Amen 2 months ago
Turns out you have to make a good game too. Who would have guessed? 2 months ago 2 months ago
Turns out you have to make a good game too. Who would have guessed?
Amen 2 months ago
Good games don’t automatically sell, on the contrary. Your average Ubisoft open world slop is “good”, but that’s not enough. Even very good, exceptional games don’t automatically sell. Game development is inherently risky. Large publishers tried to game the system by making “safe” bets, by offering spectacle in combination with tried and true mechanics and narratives. This worked for a long time, but due to changing market conditions, the core audience for these types of games getting tired of them and younger gamers not caring about the presentation, these publishers are spending more on a shrinking segment of the market.
The problem is that they maneuvered themselves into a corner. They have built huge, art-heavy studios in expensive cities to make large games that bring in large sums of money that finance this costly development. You can’t easily downsize this kind of operation, you can’t easily change your modus operandi after having built entire companies around it. I’m convinced that this will result in the death of most large publishers and developers. Ubisoft is only the start.
Why should EA, Microsoft or Sony fare any differently? Each can only hope that enough of their major competitors die so that they don’t have to fight around the same segment of the market anymore. They are all fundamentally unable to meaningfully capture the P2W and Gacha markets (same thing, really), especially in Asia, a segment where companies that were built to serve these types of games are truly at home. Those will slowly take over, until they too are too large and bloated to respond to changing market conditions - or until some event outside of their control, like a major conflict and/or economic crisis, wipes them off the map, paving the way for someone else entirely to lead the industry. The only thing that will remain constant is millions of small Indies fighting for scraps, with a tiny handful having the right combination of luck and skill (although mostly the former) to make a decent living. 2 months ago