Future winner of the Nobel prize in Minecraft
- Comment on Definitely wasn't late to work making this 16 hours ago:
Red and green is the way to go. You’re great at christmas, you can draw 2/3rds of the bell peppers, and (I presume) you get a discount on baby back, baby back ribs.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 1 day ago:
- Comment on Meep 1 day ago:
Using their tools always empowers them.
- Comment on Should've listened 1 day ago:
Little know fact: cherenkov radiation is only green when it’s making you a hulk. Keep that dog’s tail wagging!
- Comment on Can't leave us on that note! 1 day ago:
Quick, someone call Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder!
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 1 day ago:
- Fisher space pen
I keep one at my desk and have one in my pocket (most of the time).
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
I said I’m sorry. But if you’re going to let your T-Rex out at night you should at least but a reflective collar on it.
- Comment on Forget jeans and beans, it's time for vintage memes 1 week ago:
You’ll never make me break up with beans!
- Comment on Forget jeans and beans, it's time for vintage memes 1 week ago:
Anyone remember lolcode?
- Comment on SHUT UP ABOUT NICOLE 1 week ago:
She’s a real go-getter, that one.
- Comment on I kinda do know but I'm posting this as a joke. 1 week ago:
I’ve been hearing good things about Nicole17
- Comment on SHUT UP ABOUT NICOLE 1 week ago:
You’re just mad we all have a girlfriend.
- Comment on Caption this. 1 week ago:
- Comment on genotype rarity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1 week ago:
Ambiguous Genitalia would make a good pub quiz team name.
- Comment on Tripod 1 week ago:
My uncle had 3 replacement knees because he had one long enough to wear it out. Being a tennis pro for almost 50 years is hard on the joints.
- Comment on Why do people hold tobacco cigarettes and cannabis joints differently when smoking them? 1 week ago:
Heat and ashing.
Due how finely shredded and tightly packed tobacco is, there is much less heat (that the inner finger is more sensitive to than finger tips) and easier to control / denser ash with cigarettes. Compounding this, the filter helps with heat and the between finger hold makes it easier to flick the dense ash. Their similar in components, but less so in functionally.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 week ago:
I used to be really into new music. Now I have 10 bands I listen to and just hope they keep releasing new albums.
I used to be really into standup. Now people mention it and all I can think to say is “Kyle Kinane is still doing comedy, right?”
I used to be really into movies. The newest I’ve seen recently is the Bob’s Burgers movie.
But, hey at least I’m ignoring a lot of my hobbies these days!
- Comment on What is this thing, a spring loaded tampon or something? 2 weeks ago:
It’s for shooting behind the toilet when changing TP rolls.
- Comment on Book now for 2025's most on-theme cruise destination 2 weeks ago:
Thanks, I fixed the main link.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 41 comments
- Comment on For your consideration 2 weeks ago:
As a biologist I need to know how many Banana Equivalent Doses your Scaling Banana causes.
- Comment on Solar noon is the only real noon 2 weeks ago:
Then let me extol the virtues benefits of going back to a base12 standard.
- Comment on Solar noon is the only real noon 2 weeks ago:
Most people seem to have a negative reaction to this, but I think we should all go UTC. Timezones are for suckers. My schedule at work is 4"pm" to 12"am," dinner is about 2, and sundown is currently about 3am.
- Comment on This Puddle of Mudd remake is way more mild than I remember the original being 2 weeks ago:
It’s from The Good Place season 2. I can’t find a good clip. Presumably it gets runs afoul of copyright bots.
- Comment on This Puddle of Mudd remake is way more mild than I remember the original being 2 weeks ago:
Its weird to remember a time before She Hates Me was mixed with Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
The perfect transmission UI was the Teletouch on the Ford Edsel. And if anyone tries to argue I’ll say “nuh uh,” run away, and cry.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 2 weeks ago:
It’s been more than 20 years since my wife moved to the west cost and she still laments the lack of fireflies. Where-as, whenever I’ve been out east, I’m caught off guard by them… then I start singing Roxanne.
You don’t have to put on the gold light
- Comment on When your life is empty and you don't realize it 2 weeks ago:
My mom joined, I’m up to 7.
- Comment on I ❤️ birbs 2 weeks ago:
Have you ever taken the time to really appreciate the jizz of a woodcock?
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 2 weeks ago:
I think I was stunned by a car company that would bother to conditionally pluralize doors on a dot matrix LCD screen. I’m so used to the companies now, cutting every corner no matter how many times they’ve been cut before.