Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 5 hours ago:
Perhaps they didn’t word it eloquently, but they’re not wrong.
The elderly are the wealthiest and that affords them tremendous political power, seeing as how young people can’t afford to miss a day of work to vote.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 5 hours ago:
Yes, unequivocally.
- Comment on How would world politics be like if the top 100 countries (in terms of military strength) all had their own nuclear arsenals? 1 day ago:
It’s only happened twice in world history for a reason.
There are thousands of nukes in the world, but no one ever fires them. They make the world more peaceful, not more dangerous.
- Comment on how is it to work everyday but Wednesdays and Thursdays? 1 day ago:
Pretty glorious.
If you want to go out and do something: have lunch, go to a movie, or whatever, it’s not nearly as busy and you can have a more peaceful time.
- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 1 day ago:
I built my physique over 10 years in a gym, but I’ve kept it with heavy handweights and a collapsible bench in my home gym. Anything’s possible as long as you know what you want, know what works for you, are willing to do the work.
- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 1 day ago:
I got some of my equipment just by putting out an ask on my local Buy Nothing group. There are a lot of people out there with big dreams who buy stuff they never use are are happy to gift it if you’ll keep it out of a landfill.
- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 2 days ago:
For me, the effort of going somewhere to exercise is a big impediment,
For most of my adult life I was the exact opposite: I needed somewhere to go as part of my routine. Now that my car’s been on loan to my mom and dad for a year, and I’m pretty sure I’m never getting it back, I had to get home equipment and adapt by necessity. Luckily I enjoy lifting, so it’s been less difficult to stay consistent than I expected.
- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 2 days ago:
When it comes to exercise the struggle isn’t doing it, it’s finding a routine that works for you. That’s the key, figuring out something you can do and make a habit of it so it becomes routine, like brushing your teeth.
I bought a collapsible bench and hand weights in late 2024 so I could cut the gym membership from my budget, and I’ve been able to maintain my usual habit of lifting 3-4 times a week. The added benefit is that it’s nice not to have to deal with other people or wait for equipment. You can learn better ways to work out from professionals for free on Youtube, and you can add equipment to your home gym over time.
It’s definitely reasonable to be new and never go to a gym.
- Comment on How would world politics be like if the top 100 countries (in terms of military strength) all had their own nuclear arsenals? 2 days ago:
Historically nukes have served as an effective deterrent to war, ironically. Given that very strong historical pattern, I’d assume the world would, overall, become a more peaceful and cooperative place thanks to mutually-assured destruction.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 3 days ago:
Tens of millions of Americans can’t afford a sudden $400.00 expense without going further into debt.
That means they can’t afford to miss a day of work.
And that’s by design.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 6 days ago:
I would suggest trying Caveblazers, as it’s similar, but it’s more barebones and (I think) significantly harder.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 6 days ago:
It’s wild how good the cheap games are these days. I’m 30 hours into playing Noita, have hundreds of hours in Vampire Survivor.
And I got about 15 into Dragon Age: Veilguard before it occurred to me I could crack open the Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition and actually have an enjoyable experience.
- Comment on Vampire Survivors devs launch official wiki "free of ads, banners, and all of the junk that gets in your way" 1 week ago:
This pleases me.
- Comment on Do you think the US will actually log its national parks? 1 week ago:
I’ve honestly never heard of this. Could you link me to an article or something that I could read to learn more?
- Comment on Why do people give their unwaivering support to autocrats? 1 week ago:
No excuse has been inane enough for Democratic partisans.
- Comment on Why do people give their unwaivering support to autocrats? 2 weeks ago:
Agreed, partisans in the US are very culty.
It’s odd to write this sentence, but it’s observably true: Both sides nominated an old man in clear, public cognitive decline in the last election. They all just ignored it and made excuses, but our eyes work, and we saw it. It’s wild that lacking a brain that works is no longer a dealbreaker for the vast majority of Americans.
- Comment on Just watched someone walk their cart all the way to the corral at the back of the lot rather than back to the store that was much closer. 2 weeks ago:
They were probably getting some extra exercise. For some people, just increasing light activity is their opening strategy for getting fit.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
All the more reason to stop voting Democrat and pull the lever for the Green candidate instead.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
Thank is the way.
Richard Nixon was great at weaponizing taxes against windfall profits to the benefit of the people.
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 3 weeks ago:
It’s who we are.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 4 weeks ago:
LOL, no.
I want the US to succeed. I don’t give a fuck who’s in charge, and it’s exceedingly silly to me to watch people saying “I told you so” in this political climate, when the Democrats saw their coalition shrink considerably and you all need to find a way to get those votes back.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
You’re welcome. You’re going to do great. :)
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
Ah, didn’t mean for my advice to seem disparaging in anyway, so I apologize if that seemed the tone of it.
Luckily, as others have mentioned on the thread, there’s a ton of great resources online to help you out. You’re going to do great, and when your son is older, he’ll be grateful that you took the time.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
I think the two big things I have to add are:
Don’t let the church educate your son on these things.
Don’t say nothing.
If you’re unsure about talking to them about these things yourself, seek out a man you trust, talk to them about it and make sure your values align, and then talk to your son about them together.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
You can gaslight yourself all you want, but you can’t gaslight me. My eyes actually work.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
It only seems recent because you’re young and not aware of the history of the term.
Did you miss that moment when Elon Musk did two Nazi salutes, in public, at the inauguration, and no one did anything about it?
This isn’t a “they’re calling everyone Nazis” moment. The Nazis are calling themselves Nazis and making it a public-facing symbol of the power they’ve gained.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
It’s not a new thing, and while I don’t think it can be easily distilled into a social media reply. I’ll do my best.
This has been a 40-year process, beginning with Ronald Reagan and continuing incrementally with every president since, including Obama unironically. (Remember how he crushed Occupy and ignored Ferguson and legalized torture on New Years Day?) It’s become stronger as people have become poorer and more willing to not give a shit about the quality of our country’s leadership. Now every person not only has personal biases, but a computer in their pocket constantly telling them everything they think is correct and actively angering them. Hitler would have creamed himself at the thought of being able to dictate social media algorithms.
If people can’t afford to feed their kids or see a doctor, they’re not going to give a shit about fascism, and no matter who we elect, most people can’t afford to see a doctor and adequately feed their kids.
- Comment on Regarding a US Government Shutdown: What's stopping Musk from continuing to fund DOGE with his own money and continuing to tear apart the government while all the federal workers are put on leave? 5 weeks ago:
Where have you been the last three weeks?
- Comment on Regarding a US Government Shutdown: What's stopping Musk from continuing to fund DOGE with his own money and continuing to tear apart the government while all the federal workers are put on leave? 5 weeks ago:
The funny thing is, when Biden had Congress people were making this same excuse.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
They’re trying, which is honestly kind of cool, especially right now. His social media feed is doing its best to reinforce the worst notions about trans people and it’s probably taking effort for him to consider other perspectives.