- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 4 days ago:
Number 7 100%
- Comment on Answer: 6 days ago:
- Comment on Answer: 6 days ago:
I don’t get it
- Comment on Asking the important questions. 6 days ago:
Farting in jars is dangerous business. You don’t want to end up like that lady from 90 Day Fiancé do you???
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 1 week ago:
This was a viral clickbait thing a few years ago. It only existed on twitter and Facebook and Instagram and thankfully I haven’t seen it turn up again any time recently lol no one actually cooks like this, even here in America
- Comment on Baby face next to name 1 week ago:
It must be a website thing, I can’t see it in either Jerboa or Boost
- Comment on Baby face next to name 1 week ago:
I don’t see any kind of face next to your post
- Comment on Should artist be allowed to use AI vocals if producers don't play actually Instruments? 1 week ago:
Any song fully created by AI should be required to be labeled as such. Like in the writing credits it should say “all instruments and vocals created by AI, no actual artists were involved in any part of its production”
It should also be noted in the songs title so no one listens to it by accident
A song fully created by AI has no artistic merit and exists solely to generate income for someone with no actual musical ability.
- Comment on Tommy Lee Wallace makes a call to his agent (c. 1990) [Day 101] 1 week ago:
- Comment on Flatbread 1 week ago:
It’s just one of the included options in the default photo gallery app that came with my Android phone. There’s a bunch of stuff for editing pictures already in there
- Comment on Flatbread 1 week ago:
Yeah, that was a real chore. Took me a whole 10 seconds 😰
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
In what context? This question is far too vague to give you any sort of useful answer, which I’m guessing you’ve done on purpose. If you want to start an argument just come out and say what you mean instead of trying to bait people with these oversimplified questions that have no real definitive answers.
- Comment on what’s the deal with nicole? 2 weeks ago:
I have no idea who that is. The fact that I don’t see any posts by them means I probably blocked the profile because they were making massive numbers of posts.
Why don’t you just block Nicole?
- Comment on Why is electricity not part of the classical alchemical elements? (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water) 2 weeks ago:
In antiquity people probably considered it a form of fire since anything struck by lightening tends to burn or at least get extremely hot? Or possibly they saw it as some combination of wind and fire maybe?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Was there supposed to be a video? I I think you’re getting down votes because it’s just a still image.
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
Maybe? This came from 4Chan so it’s very possible it could be entirely made up lol
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
Anon is a Butt Wizard I think is what you meant
- Comment on Anon doesn't hold back 2 weeks ago:
This immediately made me think of Gareth trying to flirt by talking about his skill at card games lol
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 127 comments
- Comment on Anon has a reputation to uphold 2 weeks ago:
I’ve always thought that porn was good lol I was just making a point about the very silly website they sent me to.
You guys seem to be rather obsessed about it though, which should be a cause for concern.
It’s not good to obsess over anything 😉
- Comment on Anon has a reputation to uphold 2 weeks ago:
So, I went ahead and looked up the founder of your little website there… None of his theories were ever backed up by any legitimate science and according to his bio he refused to allow himself to have an orgasm even when he had sex with his wife lol
If anything the link you shared has convinced me even more that pornography is healthy and perfectly normal when used in moderation.
Gary Wilson was mentally ill and all of his theories seem to be centered around a bizarre delusion he had that men should never experience pleasure
- Comment on Anon has a reputation to uphold 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Am I a bad artist 😂? 2 weeks ago:
Show me some of your art and I will be happy to give my opinion
- Comment on Anon demands satisfaction 2 weeks ago:
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
That seems like sacrilege. I don’t think I would ever go somewhere that charges extra for mustard on a burger
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
I have never once paid a fee for using a card to buy pizza. Is that a thing where you live?
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
Since I posted this I guess I’ll throw in my two cents…
As a customer I kind of agree with Anon in that it’s just a sauce cup, and hardly worth ringing up a whole separate transaction for
As someone who has worked for a giant souless corporation I kind of agree with the employee in that someone somewhere is keeping track of those sauce cups. They put in an allowance for what they call “shrinkage”, but if enough sauce cups go unaccounted for someone from corporate will happily fire everyone in the store and replace them within 24 hours.
I think real point I’m want to get across here though is that Domino’s sucks. They’re pizza is gross and it gives you heartburn almost immediately, and their garlic sauce tastes like shit.
Support your local pizzaria 👍
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 63 comments
- Comment on Anon has a reputation to uphold 2 weeks ago:
I’ve always wondered who those shots are for lol who’s watching straight porn to see an extreme close up of a dudes butthole? There must be a market for it since that shot is in like 35% of all porn videos