Trump has admitted he rigged the election 5 weeks ago
The mechanism is the three branches of power providing checks and balances and voting. But when the people elect them to all three branches. It kinda defeats the purpose 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Trump has said that Elon “knows those computers better than anybody … And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide”.
First of all, we know that to be false because we know Elon doesn’t know shit about computers. But, aside from that, there are multiple possible interpretations of what he meant, anything from “Elon rigged the election” to “Elon ensured the integrity of the election”.
My policy is “Don’t believe anything Trump says about anything”. I don’t change that policy when he says something that I want to believe is true. 5 weeks ago
Wanna see a letter from several computer science PhDs to Kamala Harris presenting plausible evidence that MAGA hacked the voting machines? 5 weeks ago
That’s not what that letter says. It says that operatives may have gained access to the software used to count votes, and if that happened they may have been able to probe that software for weaknesses.
What it doesn’t say is that there was a subsequent, second breach of the voting machines in which doctored software was then installed.
It’s like someone gaining access to blueprints for a bank vault. Yes, that theoretically lowers the security of the vault, but it doesn’t prove that a bank heist has taken place, just that a heist is more likely to be possible now. 5 weeks ago
Where did you hear that? 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
This is insane… But also his discourse is so incoherent that one could argue he was being sarcastic or something. 5 weeks ago
Also Benjamin Franklin said that he believed constitution should torn up and redone every 30 years. We shouldn’t even be using it 200 years later. 5 weeks ago
Are you ready for some tearing up and redoing of constitution now? 5 weeks ago
No, I’m ready for something else though are you? 5 weeks ago
I’m flattered, but I’m not in the mood right now. I’ll be in my corner worrying about constitution redoings… 5 weeks ago
Sure, you’d end up with at least two countries because many states would just refuse to join the new republic. 5 weeks ago
Let’s go crowd sourced, a la Iceland. That truly opened my eyes to the political possibilities in the Internet age… If only big corps didn’t make all the decisions. 5 weeks ago
Do you really want to do that now knowing who would put an autograph there? 5 weeks ago
Exactly, that was my point. 5 weeks ago
I know about Jefferson and his 20 year automatic sunset phase for laws at all levels, except for Constitutions, charters, and other founding documents that can be amended. Hadn’t heard that Franklin wanted to sunset the Constitution itself as well. Not sure that we would have lasted this long if Franklin had gotten his way there.