- Comment on Real 5 days ago:
I’m making an informed decision! It’s a bad decision, sure, but it’s an informed one!
- Comment on Erasure 6 days ago:
That’s the republican playbook. Do everything you can to destroy the government, and then point at the rotting corpse that’s left as evidence that government doesn’t work
- Comment on When it's driving you crazy because you can't open the window 1 week ago:
Cropping a farside comic to poorly remove the signature is a new level of shitpost lol
- Comment on Autoplay videos are cancer to me 1 week ago:
I don’t know what app they’re from, but I’ve definitely been sent videos that are the way you described
- Comment on I liked Star Trek before it got woke. /s 3 weeks ago:
Lower Decks is my favorite Star Trek since DS9. When it came out though, I was super against it. Didn’t think Paramount had any right to be making fun of Star Trek after Discovery season 1. You can tell Lower Decks is made by people that love Star Trek though.
This last season, they did a classic audience-the-Klingon-High-Council episode, and when I saw it, I exclaimed to my fiance, “Yes! I love Klingon bureaucracy episodes!” and then later in the episode, there was almost that exact same line
Strange New Worlds has been finding their feet too. We got a courtroom episode on Augment rights, that really felt Star Trek, and they’ve had some original stories as well that I’ve really loved, like Among the Lotus Eaters. There have been a couple episodes I haven’t been a fan of, but what Star Trek hasn’t had those?
If you’re open to it, I recommend giving both shows another chance!
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Launched in 1995, the brand takes its name from the original location of Costco’s corporate headquarters in Kirkland, Washington.
- Comment on All drugs should be legal. Even space heroin. 3 weeks ago:
Give me a cup of Mek anyday
- Comment on Phoenix Labs (creators of Dauntless and Fae Farm) just laid off most of their dev team 3 weeks ago:
I played it back when it was free before Monster Hunter Worlds came out, and it was great then!
- Comment on Achievement unlocked? 1 month ago:
I read an article recently about how Yellowstone rangers are pretty good at dealing with traffic jams like this, because they happen so often in areas where there are bears
- Comment on Can astronauts jerk off or toss the troff in space? Would their heart monitors would show it to be elevated? Or can or has any two astronauts ever had sex in space? 1 month ago:
Technically it’s in the upper atmosphere 🤓
- Comment on The future of Blu-ray is looking bleak (and that's a bad thing for everyone) 1 month ago:
I fully agree with this. I’m sure the prices are so high to get people to use streaming services or online rentals like Amazon does. At $30/disk though, that’s enough that there isn’t a single piece of media I care enough about to preserve physically. The ones I care the most about are also television shows, so that’s even more expensive. I have nothing but gratitude for the people that are out here buying these disks, and saving them for the rest of us.
I mostly consider physical media to be merch when I buy it
- Comment on The future of Blu-ray is looking bleak (and that's a bad thing for everyone) 1 month ago:
I will still want all my media in my house, in a machine I own, instead of having it stored in a server somewhere.
If what they’re talking about does happen, that would just be personal preference. If you own the media, you can store it wherever you want, be it on your own machine, or on a cloud service if you desire
- Comment on fake it til you make it 1 month ago:
Forget ponds, I prefer a coastal ecosystem in the upper coastal intertidal zone between land and open saltwater or brackish water that is regularly flooded by the tides.
- Comment on Morning Blast 1 month ago:
Working from home, I regularly clock in on the toilet
- Comment on Palworld Lawsuit 1 month ago:
Every game borrows from other games’ ideas and mechanics
It’s not only games, this is just straight-up how art works. Culture develops over time. Of course capitalism had to get a middleman in there lol
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 1 month ago:
Now that’s an unpopular opinion
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good: The gaming industry spent billions pursuing the idea that customers wanted realistic graphics. Did executives misread the market? 1 month ago:
Turns out you have to make a good game too. Who would have guessed?
- Comment on Hypothetically, if some mysterious force started to jam every radio frequency, how would modern day society adapt to this? 1 month ago:
We better not run out of whales then
- Comment on If you begin the Voyager episode "Spirit Folk" at exactly 11:49:35 on New Year's eve, Ensign Harry Kim will kiss a cow as the clock strikes midnight. 1 month ago:
You could try it at 11:49.35 tonight, and report back
- Comment on Boxing Day Status Update 1 month ago:
Wait, really? I thought it was the day servants got off to have their gift exchanges
- Comment on Tawny Newsome Says Live Action Star Trek Workplace Comedy Will Explore Life Outside The Federation 1 month ago:
I’ve wanted an Outside the Federation show for a while. I hope they bring back Cassidy Yates. More Maquis would also be sick
- Comment on Appreciation 1 month ago:
The thing they appreciate most is how cheaply you did it all for
- Comment on If someone murdered me, how long would it take (if ever) until they catch the murderer? 1 month ago:
Could even be a copycat using the opportunity to get their manifesto in the news
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
So the answer is just to buy a lab-grown diamond, and then tell everyone it’s real, because once the poors have it, it won’t be cool anymore
- Comment on It be like that sometimes 1 month ago:
I do this too! I otherwise don’t listed to music at all, but when I need to be somewhere, it’s the best way to keep track of time
- Comment on ‘Lower Decks’ Series Finale “The New Next Generation” Review, Plus Mike McMahan Interview 1 month ago:
Strange New World, despite being a prequel, is a great place to start. Deep Space 9 is also really good for learning about Star Trek, and it’s probably the best written overall. You could also watch a Best of the Next Generation marathon. I’d recommend that over watching the whole thing, because TNG really shows it’s age sometimes.
The most important thing to remember is that most Star Trek shows take a little while to get off the ground. They usually find their feet around season 3 (that’s when Riker grew his beard).
- Comment on ‘Lower Decks’ Series Finale “The New Next Generation” Review, Plus Mike McMahan Interview 1 month ago:
You misundstand me. I’m probably one of Enterprise’s biggest fans. It’s just not what I’d recommend for someone getting into Star Trek. It’s tone is different, and the roots of the franchise aren’t easy to see if you don’t know to look for them. I wouldn’t recommend Discovery as a first show for the same reason. Strange New Worlds though is an excellent option.
I’ve actually personally been getting a friend into Star Trek through Lower Decks and DS9. Once she was hooked, telling her there was a Lower Decks crossover in SNW got her onboard there as well. Now we’re kind of watching everything simultaneously lol
- Comment on Is there another term for crafted, interactive activities besides games/video games? 1 month ago:
I’ve been thinking about this recently. Video Game is becoming such a broad term as technology progresses, and the number of people engaging with them is exploding. I expect, soon, we’ll see distinct interactive arts defining themselves. For now, interactive arts is what I’m going with
- Comment on Yea it's kinda cool and all, but when is XANA gonna make it's appearance‽‽ 1 month ago:
Code Lyoko. The symbol was the “face” of their AI villain
- Comment on 'Sonic the Hedgehog' Dodged Every Curveball Thrown at Hollywood to Become a Hit Franchise 1 month ago:
For the film’s director, Jeff Fowler, there was only one thing to do: win back that trust, and do it fast.
“The fans needed to know that they were being heard, and they needed to hear that from me,” Fowler said about a tweet he sent out just two days after the trailer was released: “The message is loud and clear… you aren’t happy with the design & you want changes. It’s going to happen.”
Why is this so hard for other businesses to understand? Just listen to people and make what they actually want, stop trying to trick them.