- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 8 hours ago:
I don’t suppose you’d be up for a political assassination or two…?
Maybe go visit the Statue Of Liberty, before it gets melted down.
- Comment on How exactly are people lighting Teslas on fire? 4 days ago:
Sentry mode records to local storage. It’s pretty difficult to recover data from a pile of ashes.
- Comment on Win win 5 days ago:
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Ah, I see. I was picturing the typical standalone postbox that you deposit letters to be mailed in.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
This has been a solved problem for decades. Animal resistant bins have been standard in parks for ages.
Just one of literally hundreds of examples: cbc.ca/…/bear-proof-garbage-bins-made-in-lethbrid…
the cafe will gladly take your garbage
Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. Either way, I’d have to wait in line or skip ahead+interrupt staff and the waiting customers instead of just putting the garbage that I was given into a provided bin out front.
I agree with the concept of ‘pack in, pack out’, if you brought it to a site, you take it back out with you. But If I go to a location and am given garbage while I’m there, I expect there to be somewhere I can dispose of it. I’m not packing more home than I brought with me.
I’m also not saying there should be bins all throughout the forest; just in this context where it’s effectively a food court, not providing a bin is ridiculous.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Or… You could just put a bin where the public can use it.
This is stupid.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Going from OPs description as the sign doesn’t show the area.
Obv the let situation is a little different if OPs not being honest.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
That’s just a hassle for the postal service and people sending mail; they undoubtedly have nothing to do with this. (tampering with mail is also a felony…)
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
No, which is why it’s stupid to take bins away from stores/cafes.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Japan takes the garbage bins away from cafes?
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Or 3) change the garbage regularly on a bin with a latching lid. (common in forested areas)
This isn’t just a random bit of forest either, it’s near a shop that’s providing the public with a bunch of disposable items like paper cups and napkins. Not providing somewhere to dispose of those is inevitability going to lead to people leaving their garbage behind.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
It’s a cafe area; they are giving you trash with your meal/drink, not providing a bin for it, then expecting you to pack it out.
Expecting people to packout the garbage they brought with them is one thing (that still doesn’t get followed); but if you’re going to provide the public with trash, you’ve gotta give them somewhere to dispose of it.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
See how much garbage you can stack on/wedge into the sign before they put bins back there.
- Comment on What is the best way to dispose of HID headlight bulbs? 1 week ago:
Take them to your local recycling center.
Sometimes bottle/can depots will take that kind of stuff in small quantities too.
- Comment on Why do people hold tobacco cigarettes and cannabis joints differently when smoking them? 2 weeks ago:
Never been a cigarette smoker; but I’ve always preferred to hold joints inward to shield from wind and because the shorter filter/‘tip’ is easier to hold with the tips of your fingers.
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 2 weeks ago:
It’s a way of farming sales and reputation, to build an account for later scamming with.
A brand new account running a scam gets picked up almost immediately as they’re watched closer. An account that’s been around for 5 years, selling products without reports of fraud, suddenly switching to scams stays under the radar longer.
- Comment on 'Harry Potter' actress joins OnlyFans to pay off debt 2 weeks ago:
Jessie Cave, portrayed Rupert Grint, Ron Weasley’s, girlfriend in ‘Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince’
Aka played the character ‘Lavender Brown’ in the Harry Potter movies.
Not sure why that had to so long winded…
- Comment on Apple refusing to release ‘Killers of the Flower Moon' on physical media — declined Criterion’s offer 2 weeks ago:
Just a quick google search: www.rapidseedbox.com/blog/guide-to-usenet
In short, you need three things:
A) A Usenet Client. This is equivalent to a torrent client, but for usenet. I recommend Sabnzbd as an easy to use client with a nice web interface like qbittorrent.
B) An NZB indexer, equivalent to a torrent indexer, but for .nzb files instead of .torrents. These are almost always paid access, but with pretty low prices. I use nzbgeek at $12/year, though they have an $80 lifetime membership option.
C) And finally a usenet provider (what you’re actually connecting to to download data). There’s a few maps around to show you what providers are available such as this one. Pretty much all of them offer decent speeds, high data caps (if limited at all), and SSL; so the main things to look for are location and retention.
Retention is how long a usenet provider keeps messages (files) around for you to download before deleting them from their servers.
Servers located near you is good for speed/latency, but having servers located in seprate regions governed by NTD vs DMCA means takedown attempts are less effective.
Some say you should have multiple providers in multiple regions; but I’ve been happy just using Frugal Usenet Monthly for $6, or yearly for $60.
With usenet, items download at max bandwidth/disc write speed, 96% of what I’ve tried to download is available (from sabnzbds stats), and when/if something fails to download it happens within a minute or two allowing you/the 'arrs to immediately try a new nzb.
Now, when I request an item from the arr stack; it’s almost always available to watch within 15min. No more waiting on slow/missing seeds or stalled torrents; and no more seeding torrents fishing for copyright notices.
- Comment on Apple refusing to release ‘Killers of the Flower Moon' on physical media — declined Criterion’s offer 2 weeks ago:
I just used that as an example as it’s a commonly known free tracker.
I use Usenet almost exclusively myself.
- Comment on Apple refusing to release ‘Killers of the Flower Moon' on physical media — declined Criterion’s offer 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on For your consideration 2 weeks ago:
I still like CEEs Banana Scales (calipers)
- Comment on Let's gooooo 3 weeks ago:
Gotta support local businesses y’know?
- Comment on Let's gooooo 3 weeks ago:
‘Psst, need some eggs? I know a guy…’
- Comment on Let's gooooo 3 weeks ago:
Tobacco is a hardier plant that can be grown in more places than coca AFAIK.
Now you can support your community with locally grown and cultivated cocaine, instead of relying on imports. Lmao
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 3 weeks ago:
Honestly; I’m impressed they both messaged you and gave you options.
Usually you wouldn’t find out until the mailman is demanding payment for the package he’s holding in front of you.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
There’s a lot of things he’s not supposed to be able to do.
Until America actually does anything about it; he’s got free rein to do whatever the hell he wants.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 5 weeks ago:
Yeah; rising heat, plus the extra insulation of neighbours sharing walls. It’s uniform enough that the walls/floor doesn’t feel any warmer than usual, but it makes a difference.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 5 weeks ago:
Are you in a house or an apartment?
I’m on the fifth floor and pretty much never have to run my heat.
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 5 weeks ago:
I agree; only one good way to find out.
- Comment on What even is fire? 1 month ago: