Fox news is faux news
NYPD arrests migrant who allegedly set woman on fire on subway train, watched her burn to death
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Comments 2 months ago 2 months ago
Are you claiming that a Guatemalan illegal alien did not set a sleeping woman on fire? 2 months ago
Oh, Ffs, an illegal alien set a woman on fire and burnt her alive, and you’re going to use this kind of bullshit argument?
Get out of here.
Fox is the only marginally not full-on leftist propaganda, and even they aren’t an actually conservative news outlet. 2 months ago
And yet, you all continually post things about how a migrant did a bad thing. I wonder why that might be…
Its blatantly obvious this is just bog-standard fear mongering. Did someone do a bad thing? Yes. It isn’t any different from any other terrible thing done by a human being. Your disingenuous faux pearl-clutching just makes you look bad 2 months ago
Fox News has been a cancer for American politics. That does not mean everything they report is false. 2 months ago
This actually surprised me. Whenever I hear about a crazy story from the NYC subway I assume it’s a homeless citizen with some sort of drug issue at fault. 2 months ago
OK, now let’s compare: over the last 12 months, how many American citizens murdered somebody? And how many illegals?
And yet we seem to mostly hear about it when immigrants do it, rather than the constant stream of good old American my country is of thee murders, God bless 'em.
We should realize that leftists and liberals and conservatives are all victims of the propaganda machine. 2 months ago
The conservative position is quite simple: nearly every murder that is done by an illegal is potentially preventable if the borders are properly secured and we are actively deporting illegals when the opportunity presents itself. There would be very few exceptions to this - the very occasional overstayed visa murder, for instance.
Of course we have to put up with the insane levels of crime in the US from local citizens, but illegal immigrant crime is also substantial, and thus it is completely valid to go after it… It’s really a two birds, one stone situation. 2 months ago
Well I’m afraid I don’t understand the conservative position on citizen criminals. It doesn’t seem to get much discussion here at all. Of course I also want Americans to be safe and secure, everybody can agree on that.
However it seems foreign criminals get brought up so often, it is as if our domestic criminals are less important, because I don’t see any news articles posed in here about that. Why so much focus on one and not the other? 2 months ago
Illegal aliens committing crimes on US soil are preventable, if they wouldn’t have been let into the country and allowed to stay they wouldn’t commit the crimes. The spotlight for illegal alien crimes is similar to criminals getting their sentences commuted or released and then committing gruesome crimes.
Further setting another person on fire is noteworthy regardless of the immigration status of the perpetrator. 2 months ago
Eh. When it comes to New York a lot of the crime we hear about is from citizens. The guy Daniel Penny had to subdue for example was a citizen.
For all the types of violent crimes you’ll hear about illegals committing, they don’t usually happen in the New York subway. I’m still surprised this was an illegal rather than a citizen. 2 months ago
Yeah, New York isn’t close to the border and they don’t have a lot of illegal immigrants.