- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 3 weeks ago:
Brb, I gotta go take a Brontosaurus.
- Comment on Anyone ever look at pictures of themselves as a child and feel no connection to them? 4 weeks ago:
I don’t intend this to be flippant, but have you considered therapy to talk about why you feel this way?
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 5 weeks ago:
Where did you hear that?
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 1 month ago:
I see you’ve met my dad.
- Comment on If Trump loses the election and flees to another country to avoid his sentencing in his (multiple) lawsuits, does the Secret Service have to go with him? 5 months ago:
“Yes comrade, that’s right. He’s telling us that the country is ovverrun with woke transexual alien criminals that are eating all of the household pets. Yes…yes I tried asking for the nuclear codes, but he just started rampbling about a radical lesbian liberal agenda and now he’s talking about China and hamberders. Comrade, he won’t stop talking about Nancy Pelosi and Obama and now I think he’s trying to sell me his ugly golden sneakers…”
- Comment on Is martial arts really that useful? 5 months ago:
English may not be their first language. It’s okay to cut people some slack sometimes.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 5 months ago:
What are quoted strings?
- Comment on Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys? 5 months ago:
That’s cool. More boob for me then.
- Comment on How do you ask for a haircut? 5 months ago:
“Like it is now…only shorter.”
- Comment on How do you ask for a haircut? 5 months ago:
“Listen, dentist. You asked me what I wanted my teeth to look like and I told you. Several rows of razor sharp shark teeth, pronto.”
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
I haven’t seen the movie. How does it depict make sexuality as inherently dangerous?
- Comment on Why do people around me tend to increase their responsibility load (i.e. have children, become a manager, do charity, etc.) while I (30M) try to avoid it as much as I can? 11 months ago:
Some of us like to poop in the sand box as well.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Plenty of time to read.
- Comment on Does anyone drink instant coffee anymore? 1 year ago:
What’s dalgona?
- Comment on Can I build up immunity to cold temperature? 1 year ago:
If you were only wearing a t-shirt, I’m betting people were more shocked at your lack of pants than your tolerance for the temperature.