- Comment on nuked from orbit 13 hours ago:
Divorced dad
- Comment on Just Saying 1 day ago:
You’re just as bad as nazis for claiming you don’t like nazis /s
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 2 weeks ago:
I literally had to tell people libertarianism fails harder and faster than communism was getting weird stares until I told them about the book “a libertarian walks into a bear”
I still look like a raging communist but idc
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 4 weeks ago:
The mechanism is the three branches of power providing checks and balances and voting. But when the people elect them to all three branches. It kinda defeats the purpose
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 5 weeks ago:
Because our empire is dying
- Comment on JeSUS 1 month ago:
Books, because he loves looking down on us
- Comment on A majority of migrant workers employed with H-1B visas are paid below-median wages: Large tech firms, including Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, use visa program to underpay workers 1 month ago:
It’s not left vs right it’s up vs down
- Comment on NYPD arrests migrant who allegedly set woman on fire on subway train, watched her burn to death 1 month ago:
Fox news is faux news
- Comment on It's true 2 months ago:
The ceo killed more people than the shooter. So all murderers matter to you?
- Comment on The last thing Brian Thompson saw before he died 2 months ago:
5 days to go 4 hours away?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Bulletholes are actually a preexisting condition. Claim denied.
- Comment on Poll: Majority of Americans Say Sex Change Surgeries for Minors Should Be Illegal 2 months ago:
Guns are a problem and they literally kill kids everyday. So you shouldn’t have a problem with REAL solutions right?
- Comment on Poll: Majority of Americans Say Sex Change Surgeries for Minors Should Be Illegal 2 months ago:
Go out side and touch grass. This isn’t a real problem
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
It’s gotten worse. I don’t bother eating any of it because I make better food at home.
- Comment on What is Trump going to do to social security since he is now going to be president? Just wondering because my mom gets SS and she does not want me to support here? 3 months ago:
He’s promised not to touch it. But this guy’s not gonna fix it either.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
Facism is a reaction to the institutional failures of capitalism brought about by many scholars. Mainly brought about by the working class left behind looking for a change to the system.
Places in history where it happened
italy (1920’s) voters wanted a stronger economy with trains to run on time germany (1920’s) voters wanted a stronger economy without a destabilization of currency
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
Facism is capitalism in decay. America just proved that the decay is rapid.
Liberal institutions just paved the way for facism to take root.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
Some children really did get left behind
- Comment on Several NYC theaters aren’t screening ‘Reagan’ movie in what Republicans are calling ‘liberal bias’ censorship 4 months ago:
Just remember to properly gender your mister potato head for your kids
- Comment on Several NYC theaters aren’t screening ‘Reagan’ movie in what Republicans are calling ‘liberal bias’ censorship 4 months ago:
A maga republican
- Comment on You're not you when you're dooming. 4 months ago:
Covid commercials in a nutshell
- Comment on a few centuries 4 months ago:
More like decades
- Comment on Arizona Democrats fret about discovery that coud see rigged election 4 months ago:
You probably don’t even own a Honda civic making “unrealized gains”
- Comment on Arizona Democrats fret about discovery that coud see rigged election 4 months ago:
You’re anger is valid. You’re missing what the underlying connection to why you can’t afford a home.
It’s not democrats or Republicans. Your boss pays your salary.
- Comment on Arizona Democrats fret about discovery that coud see rigged election 4 months ago:
Dude give it up, conservative values just aren’t popular
- Comment on We lost Keanu 4 months ago:
I’m OK with this dickhead claiming the things he’s claim but he doesn’t have EVIDENCE just speculation.
That’s what’s frustrating
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 5 months ago:
Google, show me my biased opinion
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 5 months ago:
If the company makes products the workers can’t buy, then who buys the products?
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 5 months ago:
source: trust me bro
- Comment on Illegal voting by noncitizens is rare, yet Republicans are making it a major issue this election 5 months ago:
You want to claim fraud to get the RIGHT people to void