of their staff, or for merchants or other traveller to share a bed while on the road.
Most people in many western cultures would probably find it weird, but they're the weird ones for needlessly sexualizing the act of sleeping. 7 months ago
Who cares if anybody finds it weird? You should find it weird that they're so interested, in the first place. You have a close relationship with your sister, and you should cherish that while you can. Time has a way of splitting siblings apart, as you're already seeing for yourself. Soon it'll go from seeing each other every few months, to a couple times a year, to once every other Christmas dinner, to "I wonder if they'll send a 'happy birthday' text this year"... 7 months ago
A 4 hour old account asking if spooning your sister is weird. This is a troll post. 7 months ago
Gee, I can't imagine why somebody might make a throwaway account to ask a question about something they already said they've been bullied over. 7 months ago
It goes beyond this. Maybe I am just too skeptical, but I saw this guy had deleted a post about being uncomfortable that his sister was in a relationship with his friend and had also posted a comment elsewhere that his friends tease him by saying they have sex with his sister. I wondered if this was another fetish poster like the guy fascinated with his belly being stabbed.
Now this post on top of the others? 95% chance this is just someone with a sister fetish. 7 months ago
It would be weird in my country. 7 months ago
Normal? What is normal in the first place?
It is generally expected to stop once you hit puberty, and since that point there’s a general expectation that sleeping ^(literal^ ^meaning^ ^of^ ^the^ ^word)^ with someone else will be reserved to your partner.
But why though? It’s not like people have need for physical contact just until they hit puberty, and obviously not all physical contact is sexual. It’s not weird to hug, and it’s also not like it has a time limit.Take this for example. Anything sexual between siblings is unnatural and not normal. Anything sexual between humans and animals is unnatural and not normal as well. But it is generally viewed as normal to sleep with your dog or a cat. What’s the difference? Why is such contact between different species normal, yet when it’s with the same specie, we arrive at this question.
I guess it depends on what is “normal”. 7 months ago
Normal? What is normal in the first place?
“Normal is what everyone else is and you are not.”
Dr Tolian Soran to Geordi La Forge (Star Trek: Generations) 7 months ago
Is it common? That depends on your context. Since your particular context includes an internet connection, literacy, and living in a situation with the means to reserve space for a child that isn’t home full-time, I feel pretty confident in my estimation that it’s probably not common.
Is it harmful? No. Honestly, I think it’s pretty sweet. My only advice is to not let it stray into forbidden territory, but you seem to already have a pretty good grasp of where the line is. 7 months ago
Would absolutely not be weird to Cubans. 7 months ago
Yeah it's pretty weird, but if it's not hurting anyone and you both are okay with it, so what? I wouldn't expect others to be supportive of it though so maybe keep it to yourself unless you want to deal with blowback. 7 months ago
No no no no 7 months ago
Nope, it’s not weird. It’s not common either. You will get made fun of when anyone finds out.