- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
So anon blames an entire country for their shitty life choices?
I don’t remember the last time I ate fast food. I’m sure when I did, it was nothing like this - oh, it still sucked - but all I got was a burger and iced tea.
Though I completely agree restaurant portion sizes are insane anywhere. I akways get 2 meals out of a “serving”, often 3.
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 2 months ago:
Immodium/Limodil is your friend.
- Comment on Is road or rail more expensive? 2 months ago:
Plus the final mile from the rail to destination.
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good: The gaming industry spent billions pursuing the idea that customers wanted realistic graphics. Did executives misread the market? 2 months ago:
- Comment on I’m Tired of Pretending Physical Media Isn’t Still Better Than Streaming Digital 2 months ago:
Not to mention the pollution
Have you done a study of physical media vs all the infrastructure and maintenance required for streaming?
I feel like we really don’t know which is worse/better.
- Comment on I’m Tired of Pretending Physical Media Isn’t Still Better Than Streaming Digital 2 months ago:
I rip my dvd’s to use on my media serve, they then go in a plastic, water-resistant container stored in a dark, cool storage area.
- Comment on NYPD arrests migrant who allegedly set woman on fire on subway train, watched her burn to death 2 months ago:
Oh, Ffs, an illegal alien set a woman on fire and burnt her alive, and you’re going to use this kind of bullshit argument?
Get out of here.
Fox is the only marginally not full-on leftist propaganda, and even they aren’t an actually conservative news outlet.
- Comment on San Francisco hires ‘fat-positive’ body image expert to work for health department 3 months ago:
Ya know, we should bring back fat shaming. MOOOOOOOO
- Comment on How do I host a site for sharing notes for peers? 3 months ago:
Check the self-hosted communities, this is a regular discussion there. I use OneNote and would like to get away from it, but every solution is a mixed bag.
A couple options off the top of my head:
Silver Bullet A note-taking app that supports linking. You’d need to host it on a VPS (that’s the simplest approach for your use case, I’d think, with any shared app).
OneNote As students, you probably get Office 365 for a major discount, and honestly OneNote is hard to beat. It syncs to each machine, so everyone has a full copy of a given notebook at any time. Sync is robust, and very slick, with things like showing Author, updates, etc. I do recommend the full OneNote desktop app and not the Windows App nonsense, because the desktop app doesn’t require OneDrive to sync between computers, (though it can use a OneDrive location). To share a notebook on a LAN, you just share the folder it’s in and other machines will sync through the share (I’d create a user just for the notebook/share).
One benefit of a notebook being on OneDrive is the ability to sync to mobile devices (Android and iOS have OneNote apps), and sync doesn’t depend on other devices being online.
To make things easier, you could setup two accounts on OneDrive: a primary account that you manage with the initial notebook(s), and a “user” account that you share your notebook with and then give everyone the credentials for. This will make it easier for others to use, since they won’t have to setup a OneDrive account. You’ll only need to provide a 2FA key for them on initial login - the app will retain the credentials.
I have a love/hate relationship with OneNote. I’ve used it for 15 years now, I’d find it hard to supplant, but I really dislike being tied to a proprietary format, and especially requiring OneDrive for mobile device sync.
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 3 months ago:
“Excuse me”?
Blank look. Shrug, turn around, go back to reading.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 3 months ago:
Dammit, this should be the top comment.
- Comment on Motivational, inspiring 3 months ago:
- Comment on how do you separate your clothes and linens to avoid fabric degradation and bleeding? 3 months ago:
I don’t.
And haven’t for 30+ years. I also wash everything on cold (my cold water is about 65°), and use the shortest cycle.
Minimal drying time at low temp.
The only time I separate is when theres something new - that will get washed once by itself or with like colors to ensure the dye is set. And I avoid washing reds with whites.
- Comment on How do I make a domain account on Windows have administrative privelleges to use a particular app? 3 months ago:
Windows security model is predicated upon the user. So apps get the security context of the user that launched it.
- Comment on How do I make a domain account on Windows have administrative privelleges to use a particular app? 3 months ago:
The physical security/life/safety/property world has some of the worst security management.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Dude, we’re all mutts.
- Comment on As a nurse, Can someone explain to me how a person OD'ing on Fentaynol can get not one but two Narcan shots and still not come to? How much Fent do you need to use to get a tol that strong? 3 months ago:
Yep, other conditions, other medications, who knows? And each person is unique.
As I understand narcan, it more assertively binds to the same receptors as opiods like fent, effectively blocking the body’s response.
But if it’s been long enough, the body has already reacted to enough of the first drug, so the second (narcan) can only do so much.
- Comment on How is this Amazon ad anything BUT a trick to get a 7 year old child to get their mitts on dad's phone and charge his credit card $13K in two clicks? 3 months ago:
No 7 year old should have dad’s access code/password.
They should also know to not touch dad’s phone.
Would you let them use your work PC? Drive the car? Play with a Leatherman?
- Comment on Why don’t more people start profit-sharing companies or co-ops? 3 months ago:
Why do you like chocolate?
If it’s what you want to see, then you should go do that.
- Comment on 'I want to acknowledge that we messed up': NZXT addresses concerns about its controversial Flex gaming PC rental program and commits to taking action 3 months ago:
Their lawyers wrote, reviewed, and approved the contract.
This is what most people, who’ve never worked for a large business, never seem to get.
As an employee I can never say anything about my company unless I want to be fired. For people farther up the chain who have responsibility for making public statements, everything is first vetted by the legal team.
Hell, at times we peons are given stock responses to give to certain questions.
- Comment on When putting bullets in a gun does it not leave a fingerprint on the casing? If so why do criminals where gloves before loading their gun? 3 months ago:
Do we know whether criminals do/don’t wear gloves when loading?
What are the stats on casing fingerprints tying someone to a crime? Are they really that useful or are they a secondary piece of evidence (I genuinely don’t know)?
Also, “criminals” is a large bucket. Are we talking about the average gang member out shooting his rivals probably with a stolen gun that may have been loaded by someone else, then ditched afterwards, or sold? (IIRC, gang shootings comprise something like 85%+ of all shootings).
- Comment on What happens when a prominent person is assassinated and the perpetrator cannot be identified? 3 months ago:
I’d say not just cops, it’s more which power brokers are involved and need this contained.
Cops are low-influence actors in such cases. They’re as railroaded as the accused.
- Comment on Are there any actual free programs that clean up all bloat ware on a new laptop? Without them putting hidden stuff in? 3 months ago:
What OS would be helpful. I assume you mean Windows.
If running Home, that’s half the problem. It’s got more crap than Pro, and lacks support for Group Policy. If you can run Pro, it’s a bug help.
WinDebloat on Github works very well.
Even better is to use the LTSC (Long-term Service Channel) versions of Windows. These already have almost no bloat, and won’t break stuff from updates, because they only get security updates twice a year. No monthly feature updates.
The LTSC link above also has activation scripts, provided by microsoft.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
He’s an outside observer, and spot on.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Wow, nice assumption.
- Comment on Why did the first people to settle in very cold climates decide to settle in such a harsh climate? 3 months ago:
Yep, following food.
Or, it wasn’t as harsh when they first appeared. I mean there was the Little Ice Age in Shakespeare’s time, where the Thames froze over. If you took that as a sign it was becoming permanently like that in London, what would you do? It’s not like you have somewhere else to go that you know it’s better (or hell, where anything is).
People in the 20th century easily forget how little knowledge the average person had even 100 years ago. Hell, even the information the wealthy had. Just a couple hundred years ago a globe of the earth was practically priceless. They were still a luxury in the early 20th century.
- Comment on if you're the kind of person not to burn bridges when leaving a toxic job or toxic coworkers, why? 3 months ago:
All risk, no reward.
- Comment on Why do we use the term Ban when it's temporary? Why not the more accurate, Suspension? 3 months ago:
No, it doesn’t imply anything, you’re inferring.
Definitions are written to be clear. Anything beyond that is the reader’s inference.
- Comment on if you do a physically demanding job and end up with sore and painful legs, does it help to jog after your shift? 3 months ago:
Running is different than walking, kinesthetically. I’ve had lower body injuries where walking was painful, but running wasn’t, docs weren’t at all surprised, expected it actually.
Also you’re getting everything moving by running. Exercise like this (using the large muscles) also triggers a hormonal shift (I forget the details), and you’re triggering some anti-inflammatory processes.
- Comment on Welcome to Big-D 3 months ago:
What’s infuriating, the stock photo of people touching a whale, which I seriously doubt is happening in Dallas?