- Comment on When I sort by "newest" why is the top post a month old? 2 hours ago:
If an instance admin stickies a post it’ll show up at the top of all your feeds (unless you sort by “top”).
However, I checked and it doesn’t have any stickied posts, but it does have a month old post is stuck at the top of “all”. Comments in the thread are complaining about it. I see is using the newest version of Lemmy (v0.19.10) so maybe it’s a new bug?
- Comment on How would world politics be like if the top 100 countries (in terms of military strength) all had their own nuclear arsenals? 2 days ago:
One day humanity would end because the president of Turkmenistan got into an argument with the president of Uzbekistan over where the imaginary line that separates the countries is drawn on maps.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 4 days ago:
Economics Explained has an interesting video on the topic. After WWII, Japan became the first country in Asia to undergo an industrial revolution and soon became the second largest economy after the US and was by many accounts set to match or even overtake the US. They then suffered an economic collapse due to unchecked growth and speculative markets and decided to never again speculate on the future and just stick to tried and true methods.
Since the 1990s, Japan’s economy has barely changed while other nations have seen huge growth. You’d assume that would mean Japan is now far behind, but they aren’t. They seem to have mastered keeping everything the same for decades without the normal decline that comes with it.
- Comment on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Patch 1.3 has arrived! 6 days ago:
I play in 4k with DLSS turned off!
- Comment on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Patch 1.3 has arrived! 6 days ago:
I first played it on a 5 year old computer and could barely get 10 fps on the lowest settings. I upgraded knowing that pretty much every other game now is wanting crazy hardware to run. I now have a very expensive top of the line rig that can run the game on max settings with a silky smooth 40 fps…which seems to be the max anyone can get even in benchmarking videos. I haven’t played this patch so not sure if that’s fixed yet.
Other than the ridiculous hardware requirements, the game is very much like all the other STALKER games. You wander around dreary forests and swamps completing quests or searching for items. If you liked the other games you’ll like this one.
Annoying parts for me have been all the walking and the mutants being bullet sponges. Walking takes up a lot of game time and I wish there was an option for fast travel. I know not everyone would want that but I’d personally like the choice. Sometimes I just want to get back to the settlement to trade my loot and don’t want to spend 20 minutes walking through an empty forest. I often run from mutants when I can because it’ll take 100 rounds to kill one and they don’t drop any loot.
- Comment on #EverythingHappensForAReason 1 week ago:
Jesus quite literally loved prostitutes. It’s in the gospel.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
Error messages are a common way for hackers to gain information about a system. Useless error messages are recommended for security.
If you enter your username as Robert’'); DROP TABLE Students;-- giving the error “Oops, something went wrong” is better than “NoSuchTable: ‘Students’ Table doesn’t exist in the database” because now the hacker knows you’re using a database that interprets SQL commands and inputs aren’t being sanitized.
Hacking programs like Burp Suite have functions that spam sites with all kinds of garbage data and uses error messages and delays in response times to highlight potential vulnerabilities.
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
See also: Nobel Disease.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
Here in Canada, primary education is paid for by the province
- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 2 weeks ago:
Rushing your decisions is a common red flag in scams. I’d say it’s probably enough of a red flag to stop talking with them. You can try to slow play things and if they continue to hound you then it’s almost certainly a scam. They’re probably going to do something like:
Ask you for money to purchase things you’ll need for your job (MLM/pyramid scheme)
Give you a large cheque, ask you to cash it, give a certain amount of the cash to someone, and keep the rest for yourself (cheque fraud).
- Comment on Monster Hunter Wilds sales top eight million in three days 3 weeks ago:
Also, Japan. My understanding is that everyone and their shiba inu plays MonHun in Japan.
- Comment on Unsubscribe 3 weeks ago:
$250 per day is $91,250 per year. What the hell are you buying??
- Comment on Classical Meme 3 weeks ago:
Hoccine damnum?
- Comment on Eurogamer: we can't recommend the PC version of Monster Hunter Wilds 3 weeks ago:
That said, I ultimately think the 4k, 144+ fps gamers running expensive GPUs are offended that they can’t play this one on the highest settings, and are review bombing the hell out of this title.
I can understand. I haven’t played this game but I do have an expensive rig. If turning on dynamic lighting causes the game to stutter, then the dynamic lighting feature is broken. That’s not my machine’s fault. I don’t know exactly what settings aren’t working, but it seems like there are a few nobody can actually use. Negative reviews for a game with broken features is justified.
- Comment on Oiligarchy: Play as an Oil Oligarch that puts profit above all else, fund coups in other countries, assassinate protestors, and fund political parties to ensure they remain under your boot 3 weeks ago:
It’s a flash game from 2008 and satirical.
- Comment on a challenge appears 3 weeks ago:
Setting this as my wallpaper
- Comment on You have your dog, I have my Gator 4 weeks ago:
The human, who evolved empathy: I love you.
The alligator, who evolved a bite force of 2,000psi: food.
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 4 weeks ago:
The community really only had single digit users who claimed to be “conservative”, but checking their profiles showed they were also downvote collectors and trolls. Seems like the admins of decided they no longer wanted this community being a safe haven for trolls and have removed the old mod.
- Comment on Layoffs every 2 years 4 weeks ago:
I left a job that required a college education and professional licence to work in a factory and it has been amazing. I feel like I was lied to. People told me go to school and get a job with a fancy title, but the pay was terrible and my bosses were worse.
People have done blue collar work dirty. I get paid more now than at my fancy job and my bosses treat me with respect because of the work union. The only difference is the reaction you get when you tell people your job title. I’d rather money and respect than a fancy title.
- Comment on Anon eats cup noodles 5 weeks ago:
>instant noodles
>need to wait 5 minutes - Comment on For different game store, legally, what happens if they close? 5 weeks ago:
Imagine WW3 really kicks off, maybe your country gets Nuked
“omg can I still play Elden Ring??” would be my first thought for sure, for I am a Gamer.
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 5 weeks ago:
Referring to the death of a pigeon as “packet loss” feels like some weird form of low-tech cyberpunk.
- Comment on Career day 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Czechs welcome 1 month ago:
What about cheques?
- Comment on UK Shoots Down 'Stop Destroying Videogames' Petition 1 month ago:
Every government does. I can’t think of a single law that exists because people signed a petition and not because there was massive social unrest surrounding the issue.
- Comment on Animal Spirits 1 month ago:
Content creators live to serve the algorithms of their respective platforms and will do anything to be promoted by it. It’s thought that images with anything “offensive” in it will be ignored by the algorithm so content creators have started censoring themselves just in case. I’m not sure if there’s any hard evidence, but it’s not totally unfounded. YouTube announced they scan the audio of content and determine what level of monetization it’s allowed to have based on the severity of cursing in it.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 1 month ago:
The question is why do laws that aren’t enforced exist. Gambling and porn bans are rarely enforced but exist mostly for virtue signaling. I wasn’t talking about speed limits.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 1 month ago:
On top of what others said there’s also just virtue signaling, like banning pornography or gambling.
- Comment on Anon goes to boot camp 1 month ago:
It would be great but OP would be from a country that doesnt speak English and the theme song probably wouldn’t be English either. I’ve watched Bob l’éponge and the song is French.
- Comment on Anon signs up for a 5k 1 month ago:
We didn’t want children and she purchased the shared house by giving me her life savings which I used as a downpayment for my own house. Thankfully it was an easy split!